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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. I want fancy, schmancy WO clothes.    Wants and needs are two different things though.  Walmart is out of the WO pants that simultaneously fit me and for which I can justify forking out the cash.


    I won't lie.   Perusing Althleta, Title9 and similar is fun.

  2. We do 4 days a week year round and take off other days here and there as needed.    I don't think I could handle taking a long period of time off (ie the summer) and find the wherewithal to jump back full time when the vacation was over.      Slow and steady with a set year round routine works best for me (us). 

  3. I have to admit I couldn't do MA because if you kicked me in the head I would get mad and go crazy.


    You think you would go crazy, but really you would grab your head and try your best not to cry like a baby in front of everyone.


     WO went fine yesterday.    Today skillwork and stretch.     Feeling more perky but still taking the week off MA.

  4. I wasn't feeling very perky yesterday  then I got kicked in the head and in the leg yesterday at MA.   I guess you could say I'm feeling much, much less perky today.    I'm sort of not feeling the love right now.  :(


    Today WO, stretch and roll.    I'm going to skip MA for the rest of the week except for the little admin stuff I need to do.   



  5. Mom-Ninja, how is it?   Feeling sore?   :p


    Welcome back Negin! Hope everything is well with you.



    I did end up doing some stuff over the weekend but mostly I just rested and did some prehab work.


    This week is my rough week.     Yikes!

  6. I love how you can know that you did exactly 13 min of capoeira.  It's like knowing exactly how many minutes  you were in labor.   LOL  I bet you were suffering with the combo of the strep and the exertion.


    WO & MA done.   Stretch, prehab and roll later today.

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