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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Aww DS :grouphug: I understand! I failed my first time ( I stopped, looked both ways and went through a red light lol) and so didn't my DD and I think alot of people don't pass the first time. I agree with you that the instructor should have waited until they were done. I would have been a wreck, too!
  2. I bought a used set of R&S science 5 for my 5th grader. The books are titled God's Wonderful World and I was looking on the R&S web site and see there is also God's Marvelous Works for grade 5. Are both these books supposed to be used in grade 5? Also, how do you schedule these books? Do you do a lesson a week? How many days per week do you do science? Thanks!
  3. Oh, I'd love to have this too!
  4. :lurk5: I found out my library has this book and so we are definitely going to be using it this fall. I never thought of trying to match up TTC lectures!
  5. Jumping in here-If you do not need a degree, should you atleast take some classes? If so which ones would you recommend? Thanks!
  6. LOL, it does have perks! Two of the boys work at WM, so I really don't have to shop if I don't want too :D.
  7. I think this is key right there-TALK! We have always been very open and honest with our kids and we talk a lot about everything. My parents never talked to us abut anything and we were left to figure it out ourselves. :001_huh: I, too, think homeschooling plays a bit part in this. Many a day we have spent sitting around the living room having in depth discussions and I treasure that tme I have had with my kids and I hope as they get older they look back and appreciate the gift of time we had.
  8. When my 18 yo was a junior we sent him to a boarding school that was @ 7 minutes from our home and I cried for 3 weeks LOL. I completley understand and time does make it easier :grouphug:
  9. :driving::svengo::scared: I don't know if I will survive lol.
  10. Can you put a rope or saw horse type thing across the end with NO parking sign? Maybe he will get the hint?
  11. I heard that 3 are closing here. I don't know how many there are in the area though.
  12. :svengo: That would have been the end of sleep for me LOL.
  13. Here is a press release they posted: http://www.bjupress.com/distance_learning/bjhomesat/news/ We wouldn't be able to afford their other options so we wont be using BJU as planned.
  14. I know many of you supplement your math programs and I am trying to figure out the logistics. If we can't do CD or VT, I am considering LoF and TT. How would you schedule these together? Would you do both programs each day? Thanks!
  15. I have been reading all the post @ CD and VT and I am pretty much decided on CD prealgebra, but I am curious as to which program you choose and why?
  16. I was thinking of placing an order today and was wondering if it took longer than calling RS and ordering?
  17. I thnk it looks great except I would do math every day instead of 2 times a week.
  18. Here is a link posted in another thread that lines them up: http://wtmboards.com/HSboardSep052007/messages/1077.html We are considering doing the same as you're planning.
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