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Everything posted by Brilliant

  1. Thank you so much! (trying not to cry as I read 9 pages of hugs & prayers). I am really hopeful that it is a tiny stage 1. The doctor was SO optimistic on the phone ("We are going to get this taken care of!") but he warned me that he hadn't read the full pathology report yet, or gotten the MRI results which would show if it was anywhere other than the 1.2cm spot they already know about. But until we see him Monday, I am going to stick with my stage 1 belief. So I'm not really worried about dying - more about pain from surgery, helplessness, being unattractive, etc. Thanks so much for the :grouphug:
  2. After poking, prodding, mammo-gramming, biopsy-ing all last month...I got a phone call from my doctor yesterday saying it is cancer. My dh and I are going in on Monday to get the details on diagnosis, treatment, etc. I came here to post about this and was so crushed to see Carpe Diem's frightened post, since I feel her pain. Please, will you pray for both of us?
  3. I realized yesterday that I have no idea who is in the Super Bowl. Nor do I care. I am thinking of planning an un-Super Bowl party but I'm not sure which of my friends to invite...I'm sorry, but I wouldn't even want to turn on the TV for a minute to find out the score!
  4. I think the article should have said more of what YOU said. There are plenty of daycares and preschools for kids in diapers but this was not one of them. I feel sorry for little Zoe and what her PARENTS have put her through.
  5. Yes, you can take it at any school. When my dd took it, I just called the school closest to us - the guidance counselor in charge was so nice about it (I was apprehensive). If you run into resistance, I've heard private schools tend to be more accommodating.
  6. Wow, I love the shocker at the end of that one! I gotta admit I've used many of the excuses he listed...!
  7. Is there any type of exercise that you really like and would WANT to do? I just made a list of things which are fun for me (part of my Happiness Project), and yoga and walking were two activities I really enjoy. (treadmill, not so much). So I am going to make sure I schedule those in. This morning, I did NOT feel like driving to the yoga class, but I kept reminding myself how happy I'd be once I got to class, and how good I'd feel after the class. It worked, and I got my butt out the door!
  8. And I was wondering what to do for ds' 15th in 2 weeks. Thanks for the idea. Oh, wait...I don't think any of his friends would be allowed to come; their parents are all uptight. Darn it, back to the drawing board!
  9. Yes...please do this tonight! And then make sure after you refund, to block his e-mail
  10. Another vote for movie-making here. :) My kids love doing this with each other, or when friends come over. They have done some pretty funny stuff. I try to let them do what they want, but I had to draw the line when one of them came running in the kitchen, grabbed the ketchup, and started to head upstairs. Umm, no, you are not going to use ketchup as fake blood in the carpeted areas! Whenever we have a group over, they like to play games like Apples to Apples, or jam on the keyboard. I don't mind them playing video games if it's the Wii.
  11. I notice this too with my front loader, and I NEVER had the problem with my old top loader. I have a couple of form-fitting dark shirts that end up with deodorant residue that won't come out in the wash. (in fact it looks worse after wash - the white residue ends up visible on the outside of the shirt, and it wasn't before washing!) I am reduced to scrubbing the armpits of those shirts at the laundry room sink to remove it. :(
  12. I picked up The New Sonoma Diet book from the library last week and this is one thing they mention - that most of the foods on their diet are "low inflammation" foods. (and they don't allow refined carbohydrates, so it's probably got some similarities to your candida diet, although I haven't compared them).
  13. I am in awe of you. 2 hours of morning chores...and then you actually eat leafy greens with your breakfast. :thumbup1:
  14. I just wanted to clarify that nobody has said anything overtly disapproving of our choice. The questions have been very polite. I guess I'm just worried about my own concerns about feeling "judged" and what I will say if that happens (esp. re: dorm issue). I hope & pray it doesn't. In other news, dd had her Honors program interview today. She should hear back within a couple of weeks. We are so excited. :001_smile:
  15. Our Cavalier spawns a furry new puppy every week or so. Who knew such a small dog could have so much fur?? When we are done furminating, I am surprised to see any hair at all left on the dog.
  16. I have thought about that! Not necessarily MKs, but I wondered if dd would bring home girls who'd enjoy a homecooked meal, playing with the family dog, etc. :)
  17. Thank you for all the encouragement. So the waffle iron and fabric are definitely leaving; can I post a list of 100 or so other items for you to decide? :tongue_smilie: I honestly think of myself as being pretty good about decluttering (I love to chime in on a thread to brag about my vanloads of stuff going to goodwill). But I am "stuck" on some hard decisions - decisions which SHOULD be easy based on the "Have I used this in 6 months" test. I want to print this thread out, along with the recent minimalist threads, and stick it in a binder. But that might be clutter. :D
  18. I know someone who claims she & her kids have severe allergies and asks for accommodations...but then I have seen her eat the very foods she claimed she couldn't.
  19. Wow, I am surprised that some of you have found it easy to sell. I read in one of Joel Salatin's books that his brief foray into farmer's markets was a disaster - very hard to get & keep space because of the politics involved. I guess all of them aren't that way!
  20. I have read the minimalist threads with interest. Please help me continue decluttering. The problem (blessing - but problem in a way!) is that my house is pretty big and I have room for everything. I have no problems saying to myself, "I will get rid of this unused item next time we move." But if it is unused, shouldn't I get rid of it now? Ugh. I am at an impasse. I need a new inspiration, philosophy, or kick in the pants. Do you have anything for me? (here's an example - a waffle iron we haven't used in at least 5 years. Another - some fabric with which I made a baby quilt for my 17yo dd - apparently I bought WAY too much - why do I still have several yards?)
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