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Everything posted by Michelle_NC

  1. I don't think its just for public schools - this is from the Career & College Promise handbook (the dual enrollment program in NC) and is written for all students whether they are in public, private or homeschools. Q: Will the CCP students receive weighted high school credit for completing college courses? A: All college transfer courses receive weighted (honors) credit, CTE courses, in general, are not eligible since they are not transferable. Q: Do community college courses that count for high school credit count as a full credit or a partial credit? A: College courses count as one (1) full high school credit. However, when a course sequence is required to meet content standards for a graduation requirement, the full course sequence must be completed to ensure students are eligible to graduate. Q: Do courses in the college transfer or CTE pathway count as advanced placement (AP) courses for credit purposes? A: No, pathway courses count as honors courses for credit purposes.
  2. Dual enrollment is a great way to extend high school years without it seeming like a punishment. We considered extending dd's high school for 5 years so she could finish an AA degree, but are waiting til we get closer to the end of her senior year to make a decision. She's bright but not particularly adventurous about leaving the nest, so I've put it out there as an option if she's not ready to go away to college. Honestly? I think some kids will feel held back and some will be grateful for the extra year of childhood. It really depends on your child.
  3. In NC, each CC course counts as a full HS credit and is weighted as an honors course, not AP. So interesting how it varies from state to state!
  4. She's taken several Bible classes and is interested in studying for the World Religions DANTES test. It will entail quite a bit of self-study but I don't plan on giving tests or teaching it to her. She has the textbook and study guide. She also wants to take the College Algebra CLEP test after she finishes Algebra 2 through our co-op this year. I seriously doubt that either will result in college credit (at least in our state) but she wants to try it anyway just for the experience.
  5. Just curious about how others put a CLEP credit on a transcript if your student hasn't taken an offical class. DD is doing a self-study. Would you convert the score to a grade or just list it as and extra accomplishment? Thanks!
  6. Just saw this article about a change in how AP grades will be calculated. I'm curious if homeschoolers with feel compelled to follow suit or stay with the current method of calculation? http://www.newsobserver.com/2014/08/08/4057256/nc-reducing-credit-for-taking.html
  7. http://www.abtech.edu/content/transfer-advising-center/comprehensive-articulation-agreement
  8. The UNC school system signed an agreement with the community college system in NC that specific classes will transfer with no questions asked. This is fairly recent ... I want to say January of this year?
  9. Here's a 10th edition Religions of the World book for $4.54 and free shipping on eBay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Religions-of-the-World-with-Sacred-World-CD-ROM-10th-Edition-/221509045031?pt=US_Texbook_Education&hash=item3392f7cb27
  10. This might be old news, but DSST (similar to CLEP) offers a test for World Religions: http://getcollegecredit.com/assets/pdf/dsst_fact_sheets/DSST_IntroductiontoWorldReligions.pdf They suggest the following for test prep materials: 1. A History of the World’s Religions, 12th Edition, 2008, David S. Noss, Prentice Hall/Pearson Education, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, vig.prenhall.com. 2. Religions of the World, Tenth Edition, 2007, Lewis Hopfe and Mark Woodward, Prentice Hall/Pearson Education, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, vig.prenhall.com.
  11. CLEP just recently changed their refund policy - you can get your $$ back up to 7 days from the time of purchase (if that applies to you). http://clep.collegeboard.org/changes-refund-policy-clep-exams-and-study-materials
  12. If you have specific schools in mind, I would urge you to meet with the admissions office to see if there's something in particular that they would like to see on transcripts from homeschoolers. We received some really good advice from HPU and changed a few things as a result.
  13. We met with the admissions staff at two colleges before making the decision to move our daughter from a prep school to homeschooling. Both said that it helps to have 3rd party validation, but not necessarily a traditional school. This is one that we met with: http://www.highpoint.edu/admissions/homeschooled-students/
  14. If you want her to take the cc class, my suggestion would be to show up for the first class and ask the instructor to add her if someone doesn't show up. Odds are that several will drop the class and never attend.
  15. With a graphic arts background, she could freelance once she had children - and could work at home! I worked for an ad agency awhile back and we relied on freelancers during busy periods. They were paid well and only committed to particular projects.
  16. Another option ... she could major in one and minor in the other. Is she stressed/depressed because the path she feels led to go down is being blocked?
  17. Savannah College of Art & Design: https://www.scad.edu/ Click on the Programs link on the left - each program gives examples of career paths.
  18. My advice would be to do what you love and the career will fall into place. I have a friend who completed a law degree, decided she didn't want to practice and eventually went into conference planning. Her law background is invaluable in evaluating the contracts. I have degrees in English and Psychology and ended up in marketing. My brother got halfway through medical school before deciding that wasn't what he wanted to do and he's now a very successful pharmaceutical rep. She may not know exactly how it will play out, but an art education is invaluable when it comes to design, marketing, nonprofit arts organization, anything dealing with art museums or galleries, art directors, photographers. She could create images for stock photography companies or do web design. The possibilities are endless.
  19. The General Education Requirements for our state universities only require one math and Geometry is not specifically listed (although the consumer math touches on it a bit). It would be a shame to miss Geometry entirely because its something that's used by most people on a daily basis and requires a different type of reasoning.
  20. Does she have to take Chemistry this year or could she wait until 11th to do the Honors Chemistry? She'd be further along in her math by that point.
  21. 1" binders for each subject and all old tests/papers/notes/homework are put in a box in case we need them later. They aren't filed or organized - just stacked in a plastic storage tote. We have one for each year.
  22. My daughter's school used the BJU Heritage Studies books in Middle School and I'm not a fan. If you're open to other options, she used this book for US History and actually enjoyed it (I did too!): AMERICA Past and Present by Divine, Breen, Frederickson http://www.amazon.com/America-Past-Present-1877-9th/dp/0205699944/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1407193715&sr=1-4&keywords=america+past+and+present There are two volumes and hers was the AP version.
  23. It's the standard honors society for high schoolers. They have local, state and national conferences plus other events during the year. My daughter has gone to their leadership conference for the past three summers and really enjoyed it.
  24. It worked!!!!! My dd was a member last year at her traditional high school and I was sad that she wouldn't be able to stay in as a homeschooler. :hurray:
  25. Has anyone see this? Just saw it on a local homeschooling board: -------------------------------------------------------------------- FYI!!! Big News!! The National Beta Club now allows homeschoolers to become members!!!! Take a look! You only need 5 to charter a chapter... OR you can join National as a single homeschooler... http://images.betaclub.org/marketing/exhibit%20schedule.pdf
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