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Everything posted by poppy

  1. In Facebook groups, I see so many posts like "I have an extra $2000 to spend what should I do, Disney vacation or Ocean camp again" and it makes me think -- what a waste of money. But, hey, it's not my money! I wouldn't turn it down either.
  2. I voted other but wish I'd picked from the devil. I use them in a diffuser to make my bathroom smell nice. People who tell parents that it is an effective treatment for ASD / Anxiety / ADHD are people I have absolutely zero respect for. None.
  3. I do think for kids coming out of a bullying or traumatic school experience, 8 hours in front of a computer is better than the alternative. But yeah. When I see people who get that one fat BrainQuest workook and think they are all set for the year, for the year or list 3 websites and ask which one to use as a complete curriculum, I mentally cringe.
  4. Yes, usually when I hear "I'm too busy" and I just mentally translate it to "this isn't important enough for me to prioritize".
  5. Does it have to be an app? Can you look at a computer? There's usually more than one way. If not, I'd take it to the school committee. I don't have much to say about people with no internet access at all except, the digital divide is terrible. No one should have to go to the public library to complete school assignments.
  6. There does seem to be a perception that there is a variety of online all in one homeschooling options and one just has to pick. Which is fine when "shopping" for a 4-5 year old but just a road to frustration and disappointment beyond that. OK sounds like this is normal! It makes me want to get rid of my discount for younger kids. I want to be encouraging, and I know some will stick it out.
  7. The number of people coming into our coop with barely-5 year olds, and a couple youngers, is much, much higher than the number of older kids. Like wow. I know there is a fair number of "just doing it until 1st grade" people out there, but this also feels like a shift. But I've only been homeschooling 2 years, and I may be overreacting. Man, do 5 year olds seem little when your kids are older!! So asking more seasoned folks: what do you think, do we have a horde of happy homeschoolers following us? Or is it an short term uptick / regular flux?
  8. Keep an eye on homeschool group buys, I've been able to get it for about $25 for two years in a row. Need to purchase by April each year IIRC. http://homeschoolgroupbuys.com/
  9. No reply is a no. It's a dismissive and inconsiderate no-- IMO-- but it is what it is. For most things I where I need an answer, I put "please reply by Tuesday or I'll assume the answer is OK". But for taking kids out of school, you'd need more than that. In general, it irritates me when grown adults refuse to use a form of communication. You don't want to deal with email / Facebook / texting / whatever, fine, but then don't complain if you're out of the loop. Fine a workaround,ask a friend, or stop complaining. There are always disadvantages to opting out. It is a choice.
  10. Do not call I agree, it would be a red flag for me if someone couldn't wait for an answer and bothered me, when given a reasonable timeframe. I hope she gets it!
  11. poppy


    It was humble when it started, a supposedly nicer version of IMO. But I can image under 35s don't know, don't care about that.
  12. And then are the people who say "I don't eat food with chemicals". Like, what do they think food is made of? Magic? The power of anti-science is strong right now.
  13. You just want to get in the right head space, I think. It's so easy to have a shallow phone call: 'Hey, it's SO great hear from you!! You still in Arizona? Oh that's great. Um hmm. Um hmmm. How's Ted doing?' I've reconnected with a few high school and college friends, always on Facebook. Privately messaging each other. I find it to be a more comfortable way to catch up. I think it's also because i spend more time talking online overall -- email, forums, work etc-- I take time to pick the right words, and I feel like I'm wittier, more thoughtful, more clever in text. Don't we all? Its not exactly like we're great letter writers like the Civil War generation, but it's definitely a social world that is in some ways richer than it was 20, 30, 40 years ago. At least for introverts like me.
  14. Perlmutter has build a big empire based on BIG claims on very scant evidence. Beware.
  15. Black oil sunflower seeds brings the birds.
  16. In that case, text with a "is now a good time to talk" versus ambushing a person with a phone call. To me calls are like a drop-in visit, I know it's a thing people do but it doesn't really happen (except mothers-in-law....) and I'm grateful. I always have a sick dog or sink full of dishes or I'm walking around in my bra ......
  17. People probably didn't see, Facebook puts people you know in your feed. Or they are scrolling on their phone one handed. Tag people who you really want to respond with a @name Also: rare / tentative facebook users often post in a way that doesn't invite response. Kind of formal, or just saying things vs sharing emotions and expressing relief / sadness / those riskier feelings. The more you open up, the more you get back. Please don't call me on the phone. Just text like a normal person. I don't know anyone who regularly calls anyone socially, except my mom's generation. She is 72.
  18. OP, I wouldn't go. Cut off ties. Build up your own inclusive group to be stronger. This is what we ended up doing locally, after a few too many heartbreaks trying to make a larger community. There are people who homeschool to avoid being sullied, and you are unfortunately in the "defiler" category.
  19. Of course it's OK to look, but aim for 'hands free'.... it's unwise to keep it in your hand and drive with one hand while using it. I sometimes drive one handed , but I do keep that other hand free.
  20. I looooove this & the other suggestions for helping him find comfortable seating. It's not something on his radar screen, it'll take probably years LOL. But it's a hopeful thing we can try. I'm glad I posted, thanks!
  21. I understand where you are coming from and appreciate these words. I didn't really understand on a visceral level how truly awful chronic pain is until I wrenched my back. It was not a serious injury, I recovered pretty quickly, but it truly impacted everything. I was mean and impatient, I didn't do a good job keeping up with stuff, honestly I didn't even really enjoy meals. And that was short term and I knew it would be short term. I think people who manage to keep up appearances and sometimes good humor through chronic pain -- like my husband -- are truly admirable. I wouldn't complain to him, I'm just venting here. It's a little like having my ASD / special needs kid, I admire her courage and I wouldn't change who she is for anything, but there is a part of me that selfishly mourns for what I thought my life would be like. It's not central to my psyche or anything, but it's there. I do know exactly what you mean by the new normal, and I'm sorry if my post triggered thoughts about how your struggles might impact your family. My appreciation of my husband absolutely outweigh my petty annoyances, truly, and I am sure the same is true for people in your life. I hope things get better.
  22. Thanks. We had arthroscopy surgery this year and were so hopeful, but, it didn't help.
  23. I like that idea, I'll bring it up- thanks.
  24. I don't buy it, obviously we do many things while driving, but changing a radio station and writing a text are not remotely equal levels of danger to self or others. If you are having to hold it and look at it for every turn you're not GPSing correctly! Set a gps and then put it on a stand or holder, and /or use the "voice" feature so you get audible directions.
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