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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. They drove the car a lot and when I got in it was on E. But without asking, they decided to waive the fee for evaluating it. So I’ll take my win.
  2. The autoshop has had my car since last Tuesday. A few times they drove it and finally think they feel what I’m talking about. Since the computer/sensors aren’t accurate on my car, they can’t rely on that. They do suspect it’s a transmission issue. I said I took it to a transmission place a few months ago as a precaution because one error message said transmission fluid. At that time, however, it was not doing this jerky thing when you drive. Bottom line, they think it’s possible it’s the transmission and tampering with one can ruin a car like mine/cost more than justified on a car that old. I said what do you suggest I do? Can I keep driving it or ? He said I guess you can drive it til it gets worse and that could be soon or years. Or try to trade it in while he has any value. Ugh. I hope I get good news soon. I need to build an auto fund. The last time I did a Kelly blue book quote on this car it was worth ~$600. I can’t do a trade in right now. I asked what I owe and he brought the price down to a simple inspection do it’s $57. $57 for you to hold mt car hostage a week but ok… 🙄lol
  3. The cats got into a fight or were about to when I heard the ruckus this morning. I ran into the hall and so did the landlady. So now I’m scared to let my cat leave the room as I don’t want to be responsible for injuries to the other cat. My cat is 10 yrs old and theirs is only a yr. Good grief, Middy. You’re a cute pain lol
  4. I had to do a test for MiaPlaza. It's weird how they ask you not to use a calculator but how would they know?? I used my scratch paper. That part of the test deliberately gave you too many questions to answer so there wasn't time to do all the problems with math, anyway. If I don't hear something soon, I guess I'll be going to my construction class Monday. If you've been on unemployment 6 weeks you have to go in person to the next appt. So I am going in person this week. SNAP wanted proof that I was sending those child support payments. The court order showed that I was responsible, but not that I'd actually paid. So like a week ago I dropped off bank transfer history showing where I sent money to xh's account with the memo "July child support" "Aug child support" etc. Since then they only called to confirm if I still receive unemployment. I said yes. My SNAP balance this month went up 10 cents. TEN CENTS. I get $33.10 for food stamps. Everything is so stupid. I doubt it will go up for Oct.
  5. Carpeted room (hot) tile room (much better)
  6. Good news I spoke to my landlord and he said I can just move into the other room and he has a mattress he can set up in there. I won’t need to haul one from my dad’s. He said I don’t have to move all my stuff — it’s ok to use both rooms. He said he could feel the difference and he actually had the vent closed in the room with tile so he opened it back up and said it’ll probably be cooler by tonight. It’s 78ish now vs the carpeted room that’s 83ish. I feel so much relief with this resolution.
  7. I went on a similar wild goose chase before. Landlords don’t have many expectations in my state. The slumlord I took to court had no insulation in my attic. The home was a 3 BD/1.5 BA and he only provided 2 window units and 2 small gas heaters which did nothing except for when you were near them. I bought a third window unit of my own (I think roughly $160??). I took it with me when I moved out and sold it. That house was always super hot or cold. Legally he was not required to insulate the attic. In a matter of days I hope to hear back from a job and make plans to move.
  8. Possibly I could. I’ve never been good at that stuff. I’m not sweating but I just don’t enjoy being in a warm home. Made it hard to sleep, too. They have one unoccupied room with just a bed frame. I thought about asking to trade rooms (it is slightly cooler, has tile floor. This room has carpet) but it’s a lot of hoop jumping. I’d need to bring a mattress of my own here, move my stuff yet again etc. Just doesn’t seem worth it. I hope you hear back soon. I sometimes ask at the end of the interview when to plan to hear something if they don’t offer that info. Their estimate is usually shorter than reality though. The college did tell me they want to move things along quickly but who knows. At this point I still don’t even know salary.
  9. I hate driving long distance to jobs but the a/c in the car would kick in at some point at least lol my dad said he’d help me with the sec deposit to move in my own place sooner. I don’t know how many days I’ll have to wait to have an answer on the jobs (casino job didn’t get back to me yet but I’m in no rush on that one. College job supposedly will get back to me this week). The nearest library is 16 min away. This home isn’t particularly close to anywhere I go (I mean it is compared to my former rural living but it’s 26 min to my fav gym, not very close to an interstate exit, etc). I had to drive through 3 school zones to get dd to school from here. Yuck lol! It’s technically not even part of the same city as xh and my dad’s homes despite the mailing address. It’s just part of the same county.
  10. This is the temp with the stand fan and ceiling fan. The stand fan is equivalent to a box fan. I used to own one. If I get the job I really want, it’s a 52 min commute. So I’d probably move sooner than later. Yeah I plan to hang out at the library but there aren’t many places to go and that costs gas money.
  11. They are older and they are aware my side of the house gets warmer than other parts. But I know money is an issue so I suspect part of it is they don’t want to spend money on the a/c. They are retired but the man went back to work PT because of finances. I’m sure that’s why they rent out a room. The last tenant was hardly ever here. He worked out of town. Well it’s Mississippi. We don’t get a real fall. Maybe like a week+ of fall weather. It’ll likely remain hot through most of Oct.
  12. Definitely not all in my head. I have a standing fan in here now, too. It helps but I’m just circulating warmish air I think. I’ll try to broach the topic with my landlords. But I don’t see how we’ll compromise.
