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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. I did my Insanity video last night at 11:30pm.

      :eek:   That's some serious crazy going on right there.  Hopefully you can make up some sleep soon.  LOL


    Today will be my rest day.


    :biggrinjester:  Me too.  Stretch and roll only.


    Today, I did jog/sprint intervals. My dog is getting much better at running along side me.

    How was the knee after?

  2. I did not sleep well last night which means today's WO is going to be dreadful.     

    This situation reminds me of a line from the Jason Bourne novel where he kept trying to convince himself to allow for sleep by saying,  "sleep is a weapon".   


    ETA:   I'm done.   :svengo:


    When I grow up I want to be this gal:

  3. When I injured my knee last fall I had one 10 minute session and one 30 minute session.  It was amazing the difference it made.  I think it took Months off of my rehabilitation.  I would have married the therapist on the spot- but thought my husband might object.


    I know it would feel sooooo goood.   It's hard to work out your own knots.  No matter how diligent you are, you can't help but couch a little bit on the super tender spots.

  4. LOL, I have lacrosse, high bounce, handballs, golf balls, PVC pipe, foam rollers..... I too carry an assortment wherever I go....aka the crazy lady.


    After my workout today I feel the tensing up.  I think I'm going to have to roll this one spot multiple times a day.


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