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Everything posted by MysteryJen

  1. Good morning! We have another lovely day here- though it will be windy in the evening. Just going alone- more of the same. Scout- I hope you will love Crime and Punishment! I did and my dd1 loved it as well. She and her best friend in high school- spent an entire practice discussing it when they were at the wall. The coach actually read it after that practice! coffee/paper electronic chores clean kitchen weed/check garden may finish with transplants today more general clean-up read a little Not sure what else needs to get done Have a great day!
  2. Good morning! Interrupted sleep last night- so I am moving slowly this morning. Not sure what is on everyone's plate today- more school, reading, etc. We decided to go ahead with the addition- which seems insane maybe- but dh has no idea when he will be back to the office and this is hard on everyone. I feel like I have no mental space at all... coffee/paper weed/water move some plants school with ds3 check in with dd2- she has a friend we are worried about check in ds1 eating out of fridge tonight- leftovers, some thawed pizza dough- random things Have a great day!
  3. Good morning! Another beautiful day. dd1 and ds3 are going to pick up donuts to celebrate dd1 finishing her 1L year. ds2 is up and trying to coordinate two group projects that are due today. dh is on a bike ride. I am on my first cup of coffee. coffee/paper laundry- sheets- started clean bathrooms some odds and ends in the house meeting with architect- initial budget time in garden read leftovers for dinner? Have a great day!
  4. So if you guys have aspiring lawyers- the Supreme Court is meeting over teleconference today. Yes, it is on in my house. #too many lawyers in the kitchen
  5. Oh dear, Scout! I hope your power gets back on soon. We had rain last night. The sun is out this morning and everything looks so dazzling. Not too much going on today. Dd1 has her last exam. The other kids have school. I have to get some cleaning done. coffee/paper weed/check garden clean kitchen (in between dh's calls) laundry bathrooms dust main rooms Not sure what else today Have a great day!
  6. Ds2 had a bike crash- all scraped up- but nothing broken- bones, bike or phone. He is super tough and always wears his helmet. Still, falling is no fun. Dh and ds3 are doing the shopping. The girls are relaxing after a day of lounging in the sun, studying and yoga.
  7. Good morning! Cool and wet this morning after thunderstorms and a suprising downpour- washed away some seedling- so I guess, I will try again. Not too much going on- some kids studying, other kids hanging out. coffee/paper check calendar/bills time in the garden/weed read a little keep up with laundry- started a load keep up with cleaning Have a great day!
  8. Good morning! It will be a cool-ish day today with some storms this afternoon, I think. Not much is on the schedule for today- ds2 has loads of work for next week. coffee/paper general clean up some time in garden- might move some seedlings into planters maybe some time in sewing room-have a few things to do- waiting on some fabric right now read grocery store- I think Have a great day!
  9. Good morning! dd1 has an exam- she is using a room at my mom's house- for good internet (that no one else is using) and quiet. Not much else is going on today.. dd2 has to finish all her work- she has two weeks left. ds2 has about the same- I think he has papers due next week. ds3 is moving along. It will be warm and sunny today- in the 80s. coffee/paper time in garden school with ds3 laundry- started general clean -up bathrooms Have a great day!
  10. Good morning! Today might venture into hot weather for the first time this spring. I have a couple of errands today. coffee/paper discuss addition with dh weed kids up and working home depot pick up dog food work outside read a little figure out dinner (pasta salad?) Have a great day!
  11. Good morning! Today is dd2's 18th birthday! Not sure when the celebration will be- probably with dinner coffee/paper make cupcakes work in garden frost cupcakes school, etc cleaning, etc Have a great day!
  12. Huh. For my senior dd2, teachers have been largely absent and doing as little as possible. Except for the absolutely tone deaf assignment for college prep English 12 of "writing a graduation speech." For a ceremony that has been moved 3x and still might not take place. While my daughter was weeping and writing, I was enraged. Not impressed at all.
  13. Moved three plants- four to go. cleaned the kitchen irritated at my teens and the late nights- noon wake-up. They need to go back to training.
