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Everything posted by WoolC

  1. I’ve had luck with Orly Bonder base coat + regular Essie + Seche Vite top coat https://www.amazon.com/Orly-Nail-Bonder-Treatment-0-6/dp/B0019TYZ66/ref=sr_1_1?crid=KJCDQFQMKGKK&dchild=1&keywords=orly+bonder&qid=1604102572&sprefix=Orly+%2Caps%2C219&sr=8-1 https://www.amazon.com/Seche-Vite-Fast-Nail-Clear/dp/B00150LT40/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3R8JFI41K668A&dchild=1&keywords=setch+vite+top+coat&qid=1604102794&sprefix=Setch%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-2
  2. I don’t have any other safe dishes to add, but thank you for sharing. I changed out my dishes to my mom’s 1990’s Willow Churchill England china back in January. I’ve been meaning to check them for lead and it kept slipping my mind. I did a google after seeing your post and found out they tested 40,000+/-1,000ppm for lead.😱 DS and I just ran to Walmart and bought 2 sets of white Corelle. We have had too many new neurological symptoms this year to play around with lead dishes. Hive mind for the win! ETA: What does one do with a full set of lead china? I’m not one to display and not use either. 🤔
  3. My kids are struggling immensely. They’re on the autism spectrum and have always struggled with anxiety and social skills. After having an abrupt stop to their extracurriculars and Church I don’t know if I’ll get them successfully engaged again. We’ve literally lost years of progress. In addition to that, they both had a severe virus in March (before tests were available, no clue if it was Covid) which set off a downward spiral of extreme behaviors and intrusive thoughts. We’ve been through 6 months of psych med trials with nothing but horrific side-effects including a life-threatening allergic reaction to show for it. I’m fairly confident that we’re dealing with PANS/PANDAS or some other Autoimmune related disorder, but our doctors just keep pushing us to psychiatric meds.
  4. I'm actually researching now trying to figure out my next ukulele. I purchased this one https://www.amazon.com/Ukulele-Beginner-Mahogany-Hawaiian-Instruction/dp/B076KFB49J/ref=sr_1_5?crid=11KRH3FJBMG4Y&dchild=1&keywords=kmise+ukulele+soprano&qid=1600204058&sprefix=kmise+uku%2Caps%2C225&sr=8-5 and I would say it has been excellent for the price. It has some nice features that more expensive models don't include like closed gear tuners and the strap button. It definitely sounds like a real instrument and not a toy. I did buy it on a whim though and I had no clue how much I would love playing. In hindsight, I probably should have spent a bit more upfront to get something nicer. If you're not sure if you will play long term I'd say the kmise would be a great low risk choice. I'm looking at concert size Kala and Cordoba ukes now for a step up but they are still considered beginner ukuleles. https://www.amazon.com/Cordoba-Guitars-15CM-Ukulele-Concert/dp/B0041OT5MU/ref=pd_lpo_267_t_0/145-4387666-6134618?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B0041OT5MU&pd_rd_r=e079e85f-13c5-4f1c-ab1a-cea068d8018b&pd_rd_w=IyVkc&pd_rd_wg=p1ReC&pf_rd_p=7b36d496-f366-4631-94d3-61b87b52511b&pf_rd_r=2VDF4HWMRMA6DDE2F665&psc=1&refRID=2VDF4HWMRMA6DDE2F665 https://www.amazon.com/Kala-KA-15-Concert-Ukulele-Bundle/dp/B07NDPYTWY/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3I6GTUPZ19LJP&dchild=1&keywords=kala+mahogany+concert+ukulele&qid=1600204520&s=musical-instruments&sprefix=kala+mah%2Cmi%2C159&sr=1-4
  5. Agreed that it’s a matter of when, not if kids will stumble onto porn. I like this book for introducing the topic with kids. It led to some good conversations with my kids. They haven’t been exposed yet, but we have a comfortable vocabulary for talking about it when they come across it. https://www.amazon.com/Good-Pictures-Bad-Porn-Proofing-Todays/dp/0997318732/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3EKUWAVQBQF18&dchild=1&keywords=good+pictures+bad+pictures&qid=1600044699&sprefix=Good+pi%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-1
  6. This twitter thread contains several of the clips with scenes I mentioned above. I hate to post it because it really is disturbing to watch. https://twitter.com/GhostJim4/status/1303771909356650496?s=19
  7. I’ve watched several clips, but not the whole movie. It’s stomach turning and it does cross the line in my opinion. This is really not just about some racy dance moves. I’ve never heard of QAnon outside of these forums this week and I’m no conspiracy theorist. Are we really ok with this: 11 year old girls slapping one another’s butts repeatedly during suggestive dance and simulating grinding/sex Girls tugging at each other’s clothing provocatively during these scenes An 11 year old removing her pants and panties to take a picture of her vagina to post online Performing sexually suggestive dances for an audience of two male security guards to get into a blocked door A group of girls watching pornography on a smart phone to imitate the moves contained within A girl revealing her bare breasts during a dance routine Girls coaching one another in biting their fingers, posing sexually, etc to post content online For once, I really do think it’s as bad as people say it is. Maybe the context of the film casts these things in a negative light, but the pre-pubescent girls that were filmed were exploited plain and simple. I don’t see how this doesn’t violate some laws. The ends don’t justify the means.
