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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. LOL Jenny. Mine was plain white too. I don't mind hand kneading white dough, but I am no good at wheat, yet. Maybe the practice will do me good? :D I like the idea of FC for bread machines for now. I will see what happens.
  2. I'd love to be able to do jumbo batches. What I do now is make 2 batches back to back and by the time I am done the KA is HOT. Well was hot. Today is started making this awful nosie and then we smelled this awful smell LOL.
  3. I just bought a nutrimill and so far have been happy. I do think a KA is wonderful, buta gree that it wasn't meant to make loads and load sof wheat bread. I'd buy another, but only after I get a Bosch I think.
  4. I know it. We only had 5 or 6 when we got ours and I did bake, but not as much as I do now.
  5. Thanks. I will have to see if my library has the book and test out the wheat.
  6. It does get easier once you are in a routine. Hang in there ! :grouphug:
  7. That's what I have been saying and now it looks like I will "have" to upgrade :D, but what to do until Febuary? :confused: :D
  8. Do you know how much it cost? My DH bought me this one @ 12 years ago, so I have gotten my $ out of it, but we use it just about every day. Sometimes more than once a day. I can't live without a stand mixer LOL. I'd like to get a bosch or something along that line, but we wont be able to until tax time.
  9. I finally get the $ together to buy a grain mill, have been tweaking my bread recipe with hopes of selling some bread and my KA motor is fried LOL.
  10. Was this it? I think this is from hillbillyhousewife.com Brown Sugar Granola 1/2 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup water 1/4 teaspoon salt 4 cups rolled oats 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 cup dried fruit (optional) 1/2 cup nuts or seeds (optional) In a large 4 quart saucepan melt the butter and water together. Stir it well and let it simmer for a few minutes (2 or 3 minutes should be enough). Add the salt, oatmeal and cinnamon to the big pot. Remove the pot from the stove and stir up the granola. You want to coat the oats with the brown sugar and margarine, so keep stirring until everything is moistened. Put the granola onto a cookie sheet, the kind with sides. Bake it at 375° for 10 minutes. It should be a nice golden brown. Remove the pan from the oven and allow the granola to cool right there in the pan. When it is cool, break it up into small pieces and transfer it to clean coffee can, or other type of canister. Add the nuts and/or dried fruit when you put it into the canister. Serve for breakfast in a bowl with milk or yogurt. Very tasty. Enjoy!
  11. You will be able to afford much more house in Northern Maine than almost anywhere else. Keep in mind though that prices for just about everything are higher there because everything is trucked in. Gas, oil ( you do NOT want oil heat lol!) food, etc. Taxes on housing isn't terrible, but there is a 5% tax on food, clothes etc. Teachers are alwsys needed and he should have no trouble finding work, but the pay will be alot les than other areas too, which makes up for the cheap housing. I think it all equals out in the end. I wasn't happy because we never found a church home mostly. I did make a good firend in Maine and we got together a lot, but I was really missing our church. Looking back, I think alot of it had to do with home sickness and given time I think I would have adjusted. It was just so hard to leave our friends and family and move to where we knew no one. I hope I am not discouraging you, for that isn't my intent, but rather just wanted to share some things I wish I had known/thought of before we moved. We literally picked a spot on the map, DH applied and got a job and was living there within 3 weeks. It is a wonderful place to live and it was really nice to be out of the rat race, kwim?
