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Everything posted by galtgrl

  1. Ok, just breathe...I know pretty well what you're feeling, b/c I was there myself a few years ago. Regarding the science book, I wouldn't try to use it if you already know it's too easy. Jump another level or two, or just find out what she's interested in and then get lots of interesting books on those topics in particular. She sounds alot like my #2, very self-motivated. If you have the books there, she'll learn. I still remember my dd reading with a flashlight after bedtime one night when she was about 8, and when we asked her why she was still up she held up the book (a science book) and told us "There's a lot to learn about earthworms, mom. I need to know.":D The fast reading also sounds familiar...it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the level of the books, so don't assume they're too easy for her. Mine still gets through adult-level books with ease in a matter of a day or two. It is a big advantage for them when doing testing, we've found. Try not to freak out...just enjoy the ride! :)
  2. We'll be homeschooling through high school for all of them. We started because I couldn't imagine sending my little 5 or 6 year old off on a bus and having her gone for 8 hours a day. We continued because we felt God's leading that this was what we were supposed to do. We also believe the ps system is broken and don't want our kids to be at the mercy of that "system". I have seen a lot of "fruit" in the lives of my kids already, and our oldest will be entering high school this coming year. That and the fact that my DH is very supportive gives me encouragement to keep on going, lol! :iagree: It's nice to know there are so many of us who'll be homeschooling high school...there are only one or two around here, IRL.
  3. Yes. :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: The bubble can't last. I just hope it pops soon!
  4. Wow - thanks for the ideas! Great point, Ester Maria. I wonder if there is anything in Canada for French - that's what she is most interested in right now, and it would be pretty close. Do you think the French in Quebec vs. French from France would be very different? I have no clue about studying foreign languages, can you tell :lol:?
  5. We're wondering if it might be worth the $$ for our oldest next summer. She's developing a real interest in learning languages, and I think she might love the experience. Has anyone done this? If so, what program and do you think it was worth it to your dc? :bigear:
  6. Not addressing the early college issue, then, I think there's a financial reality that hasn't been mentioned yet. The more kids you have, the more you NEED to find an alternative to the current insane tuitions these colleges are charging. That's a major reason for looking into the online college degrees, imo.
  7. Here's the *current* plan: English 9 (Lively Art of Writing, NaNoWriMo participation, ??) Algebra 2 U.S. History (Notgrass) Intro. to Logic (1 semester) Basic First Aid (1 semester) P.E. (soccer & track, etc.) Chemistry Speech and Drama (at a local Christian school) Latin 1 (continued from this year) French 1 I'm thinking I can award some English credit for the literature in the Notgrass history, plus other literature we tackle throughout the year. Not sure if I need some kind of grammar source - I'd like to review punctuation rules :) I'm a little unsure about the impact of the speech/drama class, since that's an every day thing...but I think we'll try it for this year. The Christian school will also let them play sports and participate in plays. I'll also have a beginning reader to work with and a 5th grader. Thoughts? I'm ready (I think). :D
  8. oh well, another theory down the drain :D I thought it worked bc the vampire "love" was "nice" in Buffy too...then there was that whole Angel series, which I've never seen...:tongue_smilie:
  9. the reason all these 30/40 something women like it is because they were into Buffy the Vampire Slayer back in the 90's? It had a similar love interest btwn. vampire and teen girl. Just wondering... I don't get it.
  10. Just saw this - Our eldest dd's both qualified for awards, but we don't live in a state that has a ceremony :(. DD12 missed the grand ceremony by 1 point...oh well! Both have done a writing class...Process of Writing for the younger last spring, Crafting the Essay for the elder this past fall. The instructor for Process was fantastic. The instructor for Crafting was adequate. I agree their classes are crazy expensive! We won't be doing any more - I'll find a cheaper option for online writing instruction in the future.
  11. I would say (and would tell my dd, who also breeds/raises/sells goats) that you should feel NO obligation to do anything for this nut. :iagree: with having a clear policy. It stinks that people don't put enough thought into getting animals and then try to make that YOUR problem. It's not. It sounds like your dd did everything she could to help this person out. Some people are just beyond help. I suppose your dd could tell the woman she'll help spread the word that the animals are for sale...but again, it's really not her problem. If SHE WANTS to take them back (for free, no money back to the woman) I would make sure the woman signs over the reg. papers before she brings them back to your property. As far as the above goes, goats are alot harder to find homes for than dogs. There just aren't as many people who *want* a goat, or have the space to take care of it. People need to take responsibility for their own actions!!!!! If she doesn't want the goats anymore, she should sell them herself. Get that policy down on paper, and again, sorry she had to deal with all that. HTH. -J
  12. We're in ohio - almost in PA. What does that make us? The only cc near us is really a tech school, and not a very good one. It's the only cc within an hour drive. I don't expect that credits would transfer to anywhere out of state, although they might to a state school. I would rather let dd's take online classes from a better school.
  13. I found this forum while doing google searches, trying to find info. on CTY courses. I've learned alot regarding high school/college planning here, which has been very valuable. I don't actually post very often...I can't believe some of the folks who joined a few months ago and already have way more posts than me, lol! You know, (Off Topic here a bit), I've been wondering (not accusing anyone, just wondering) if some of the people on this board are not really homeschoolers themselves, but are actually trying to do research for articles or marketing. I also was encouraged to find other NaNoWriMo folks here last November!