  8. I hesitated to post it as a frivolous purchase for the same reason. I’ve asked dh for a second ukulele for my birthday coming up. Addictive little instruments aren’t they?! 😂
  9. I impulsively bought a ukulele at the start of quarantine and I’ve learned to play The Beatles and Jack Johnson songs over the past few months. Huge stress reliever and so much fun!
  10. We’re 2 weeks in here, with lots of tweaking already. Our biggest wild change has really been in my perspective more than anything else. I’m trying really hard to meet each of the boys where they’re at and to let go of all the pressure I put on myself. DS11 is having some writing success with WriteOn prompts and he’s giving me some solid written narrations through coding animation projects. We’ve had 6 years of oral narration refusal so I’m calling this a big win. Math looks like math antics videos, mind benders, puzzles, games and practice problem worksheets with Minecraft graphics (why this magically makes math tolerable I don’t know, but I’ll take it!) We’re getting a good 2 hours a day of reading aloud on the couch from literature, history, science and geography books. Still working on independent reading motivation. His fluency is good after working hard at Barton, Dancing Bears, etc but he still hates to read. He is getting some reading in through the coding and games too. DS9 is normally my easy going kid academically, but I guess he’s hitting the age of pushback. I’m still in the process of figuring out what’s going to work for him this year. Right now we’ve settled on just doing a couple of pages in a CTC Language Smarts book each day, and some math. Today I had him start reading a Landmark biography and report back with a couple of sentences and clip art on google docs. He also joins us for our read alouds.
  11. Agree that masking should not be the goal. I’m really not familiar with the IEP process as we’ve homeschooled, but goals we’ve had for my kids include learning tools for emotional regulation, lowering anxiety through various methods, sensory regulation, building interoception, scaffolding executive functioning, remediating academics, etc...basically we’ve tried to remove barriers to their health and success in whatever way we can. This has never included trying to make them look NT. I don’t get the insistence on eye contact? How is it relational or joyful if it causes pain for the autistic person? It seems like an easy thing to accept to me. I feel like I cannot accept seeing my child struggle with anxiety, insomnia, food disorders, etc...for those things we fight for answers and intervention. I can totally accept that my child is more comfortable relating to others in a way that looks different, that he needs to stim, and he prefers quiet, calm spaces. These are non-issues for us.
  12. Yes to the bolded! I just discovered the thread last night and was so surprised and excited to see how the conversation had turned. I love geeking out on theology. I vote pre-incarnational Christ in the fiery furnace. I’m guessing you already taught the Sunday School lesson this past Sunday? I hope it went well 😊
  13. I wanted to add in one more thought that explains why these small distinctions are so important to Lutheran theology. Luther himself was tortured by his conscience and doubts about his salvation. I have heard this described in terms of monergism (God alone works our salvation) vs synergism (we cooperate with God to effect our salvation). I haven’t heard the Calvinist points used in strictly Lutheran theology before, though I could be missing something there. Anyway, insisting on monergism was so important to Luther’s theology because it’s the only way for the troubled conscience to have peace. When the focus is on our response, decision, works, or commitment we are turned inward, examining ourselves. “Did I *really* mean it when I prayed that prayer?” This is why you have some people accepting Christ over and over again, as though it “didn’t take” the last time. As someone who struggled with scrupulosity in my old tradition, I can’t tell you how big the difference is in Lutheran theology. All of the self-questioning stops. So, that’s where all of this matters, practically.
  14. Forty-two is doing an awesome job breaking all of this down, forgive me jumping in here, and please do add in or correct me wherever necessary! I’m Lutheran as well. I think where we part with Armenians is the language of choice. Lutherans believe that when someone is saved it’s wholly due to God and His means of grace. The picture is of those who are dead in their trespasses, they can’t grab the life preserver being tossed down to them unless they are brought back to life first, which is totally dependent upon God. When we embrace salvation it’s only through the work of the Holy Spirit, not of ourselves. The main concern here is giving God 100% of the credit for our salvation. I have seen talk in Lutheran circles of decision theology, alter calls and the sinners prayer as a type of work. We don’t equate faith with a choice, but instead see it as a gift received. On the flip side, we do believe that one can reject the gift and that we are responsible for that choice. I liken it to being born into a family, there’s nothing you did to be part of a family, but you can choose to walk away, cut ties, etc. Another key difference that makes all of this click is that Lutherans are sacramental. The preaching of the Word, Baptism and Eucharist effect salvation for those who hear, receive and partake. I grew up Baptist (Armenian and Calvinist churches) and the focus was on revival, decisions and commitments. I became Lutheran several years ago and I’ve never heard a sermon entreating anyone to make a decision, say a prayer, etc. The emphasis is on the mercy of God and receiving His gifts through Word and Sacrament instead of any action we take in response. Personally, I am a universalist (all shall ultimately be saved through Christ). Though that is not the official position of the Lutheran church it has been a natural outgrowth of Lutheran theology for me. I hope this has helped to clarify a bit and not muddled things further!
