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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I am plannng on four books for my core books to teach from and I am sure I will use other books along the way. The library has a few copies of two of these four books, but the other two they only have one copy of each.
  2. and all the books you planned on using were available at your library, would you plan on the library or would you purchase them? The classes are every other week for 8 sessions, so September through December. I am pretty sure I could renew the books to keep for the whole time. But I worry that when I do need them they wont be there or that if I can't keep the books for the whole period, then they wont be available again. It's not a lot of money to but the few books but we are trying to not spend right now and I have over spent on my school budget. Thanks!
  3. When I was battling stones Iwas told that the majority of the peopel who have stones don't even know it. They are usually discovered during an exam for something else. If the stones don't bother you, I'd leave them be. Chances are they might never cause you trouble.
  4. My 6 and 4 year olds usually have a snack before lunch but we are up early so they eat an early breakfast.
  5. 29 hours with my first. My induction with # 9 was four days before they did my C-section, but out of those 4 days not much was actual contractions.
  6. Here is our dinning room/school room: Under the white board I now have two of those three drawer clear storage things. The kids keep their day to day books inside them.
  7. :iagree: Except Danny is boring to me. I want kris to win.
  8. Anyone with experience with Saxon teacher? How does it compare to DIVE? Does it actually teach the lesson step by step? Thanks.
  9. Thanks again! We plan to eat them, we love pickles :lol:
  10. Thanks everyone! Rightnow they are in the fridge. I might try one tomorrow and see. Not sure if I am brave enough or not :D
  11. I have a 1 gallon jug of sweet gherkin pickles. My son opened them Thursday evening and put the jug back in the pantry. Good or toss? Thanks
  12. We have cats and always have had them. Right now we have 3 that are inside 95% of the time. So, yes, we are cat lovers. That cat would be put down asap if it was mine.
  13. Have you seen Susan's article "Writing the Reseach Paper"? http://www.welltrainedmind.com/tacklingtheresearchpaper1.php
  14. :grouphug: Hope you both are doing better today. Accidents happen.
  15. We planned to be done May 29th but sickness had us out all week so we will finish June 5th instead.
  16. In Arkansas we sign a waiver stating that we don't hold the state liable for our children's education and that we assume all responsiblity ( something to that effect). I called our state homeschool allaince and they confirmed this and that we are on own own as far as how many credits, when we can graduate them etc. I also called the local university to find out thier requirements for admittance and that is the minimum standard my family goes by.
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