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Joyful Journeys

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Everything posted by Joyful Journeys

  1. Oh thank you! OhE that sounds really cool, I'll have to search on that.
  2. Yes we have tablets galore (those wonderful grandparents I mentioned) so I can easily load up books for my oldest in iTunes. Dd2 was actually diagnosed as a preschooler with auditory processing disorder. She made such strides though her teachers at the specia Ed prek felt she didn't need to be there. She's come up a lot indeed, we can understand about 80 % of what she says but his test brought that all back to my mind, that she has a hard time processing what we say. She absolutely hates audio books. I imagine because it's a garbled mess? I have to get super super animated during read alouds, and she has to be all in to even remotely pay attention. She will actually cry, "please no more!" She's much younger though, so it is probably fine to just let her be.
  3. Ah I see what you mean, thanks! He made it seem like her case is mild and that this should be all she needs. I guess time will tell. She'll start in two weeks. I'm trying to stop my wheels from spinning and just decide what to do. Im looking at LiPS/Barton now, and thankful I screened dd5 so I don't waste any time with her too. I think for the next 3 months we'll just do math (dd8 loves it and does well) and I'll read as much as I can to them.
  4. VT doc suggested 12 weeks which from what I'm reading seems to be on the lower end? I do think I'll ask about a modified schedule since we can do a lot of work at home. The screener gave me some places to call and one office is our network so I'll start with them. From friends, I've heard that our county isn't very good at all about evals so I'm not going to bother. We'll find a way to get it done, may have to ask grandparents to help out, they are wonderful. At least I know now for sure I'm not crazy, that something is amiss and the work we have done is probably the only way DD8 is reading at all yea?
  5. I think audiology is needed for both of my girls. I gave DD8 the Barton screening and she did not pass task C. I'm just floored. She was so tired toward the end. She even failed task B (missing 2 rather than 1, even missing the same word again after she had done several right) though she's clapped syllables just fine before. I did it with my 5.5 yr old and she could not remember enough of what I said to do task c at all. I just want to crawl under a rock. But goodness I'm glad we homeschool.
  6. My DD8 had a reading screening today. She was quite frustrated and is clearly having a hard time. It's nice to have that validated by a professional. Any who, she recommended going ahead with a psych eval. One thing really struck me that my daughter has never done with me before. Perhaps I've never asked the right questions, I usually just have her narrate back to me. She read a passage about a family going on a trip. They were going to stay in a hotel. She misread hotel as "hall". When asked later during the comprehension portion, where the family was going to stay after the first day of their trip she said, "the hall...the hall...what's it called...the hotel." So she somehow came up with the word, even though she didn't read it. When she read hall during the passage, she didn't stop at all even though it didn't make sense. She also misread parents as "presents" the entire passage and many other things. She has been evaluated already to have convergence insufficiency. However, with these types of mistakes where she's continuing even when what words she's chosen do not make sense mean something else is definitely up? I'm having a hard time convincing my husband to have a psych eval done, despite the recommendation we got today. He thinks we can just go back down a level and hit it hard with flashcards and such to get her up to grade level.
  7. Oh yes, she can comprehend way above her level. Her auditory skills amaze me. We're reading a Wrinkle in Time and she making connections with imagery and such that I don't even put together! And oh wow, that is downright amazing about her compensation. That was just about a year ago that she would say that she saw two of her tablet in the car or something else about an arms length away. We just saw a regular doc who brushed it off "one eye is just a little lazy, make sure she takes breaks if she is tired" and sent us on our way. I told her to always tell me if it got worse and after a while she said it stopped altogether. Totally fascinating how the brain works, I'm happy to be on a path to fixing this!
  8. I hear you, I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I'm reading overcoming dyslexia and in some ways it's nothing like her and in other ways very much so. Since we're chatting in two threads, I'll leave this one be lol. This vision thing may be the ticket. Thanks so much OhE!
  9. Story girl, thanks for that perspective! I have to get a referral from her ped too before the np will see her, so I'm hoping to get that done before Christmas to keep things moving. It does make sense to get an appointment with the wait time. OhElizabeth, the distance changes yes but the size too? We can zoom in so it's very large. I'm sorry I don't really understand vision things at all.
  10. Thank you so much! I've wondered a lot of were simply not doing enough and, she needs something hands on after all or something more systematic. But I just don't know what to do. We tried AAR 1 in K and after 6 months nothing was changing...just endless CVC words that never moved to meaningful stories. I think we started to early but I digress. She hated the tiles, hated but maybe it's because it pushed her more? That was 2 yrs ago, so I don't know that I can even use that experience now. I'll look into the app. I've got her reading everyday now and not just her words list and gosh it is hard to hear her guess, skip words, add sounds, lose her place, and not even realize anything is wrong even if it doesn't make sense. Great tip about math, she read the number 237 today as 23. She used to only mix up 12 for 20 but now it's much more frequent and more numbers. You've been a great help, I'm skeptical too of throwing lots of money to the wind, but she has complained of double vision in the past, though no longer, so I think there is something to the vision thing and I can't in good faith ignore it. If it's simply that making her so tired while reading, I'd like to nip it in the bud.