  14. Good morning! It will be another beautiful day here. Dd1 has another final, ds2 has some things due, and the rest just need to get the stuff done. I am planning some more things in the garden and I am trying to start up the weeding schedule now- while it is manageable. coffee/paper- the wrong paper was delievered- so I guess I will read online time in the garden- transplanting more plants, weeding make sure everyone is up and working maybe a nap- could not sleep last night read a little get out the fans from garage and clean them put the screen door in general clean-up and bathroom touch-up Have a great day!
  15. Spent the day in the garden. Showered and now I am relaxing with a book. Not sure what dinner will be or when.
  16. Moved 3 rose bushes and am watching the movie with ds3
  17. Good morning! Another beautiful day here in the 70s. I plan to be outside most of the morning. ds3 and I have to start watching his assigned films (always the last thing- I don't know why my kids are so resistant to watching movies- probably because it means the next thing is papers due!). Dd1 is starting finals this week- so she is busy. coffee/paper transplant a few things other garden things watch film with ds3 clean up house not sure what else Have a great day!
  18. Good morning! I have been out already- planning things for the garden. We have decided to go ahead with an addition- mostly because dh is probably going to work from home at least 50 % of the time for the next year. So I have to move a bunch of plants and re-think where stuff is going to go. coffee/breakfast- having a late breakfast now take care of the seedlings-done dd1 and I are going to get things for dd's birthday next week more time outside- it will be in the mid-70s today read a little clean the house a little- enlist some help get ready for the week Have a great day!
  19. Good morning! We are starting on a stretch of really nice weather and summertime temps at the end of next week. It will be great to get some of the plants in the yard- and hopefully some of the frozen plants will start to recover. coffee/paper check in with ds1 clean bathrooms laundry- started general clean-up- we have a better routine for that going on right now not sure what else is going on- I am always the last to know spend time outside Have a great day!
  20. I read that title as Hubby turned 30 today.😀 And I thought- way to go, PrincessMommy!
  21. For me, the point of life- what makes it more than just existing- is the expression of the gifts and the talents you have that are unique or God-given to you. By using and developing your gifts, you can bless the people around you and glorify the Creator. I always think of the scene in Chariots of Fire when Eric tells his sister, "He also made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure." The one scene in the movie that made all my kids weep. This is why so many of us have a heart for the unmoored young people in our house- they are just at the point of life where they are finding the ways they can develop their talents. I don't see whiny, entitled young people- I see people who are stymied in their attempts to find that for their life. And telling someone to take up a new hobby or a class is absolutely tone-deaf to many, many people. And for those of us living with musicians, dancers, athletes- *That* is what they are missing. The feeling of doing the thing they were born for, the sense of pleasure in their work and expression of a God-given gift. And honestly, very, very few people have had any compassion for that. Most seem to almost enjoy telling them all the ways they won't be able to do those things again. The world is a lesser place without the full range of the gifts granted to the human race.
  22. Good morning! Friday- and a few things to do today coffee/paper kids up and working clean bathrooms laundry go to store maybe- depends on the list update calendar and check bills not sure what else Have a great day!
  23. Good morning! We are going to have another lovely day ahead of us. Lots of time outside for everyone. coffee/paper check bank, bills girls will shop for their grandmothers I will shop for the family, plus deposit some checks walk the garden, check the seedlings read in the sun not sure what else Have a great day!
  24. Good morning! Another day of a full, online-working house. coffee/paper clean kitchen- the dishwasher was full last night- we need to get on a better pattern of running it recycling out figure out some returns not sure what else leftovers for dinner Have a great day!
  25. ds2's online classes have been fine. Not for him, as he despises learning this way- but he agrees the professors have done quite well. dd1 (and her classmates) have found that online is not a good substitute for in-person learning in law school. And as most of them are footing the bill- they are pretty cranky. Her largest class is 30 people. Nobody lives in a dorm- tuition is shockingly high. They would like to see better instruction for their money. Regarding sports- If football can't go this fall- most schools are going to cut men's non-revenue sports as quickly and quietly as they can. dd2 is not interested in taking a gap year- that would be another year of hard training with her club team to stay in shape and online classes at home. I see that as a mental health disaster for my girl. She is already struggling with all the hard work she did to rehab from surgery with no results to show for the work. And no way to train for the last 4 weeks, plus the loss of all senior things... no good choices coming up.
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