  14. Maybe a paper wasp? We have them here, but I'm not sure they're as big as you're describing unless it's a queen. If it is, they're not very agressive but they like to live in the walls of the house...
  15. We're milking 2 now, with a 3rd due in about 2 weeks. Our girls do it all - they are 14, 13 and 9. The 9 year old is the best milker! I don't know what you consider "early", but ours don't get milked until about 7:30 or 8 AM, then again sometime between 5 and 7 PM. It's really not that hard to schedule around, IMO. You would definitely have to have good fence and protect those trees, though, lol! We love our goats - they have great personalities- and we love the milk.:001_smile: Our Alpine gives about 1 1/2 gallons a day. You could also leave the babies with mom for a while, just separate them overnight and milk in the morning, then let the babies "milk" the rest of the day - another scheduling thought. HTH!
  16. Thought I should chime in again, since I started this mess...:tongue_smilie: It seems to me that a lot of the disagreements here stem from the differences in the homeschool laws for each state. Also, I have not heard of public virtual schools (i.e., taxpayer funded) that allow the parents to choose their own curriculum and schedule. The ones I referenced (the ones that sent post cards) and the ones my friends here use sure don't. I know that California homeschoolers in particular are in a difficult situation, and you all have my support (fwiw) to homeschool however you can get it done there. I was floored that in some states you can use taxpayer money to fund things like horseback riding and karate lessons if you're part of a virtual p.s. :001_huh:
  17. Are you sure you're not describing my situation, lol? We went through a similar thing last year - dd1 was 13, dd2 was 11. They have adjusted to it pretty well since then, and thankfully the younger has tried to be sensitive to the feelings of the elder, but it was hard for our older daughter to accept having her younger sister do all the same level work (or more advanced work, in a few cases) as her. In our case, the elder has a real gift for sports that the younger doesn't have, so that helped. :iagree:with what these posters said, too. It's a tough balancing act, but it can be done. Good luck!
  18. To clarify...I'm not worried about what some individual person thinks of homeschooling vs. public school online. I'm concerned bc of what it shows me about the general population's perception of what qualifies as homeschooling. This does matter, as Ellie said, bc of the legal language and issues.I also have seen, as Ruthie said, a weakened hs community here during the last 3 or 4 years. Four years ago is when the online schools started getting going around here. One support group is gone, another is down to 6 or 7 families. By the time homeschoolers hit junior high, many of them switch to the online public school. Among those that I know who have switched, they did so NOT bc they thought it was their best option - this is what they told me: They did it bc it was free. They did it bc they wanted to start a catering business. They did it bc they were afraid of the whole high school thing. I have no problem with someone choosing to use an online public school bc it is the best option for them and their kids. Some of my good friends use this option. I DO have a problem with traditional homeschoolers, i.e. homeschoolers who are not using government funds, being lumped in with them. Plus, the postcards irritate me, lol.:rant:
  19. I've just gotten my 3rd postcard advertising a different online public school...it's free!...it's a research-based curriculum!...it slices and dices!:glare: I am sooo sick of all of these companies trying to entice me back into public school. I am also really alarmed, b/c I have had alot of people lately assume that we are doing public school online at home when I tell them we homeschool. It appears that the term "homeschool" means online school to many people now, and I fear that soon there won't be enough homeschoolers who are educating without a governement program to defend the movement. I'm probably over-reacting, but people didn't used to say "Oh, you're having them do online school?" when I told them we homeschool. Also, many homeschoolers in this area have been drawn away into these programs, and it's bothering me. Has anyone else noticed this trend, and if so, are you bothered by it?
  20. No, although the individual school districts CAN allow it. Most don't. Sports participation is almost impossible.
  21. :iagree: We came to a similar conclusion with oldest dd, while my 2nd dd had no trouble making the leap and preferred Fred to Saxon Alg., but she's much more intuitive with math than the elder. HTH.
  22. We moved on to 7/6 after the first half of 6/5 with my now 8th grader. She finished Algebra 1 this year with an A average and did well on the ACT, so I don't think we "missed" anything. Some kids just don't need all of the review,but like the Saxon explanations and approach. We're currently doing the same thing this year with my 4th grader - we went up to about lesson 50 in 6/5, it was too easy and I knew the same things are repeated in 7/6, so we're now up to Lesson 90 in 7/6. No problems, but you just have to go by your child. I really consider 6/5 to be a placeholder, but that's just me...
  23. I am really annoyed and grossed out right now. We had the vet out 2 weeks ago to reburn for horns on a young goat, and I TOLD the vet to only reburn 1 side, as the other side just had a little scur. Well, the vet reburned both while I wasn't there, and the side that didn't need it got infected. I've been using peroxide for the last week. Then today the whole top came off and left a nickle sized hole to the sinus cavity. Ugh. I stuck a bandage with antibiotic on it and wrapped with vetwrap. I'll get some Topazone spray, hopefully, later today and spray and rebandage daily, I guess. Any advice? I won't be using that vet again - this is the 3rd disbudding/dehorning issue we've had with that vet group.:glare: Unfortunately, this is also supposed to be dd's market goat for 4-H this year. And tonight is weigh-in. :glare::glare::glare: Has anyone had a succesful outcome with this type of situation? -J
  24. Lots of great books listed in previous posts, but some more recent books my 12 year old dd has enjoyed: The Mysterious Benedict Society (3 of them) The Thief Lord Nick of Time Life of Faith Series - esp. Millie, though I can't remember the exact titles
  25. WHOA. That's...something. I would head in another direction, quickly!
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