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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Yeah. I edited my comment because I am not sure that $ is a rumour or not. I wouldn't be suprised though. Either way, family should have come first and it is sad to see.
  2. Where are the people screaming abuse like they did with Octomom or whatever they called her. They were saying she didn't have the kids best interest at heart and that she was abusing them by having them in the media etc. YES, I am being sarcastic. I am not suprised the show must go on. It's all about priorities. :glare: We watched the show once and I could not believe how she talked to her husband. The show was when the kids were @ 2? and they took them ALL to Toys R us Christmas shopping. She was screaming at him across the store. I'd have walked out , but he just stood there and took it.
  3. Luann in ID posted this recipe the other day and it looks yummy! I am thinking of making these for dinner but I am not sure what to have as a side? http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Fabulous-Zucchini-Grinders/Detail.aspx
  4. Thanks! I do feel better this morning and my son is looking forward to spending his gift :D
  5. It was for $10 and my DS was thrilled! I think that was incredibly sweet of her. I feel awful.
  6. So I gave her a card with a nice note and she gave DS a GIFT CARD! I hate these type of situations LOL. I feel like a heel.
  7. My 6 yo had DTaP, MMR and polio on Wednesday and today she woke up covered in hives. It is the only new thing I can think of. She has had all of these before and had no reaction. The only difference is when she was younger I spaced each vax out over a months time and she has never gotten them all at once like this. I wish I would have done that this time too! Coincidence or not? Do I need to worry? :confused:
  8. Tomorrow is the last day of VT and I am wondering if I should get her a gift or a card? What, if anything, do you do?
  9. This came up unexpectedly! We haven't been away with no kids in I don't know how long, I think like 12 years or so? I love having adult kids so I don't need to worry about sitters :D
  10. Thank you all and I really appreciate the prayers!
  11. Thank you all. I am going to call today and just schedule it. Get it done. gulp. OK, I called and have to call back Monday. Shucks. NOT lol
  12. After reading the root canal thread I am :eek::ohmy::crying: I have been having sensitivity in two of my back teeth and saw a dentist on Wednesday. Both have cracks in them and he is going to remove the old filling, the cracked area and fill in with porcelain. He said it wont be a full crown though ? He uses some new procedure so it's a one day process, which is a blessing. I think? I am waiting for insurance approval but it is sensitive so I don't want to wait to long. But I am SO nervous! I have to force myself to get my teeth cleaned I do no like dentist lol. What kind of pain am I looking at? Do they give gas to adults? :D Any other words of advice?
  13. Ok, so what about rod & staff english? If we are doing the answers on paper is that a violation? What about something like IEW? If we don't copy it but do the excercises on paper is that a violation? Oh, what about TOG? We copy/print the student pages? Are they not resellable? :confused: I need to understand this better
  14. Well this thread has opened my eyes too. I guess I need to think carefully about future purchases and things we are using now. I really didn't think much of the copywrite involved. I have always seen many workbooks etc on the sale boards here and other sites that I assumed it was Ok to do so.
  15. I have made an ice cream cake by crushing oreos and putting them in the bottom of a 9X13. Then top with softened ice cream, usually vanilla or oreo ice ceam. Spread a layer of chocolate syrup over the top and put in the freezer. Right before serving spread with cool whip and then top with more crushed oreos. It's obviously not the same as your picture ( which looks amazing btw) but it's easy and probably a lot cheaper :D.
  16. I thought I had asked this but a search showed nothing :confused: Does it matter which edition of book when using Omibus? It would save a lot of money to use whatever book the library has instead of purchasing the one recommended by VP. Thanks.
  17. We did and they repaired it at no cost to us. We had it back within 2-3 weeks tops.
  18. We have graduated 3 so far from our home school. We do not plan on sending the younger ones, but we also know life can change. So we wont say never but it is our intentions to home school all the way through.
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