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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. TOG year 2 Chalkdust Alg I Apologia Physical science R&S english 8 CLE Reading 8 VFTCR 7 IEW Medieval Writing Lessons LFC B AAS 3 & 4( review) The Thinking Toolbox
  2. My brother and his wife are infertile, yet God blessed them through Adoption. That little boy is just as much their child as if she had given birth to him. God is in control and we are to trust Him.
  3. We didn't do them at the same time, but we did each book over one semester thus doing both the chemistry and adv. chem in one year. We plan to do the same with the physics books in grade 12.
  4. Thank you all. Do you think both the physics and adv. physics could be done in one school year? He has done the chemistry with no trouble.
  5. Which program would you choose and why? My son has done Saxon for math and apologia for science and he will be doing Calculus at the community college along with whichever physics we choose. Thanks. Edited: Is physics considered math or science? I was thinking science but I am not sure?
  6. I don't want to bid ahead of time and I am going to be gone tomorrow when this auction I am watching ends. Is there a program that will bid for me while I am gone? Thanks!
  7. Could it be Bible Study Guide (for all ages)? Yes, that's what Imeant. Sorry!
  8. I have gone back and forth over a few things( well MANY things lol) but God keeps bringing me to TOG and so we are going to continue with that but keep my 9th grader in dialectic level. I plan to add a few of the R level books in over the year, but I don't think we will follow the lit assignment from TOG. I am going to purchase TTC to help us along the way. It feels great to have made a descision! Now to keep myself from looking at other curriculum! :lol:
  9. Thanks again everyone! We have registered him to take the chem AP exam in May. Now to prepare :eek:
  10. Thank you. I think two days per lesson sounds good and I like your schedule. Thanks!
  11. I am getting ready to order and would love free shipping. Thanks!
  12. or do you use just the teacher's guide? I have been looking at the web site and i am trying to see how this would work with multiple ages. What is your weekly schedule like?
  13. I was just diagnosed with TMJ and I did get a splint (which was insanely expensive!) and am seeing a PT on Monday for myofascial tension relief. The splint does help, but I wish I would have looked into less expensive options before comitting to it.
  14. If you add a Bible study in year 2 what do you use? I'd like something we can do as a family. Thanks!
  15. Can a student be accepted to the AFA without a high school sport?
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