  11. They don't have any openings until the new year, so we planned to start then. Still figuring out how to pay for it..sigh. It's funny, I put her reader on the tv...a huge screen and she almost does worse? I'm getting mixed signals so idk.
  12. I've been reading nonstop for a couple of days. I've seen mentioned a few times that if you suspect dyslexia, stop having the child read out loud until they have begun remediation. Is that correct? Up until now we've been using Reading Lessons Through Literature (og based) so we do 10-20 words a week going over phonograms and spelling rules. She reads 2-3 stories from the Elson readers. I let her read whatever she wants otherwise. She's often not willing anyway, but at bedtime she may choose a bible story, Frog and Toad (her fave) or something else she knows well. She's going to be screened at a local private school for kids with LDs in early Jan and meanwhile I'll be going through the steps to get a full eval later. She's seen a covd doc who recommends therapy for 12 weeks for convergence insufficiency. So, no more reading for now? Of course I'll keep up read alouds I do and audiobooks. TIA ladies.
  13. Thank you so much for your thorough reply, it hits on a lot of thoughts in my head. I'm making her an appointment right now for vision. I had her regular eye exam with this same office and chose them because they do vision therapy too, so hopefully they can get her in soon since she is already a patient.
  14. I wish I had seen this two years ago :/ . Though her abilities seemed well within the range of normal. She's clearly hit a wall now though, and thank goodness we are already using an OG method to teach reading so she has pretty decent decoding skills.
  15. For the OP, do you have an update to this? How is your son doing now? My daughter is 8 and it's incredible the similarity between your description of your son and what I'm seeing with her. I too, think that since she can read slightly under grade level, the local school wouldn't help. I have all the same question ls bout what to do first, she's never had any testing done before as I've always read to wait until the magic age of 8 to worry. So here I am, worried :/.
  16. I did not know the Mead journals are discontinued!! Yikes, I may buy a big 12 pack they are totally perfect for our needs.
  17. Yep! I just looked on Amazon and it appears it was published in Nov 2013. It wasn't out when this thread was started.
  18. The home instructor guides are for primary math starting in 1A. You don't need the guide for the K levels as the conceptual instruction is right on the bottom of the page (at least for Essentials). Dd doesn't mind the lack of color, many exercises have her coloring and she can do math with eraseable colored pencils ;)
  19. I didn't wait. My now 5 yr old still has zero interest in history. She may paint or something if that's the activity were doing but she didn't connect any of it to anything else. She most likely won't really be interested until 1st and we'll be on vol 3. At that point we can evaluate pausing for some state study or more intense geography work etc. I just really don't care about the schedule lol. The purpose is to just give them a love of history, a sense of where they fit in the world and that things haven't always been how they are. Same with science, they're not going to really get it in any sort of deep way until their math level increases. I'm totally fine with just exploring nature and following rabbit trailed as they ask questions. We're doing BFSU next year, just so I can have a bit of framework to introduce things.
  20. I've not read this but see it recommended often. The Core Knowledge series "What your kindergartener needs to know" and so on for the grades. My K kiddo is doing Essentials B and Miquon leading up to 1a which I agree could perhaps be better suited for an older K or 1st grader. We started with that after my DD7.5 went to K for half the year at 6. The HIG showed me how to present things conceptually before taking any books out which I love. This past year at 4 I didn't require any formal math at all for preschool.
  21. I think the HIG is worthwhile even in 1A. It sounds like you're unsure of math in general, and you need something that talks to YOU about where the curriculum is going and the goals you should be looking to achieve. The textbook gives you none of that. No schedule, no mental math, nada. Since you already have it, I'd start there.
  22. I agree here. I truly love that it tells me "don't move on until they can do x" or "its ok to move on if they can't do x, just keep practicing". I like that it gives me a view of what's ahead so I understand fully why they're only teaching this certain portion of a topic. I love that it gives me the actual language I should be using. Getting my daughter to say it's 3 hundreds, 5 tens and 2 ones rather than just saying 352 is something I would not have known to do and it's huge for reinforcing place value. It even tells you what order to do some of the textbook problems in, often not exactly as they are presented. Perhaps by the second or third time around teaching this, I'll feel it's not necessary but being brand new to this style of math and homeschooling in general, it's been invaluable.
  23. So you skip most of what makes Foundations what it is, as you just need writing of spelling lists and phonograms. That's exactly what RLTL is, certainly a solid program, it got my daughter reading and now it's transitioning to more of a spelling focus as she increases fluency.
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