  12. We lived in Fort Fairfield and my DH worked in Caribou until last April when we moved to AR. I highly suggest you take a few trips out there before moving. I would defiitely recommend visiting in Feb/March and spending a few days and then again in the summer to see the area. The Feb/March will let you exprience winter in N Maine. I can tell you that it gets 40-50 below with wind chill, but unless you actually exprience it you have no idea how cold that really is. I snows almost daily throughout winter, but it's not the heavy wet snow you get in warmer climates. It's a fine powdery snow that blows constantly and builds snow drifts every few hours across the roads. The weather in the spring is amazing though! There is NO humidity and it's just gorgeous from May through September, when it starts getting cold. N Maine is stunningly beautiful and I miss living among the farms, horses and open country. I loved living in a small town and knowing everyone. I miss not having ANY stop lights or traffic and just getting in the van and driving lol. I misss seeing moose and bear, coyotes, foxes and wild rabbits. You wont have mosquitos and ticks have to worry @ lyme disease, but be prepared for swams of flies. They are everywhere. Land is dirt cheap and housing in really decent, but unless your DH works in the medical field, is a potato or broccoli farmer, does logging or trucking there isn't much work and the average pay is $8 an hour. My DH's company was sold and downsized significantly. It took us a year to sell our house and we lost $15K by the time we signed papers, not counting the bills we aquired trying to survive paying the mortgage and rent. There isn't much up there to do. There is a movie theather in Caribou that has 2 screens, a handful of resteraunts and mall with 5-6 stores, Wal-Mart, Lowes and thats about it LOL. The nearest large city, Bangor, is 3 hours away and you can find SAMS, a decent maill etc there. There is a smal local hospital in Cariou, but for any major thngs you have to go to Bangor. As far as home school, they are pretty friendly and the laws are easy. You need to send a notice of intent each year and then at the year's end either do a portfolio evaluation or standardized test. You can enroll the kids for a few classes at the public school, while homeschooling, or take advantage of special services and drivers ed.There are 2 homeschool groups that I know of. One in Presque Isle that has @ 20-25 familes and one in Caribou that has @ 10 or so. Both do activities and field trips, but no co-op classes to speak of. So it does have its good and it's bad. I never was happy the 4 years we lived there and couldn't wait to move, but now looking back, I do miss some of it, and would almost consider moving back.
  13. I don't normally do anything special by way of supplies, but this year I hid all the stuff and am making them up gift bags for the first day. We also get donuts and chocolate milk and go to the play ground on the first day of public school for a "not back to school party".
  14. I ran out of honey and want to make bread. Can I use agave? Would the amounts be equal? Thanks!
  15. Thanks. He is scheduled to see the dr in 3 months so I will ask for another eeg at that time.
  16. Well we had to change plans completely LOL, so this is our new plan: We will all be using R&S 5th grade bible together. 12th: Community college writing & math IEW/TWEM for literature Economics Basic economics by Thomas Sowell 10th: Saxon Algebra II Apologia Chemistry/TTC Chemistry DVDs BJU World History IEW SWI C IEW/TWEM for literature Vocab for the High School Student Traditional Logic I SOS Spanish I Latin in the Christian Trivium I 8th: Chalkdust prealgebra/Life of Fred decimals/percents & fractions Apologia General Science TOG year 1 IEW Ancient History Based Writing Lessons R&S English 8 Apples spelling for secondary students The Thinking Toolbox Latin in the Christian Trivium I Atelier Art Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization 7th: Chalkdust prealgebra/Life of Fred decimals/percents & fractions Apologia General Science TOG year 1 IEW Ancient History Based Writing Lessons R&S English 7 R&S Spelling HWT cursive The Fallacy Detective Latin in the Christian Trivium I Atelier Art Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization 5th: Abeka 5th math R&S God's Marvelous World Science TOG year 1 IEW Ancient History Based Writing Lessons R&S English 5 R&S Spelling HWT cursive Mind Benders Latin in the Christian Trivium I Atelier Art Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization 3rd: Abeka 3 math Apologia Astronomy TOG year 1 R&S English 3-orally Barton's reading & spelling HWT/copywork Atelier Art Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization K Abeka K math Apologia Astronomy TOG year 1 Reading Made Easy HWT/copywork Kumon workbooks for cutting/pasting, mazes etc-just for fun Atelier Art Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization Preschool: Kumon workbooks for cutting/pasting, mazes etc-just for fun
  17. He took his lamictal in the morning, but no other meds. It was just a regular day time eeg, but we had to keep him uplate/wake him early, which is exactly the same as the first eeg except the first time he was on no medication.
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