  15. Layers of Learning has YouTube playlists that correspond with each of their units. There are vetted videos for history, science, geography and art. https://www.youtube.com/c/LayersofLearning/playlists
  16. I really hope 9-11 is the worst here, too. If it gets any worse than the past year I don’t know that we’re going to survive it! The boys are only 18 months apart and they get caught up in one another’s moods very easily. As soon as I get one on the upswing it seems like the other is going off the rails. Thanks for sharing about the OT and VT. Hopefully we can look into it soon!
  17. Your description of sensory stuff triggering rage does sound a lot like my son. Our local OT isn’t well versed in sensory issues. We wasted a year with her for my oldest. There is a SIPT certified OT in the next town over but they’re not seeing anyone in office due to COVID so we’re limited on that for now.
  18. I haven’t watched the show yet, but I plan to check it out soon as I keep hearing really polarizing reviews. Issues I’ve heard mentioned by the Autistic community include relationship coaching by neurotypicals for a relationship between two autistics can be seen as infantalizing, as well as parents of autistic adults discussing their children in front of them as if they’re not there. In regards to autistic parenting, I’m a neurotypical parent to autistic children who relies on the help of autistic adults to better understand my kids and meet their needs. The picture I get is that autistics are generally great advocates for trying to understand and respect children’s needs as so many of them have trauma from not receiving this kind of treatment as children. I’m not saying there are never issues or problems to solve, but no more so than with neurotypical parents.
  19. Yes, this is definitely the case. The aggression, hyperactivity and anxiety feel so urgent, it’s where my focus has been. He stims and has a special interest in empty milk/juice cartons, he absolutely struggles with transitions and doesn’t respond when spoken to half the time among many other things that are just like a blip on the radar compared to the rage. I haven’t really taken stock and put the whole picture together. I’m feeling a bit ridiculous to have missed it honestly.
  20. Not currently, but I have noticed major aggression issues with ds9 when he took Benadryl in the past and wondered about that.
  21. Seems rather obvious, doesn’t it? Seriously, I haven’t done this for him, I’m missing the forest for the trees....so I just checked and yep, he’s got every single one. The description of level 1 social communication and repetitive behaviors describes him very well. I think I’ve been conflating a lot of ds11’s struggles with Autism instead of differentiating between neurtotype and comorbid issues. He (Ds11) has eating struggles, insomnia, selective mutism, severe anxiety, rituals/compulsions, etc. so ds9 comes across a lot less complicated, but really, he does tick the social and repetitive/restrictive boxes with ease. In addition to that, we already adapted our lives around ds11’s needs so that ds9 has always been in inclusive environments and had so many supports built in right off the bat. Thanks for bringing me back to the basics here!
  22. Yes, and we do supplement those. We tried 5htp briefly in March but I don’t know that we ever got the dosage right. We never saw any improvement. We are having limited success for hyperactivity with guanfacine (tenex) but it’s far from where we need to be emotionally. The elephant in the room is definitely bipolar at this point if it turns out he’s not Autistic, but our psychiatrist isn’t going there at this point with so many Autistic traits present.
  23. Yes, the psychiatrist thinks that Autism might explain his explosive behaviors and sensory issues. He has also had atypical adverse reactions to SSRIs, stimulant and non-stimulant adhd meds, which makes her think he may be Autistic. She’s really trying to open the door to Abilify and Risperdal as far as FDA approval is concerned with an Autism diagnosis. I’m not sure I’m comfortable going to those meds for him right now either way though. I’m really questioning this from a place of curiosity. I’ve tried to accept each of my kids where they’re at and go from there. The way I understand and support ds9 won’t really change as I’ve always tried to take his needs as an individual into account. If the root is Autism vs adhd, sensory, and anxiety (which he will still have either way) we’ll continue to do what we need to do for him. I do think having an Autism disgnosis would help extended family who tend to expect more of ds9, while they’re very understanding of ds11’s difficulties.
  24. Oh, he does fine with the expectations of both classes. I was commenting more on social and speech interactions with the different peer groups. When the scout boys gather and talk amongst themselves, he’s more likely to hang back quietly, he seems to miss out on some of their social cues. This could be chalked up to the fact that the other boys attend school together and have a common way of talking that ds just doesn’t have, or maybe more. At our homeschool class there are plenty of autistic, adhd, sensory, and typical kids. They’re a diverse group and ds is very comfortable with them. He joins in conversations enthusiastically and doesn’t look any different than the other kids in that group.
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