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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thanks again. I do see the ENT tomorow. I think I am going to print the list I wrote above and see what he thinks.
  2. Wow, I cannot imagine! So happy for you to have electricity!
  3. Thanks everyone. I see the ENT again Monday so I will see what he thinks.
  4. Do these symptoms sounds like TMJ? My cheeks, eyes, above eyes, nose and area around my lips hurt. Very sensitive to light and can hardly keep my eyes open. Vision will be blurry. Feels like there is a lot of pressur ein my eyes. I ocassionally get head aches/pain in the back of my head near the hair line. I have very tight knots in my shoulders, neck and upper back. My face is always sore and I think i am always clenching my face muscles. I am sitting here trying to keep them relaxed and it's making me aware how much I tighten them. My upper lip and front teeth are sore. My back teeth hurt a lot. I recently went to the dentist thinking I needed a root canal cause I had teeth hurting that had fillings. He said the teeth were fine but had some wear and small cracks. I realized last night when I woke ( from the one hour of measly sleep I got) that I was clenching my jaw shut. Every now and then my jaw will lock and POP real loud and HURT like crazy. This happens mostly on the right side, which is the side my ear is ringing! I am thinking back and I am pretty sure it locked and popped the day or a few days before the ringing started. It's hard to remember but I know it was recently. Right now the pointy area of my right jaw is very sore to the touch, but I had a massage today, so the could be why. To me, it feels like I can't open my mouth very wide. It feels tight, but I am not sure if I am imagining this now or not lol. My right ear has been ringing non-stop since last Friday and the left feels plugged. Both ears are itchy. Also, for the last few months I would get a quick, sharp deep pain in the right ear every few weeks. When I talk for long periods of time, like reading outloud my throat hurts, like my "voice" is sore. If that makes sense. I don't get a clicking or hear any noise when I open and shut my jaw. Do you think this is TMJ? If so what do I do? Who do I see? Dentist? ENT? oral Surgeon? Or..? Thanks!
  5. We had our table custom made a few years back. I love it! http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Quiver0f10/574047/
  6. I was tested and found to be very low and was given the same prescription as you. I never took it and started going out in the sun for 10-15 minutes a day and took a regular Vit D and calcium supplement. A few months later I had it rechecked and it was fine.
  7. I,too, am amazed by this! From what I have been reading there is something like 60 MILLION Americans suffering from this. There is no known cure and for some lucky folks it goes away, but the rest have to just put up with it. The ones that seem to go away are medical related like taking certain meds, when you stop it will clear up, after ear infections or ear wax etc. When they can't find a cause you are usually stuck with it. I am praying the Lord removes this frome as I am NO doing well at all. I am an absolute wreck. Please tell me how to simply ingore it so I can move on with life.
  8. Did you do anything different after it started that might have helped it go away? Where you on any medication at the time that you stopped? Ear infection etc? I would LOVE for mine to simply go away!
  9. UPDATE:I went to an ENT yesterday and he thinks it's stressed inducded as he couldn't see aything wrong ith my ears. Now what do I do? I heard the more stressed you get the worse it can be, which kind of makes sense as it's the quietest in the morning. But the longer the day goes on the more upset I get @ this, the LOUDER the noise gets! HOW am I to not stress? He is going to do a high decible hearing test next week and then possibly an MRI, but he said it will most likely either go away on it's own or I will get used to it. So otherwords he has no clue. I feel completely helpless.
  10. Thanks. I have been using my son's Ipod at night but I still can't get over it it seems. I think if I could sleep that would be easier.
  11. The Dr looked at my ears on Saturday and said no wax and no sign on ear infection, but he thinks I have a snus infection. I am on antibiotics and Mucinex-D.
  12. I keep reading @ people having this start one day and have it for life. Are there people out there who have this and it goes away? I'd love to hear success stories. I am not dealing well with this at all. I can't sleep, can't eat and have lost 5#s since Friday. My heart keeps pounding and I feel shaky. I don't know what I am suppsed to do now. Ignore it? HOW? CC- Coudl you please pray for me? Pray that this will simply go away . I am really struggling with why me. I have had enough health issues in the last year that this is just too much . UPDATE: I went to an ENT yesterday and he thinks it's stressed inducded as he couldn't see aything wrong ith my ears. Now what do I do? I heard the more stressed you get the worse it can be, which kind of makes sense as it's the quietest in the morning. But the longer the day goes on the more upset I get @ this, the LOUDER the noise gets! HOW am I to not stress? He is going to do a high decible hearing test next week and then possibly an MRI, but he said it will most likely either go away on it's own or I will get used to it. So otherwords he has no clue. I feel completely helpless.
  13. Thanks. I did notice it's less annoying when there is other noise or when I am busy. I slept with my son's Ipod playing Third Day, really low. I would wake often but I was able to get some rest. Edited: I went to the Dr yesterday and he said my outter ear looked fine, but that my sinuses were probably infected. I am wondering if my sinuses can affect my inner ear? Cild I have fluid behind my ear even if he said my ear looked fine? ( Could he see the inner ear with just that light thing he used?) Both ears hurt today and feel blocked, I have a head ache and my nose is runny, but thank the Lord, only ringing in my right ear. He gave me Mucinex-D and an antibiotic.
  14. We were going to have a meet last year, but it got canceled. I was thinking/hoping we all could meet once the weather gets warmer. What do you all think? :)
  15. Hi! Nice to see you here :-)

  16. Thank you all. I am trying to stay positive, but it's hard at this point. I am just praying it's temporary.
  17. Anyone ever deal with this? All of a sudden yesterday I noticed a ringing in one of my ears and it's driving me nuts! I have had off and on sharp, deep pain in this ear for a few months but I had thought it was either fliud or a cold in my ears. The pain would only last a few seconds to 30 seconds at the most and come every few weeks so I didn't think it was an infection. Now today I have ringing in my right ear, some dull pain and it feels like their is fluid in there ( I don't know how else to describe it) and my left ear feels clogged, but I can hear out of both ears fine. Edited: After my surgery I had a few days of dizziness even with just sitting down. I am still light headed and black out just about every tme I stand. I wonder if this is inne ear related? One thing I remebered today is that when I would use my cell phone for the last few months it would hurt my right ear. Like the phone was too loud. Again, not every time, but every now and then. Now I am worried I have ear damage, but my left ear is weird too so I don't know. My sinsuses have been bugging me and I have been taking sudafed. I don't listen to loud music or any loud noise. I did have surgery last week( not on my ear) and they gave me a large dose on IV antobiotics during it, which I read today that some antobiotics cause cause Tinnitus. So now I am at a loss. I made an appontment with an ear nose throat Dr for Thursday but in the meantime I am trying to not lose my mind. I have been under a lot of stress so I am sure that is part of this too. My left eye has been twitching for days. It just seems like there is one thing after another wrong with my health and I have about had it. I am eating well, excersizing, lost 100#s+ and I am dealing with all this crap! Any else suffer from this? Any help or tips? What @ Ginkgo biloba?
  18. Thaks everyone. I basically have no pain right now, just the non-stop high pitch ringing which is awful. The pain comes and goes and doesn't last long. I might get this sharp shooting pain deep in my ear every 2-3 days and it lasts only a minute or so. I am going to go to the Dr on Thursday I just need to stop the ringing LOL. One thing I just thought of was that I had antibiotics during my surgery last week, so I don't know if I should take these or not. I should call back on Monday and see if they can take me that day.
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