  13. The landlord of the rental that’s $550/mo never acknowledged me. The tenant that’s moving out (former coworker of mine) did not acknowledge my last text. So forget that option. But I hope to move out soon because when I ask if we can turn down the thermostat it goes from 80 to 79 and I’m still hot and uncomfortable in my room with fan on full blast. It’s kinda funny but the woman here doesn’t always wear pants or bras and this is just validating my previous stance that I didn’t want to have to live with other people. Like you may not know that you have to ask, “what temp do you keep your home?” and “do you often walk around the house scantily clad?” I was told one bathroom is “mine.” I returned from my dad’s and saw urine in the toilet so I guess the man used it. So much for feeling like it’s “my” space.
  14. I recently asked the credit union why my points weren't going up despite all the cc use. They explained that the points update monthly. Today my points updated so I rolled them into my checking account. Once that processes, I can use that money to make a payment on the cc balance. It was $75 in points. Every bit helps. I think I got everything out of my aunt's temp room (minus some toys that were always there in the closet, but I can move those, too if necessary). So they better not pressure me anymore about a second storage unit.
  15. I’m doing my best to just move/rearrange and consolidate my belongings that are inside my dad’s home so that my aunt & dad drop the second storage unit idea. I moved one mattress flush against a wall behind a short bookcase and you can still walk by. I moved another upright in the room no one will be staying in. I’m going to swap out bed frames on the twin that’s assembled because one bedframe is taller and will allow more underbed storage. Then probably try to move the remaining frame to my current storage unit. I went to pick up my prescription and it’s still ringing up under $5 so that’s good.
  16. Awesome. I’ll apply today. I have to apply to at least one job a week so I’m still applying as I wait on these other jobs. —— the New Orleans job gave me a few dates and I said I was available Sept 14, 15 & 22. They scheduled me Sept 22. I’ll probably hear back from the other jobs before then.
  17. Yes. And since the job title is Communications/Marketing Specialist, a lot of my job experience does apply (2 newspapers & a magazine). I brought copies of the magazine and held it up and one woman said, “oh I know that magazine. We advertised our camps in it.” Other things I said left a couple people nodding and comments like, “you seem to know what you’re talking about” so I’m very hopeful.
  18. I’ll think about it in the future if I get hired, but I wouldn’t even consider it for a year. I just want to work, save up and get on my feet without stressing about going back to school. This is what I want to do. Any classes in another field would be for a “maybe one day I’ll need this but my heart isn’t in it” stuff
  19. I don’t honestly think I’d have time to take classes. The job is M-F days and they don’t offer night classes in every field. I know none of the graphic design classes are are night.
  20. I think it went well. 5 people interviewed me, 2 from last time. They hope to make a decision next week. funniest part: any other questions? me: do employees get access to the fitness center? guy at table with muscles: smiles and nods 🤣🤣🤣 And I confirmed that I’d get free tuition for me/children (and spouse if you’re married). They used the term dependents but I think my kids would still count. Xh isn’t worried — he thinks ds will get a free ride to comm college based on ACT score. But not everyone performs well on that… I did not.
  21. College interview tomorrow. I will not bring up salary. They don’t ever know, anyway. They shot me a text today asking for samples of my work so I’m bringing my portfolio and a new flash drive. I’m sure some of the people in the room will be the same but probably not all. My car has been in the autoshop since Tues morning and they drove it but can’t hear the issue. I’m using one of my dad’s cars to get around. They will try driving it again tomorrow. My dad just wants me to secure a storage unit at the same facility locally and said if I want to move the stuff later just rent another unit in Oct. So I’ll see what I can find. Dd is here with me at the rental sound asleep. I’m able to do some cooking/baking here which is nice. I’ll be making a pumpkin dessert soon.
  22. Red Roof didn't acknowledge my email or last voicemail. I sat on hold today til I got a human. They defended the policy that I was responsible for canceling any reservations and it was a holiday weekend hence the fee and that the hotel was fully booked. They have no power over billing so called the manager and no surprise he dug his heels in the ground and won’t issue me a refund. I said look I didn’t know how your computer system worked… I didn’t know they can’t see upcoming reservations on the screen at check out. BUT the staff all knew I had mult reservations and I was leaving with no intent to return. I literally told them I could not afford to stay and found another place. I said you’re just repeating the policy but no common sense or customer service is coming into play… like asking me if my other reservations need canceled or asking me if I’m coming when you notice the no show (I don’t really expect most places would do that but they put the whole burden on the customer when 3 employees dealt with me, knew my situation, and made me insert my card into a chip reader weekly to pay and one could have helped me avoid this). Why make me manually insert my card at all if you can charge me when I’m not even there? They’re following policy but they could waive the fee if they wanted. I told them I had a great experience and staff was nice up until this so if they can’t do anything I’ll be sure to leave negative reviews and tell people not to book with them. They escalated it but I’m sure it will go NO WHERE. I’ll hear back in 48 hrs.
  23. “DON'T sign contracts, make verbal agreements or life-altering decisions. DO renegotiate, mediate and reconsider existing ones. This might be the most widely known tip about Mercury Retrograde, but it bears clarification. If at all possible, avoid new agreements!” uhhhh lol
  24. If it’s a good program, we probably don’t have it 😆 —— I emailed Red Roof Inn A gf said my life is crazy because of Mercury Retrograde lol
  25. I was denied Medicaid. So I don’t know what else I’d be asking. I susiect this thing doesn’t exist
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