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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. You can try looking at youtube for egoscue exercises for the knee.  I have the book and I'm not sure how I feel about the whole thing, but I did add some of the exercises in it to my daily stretch/limber routine.     The static back exercise seems so ridiculous when you see what you are supposed to do but for some reason it really helps to set my hip.


    Just throwing it out there...

  2. I'm not a health professional nor do I play one on tv.  


    I will say though that your overall health and fitness is one where you'll be playing the long game.   Two weeks is hardly enough to measure progress and frankly you are setting yourself up for failure to think in such short terms.     There are many more factors than diet and exercise that will impact your overall health and fitness, for example stress, hormones, sleep, and food quality. 


    Take it easy on yourself.   Play the long game.   Take a look at your sleep and overall stress levels.  Choose foods with more nutrient density and a higher quality (less processed).    Choose activities that you enjoy and that you can do long term.



  3. So who here will admit to obsessing over new workout shoes?





    So, I am a bit broken. Pulled my hamstrings somehow..


    Take care of you!!!  Gosh, ugh!  I have a long story I could tell about my hamstring.   I wish this on no one. 

  4. I did a quick 8 minute kickboxing HIIT to alleviate frustration over my ds and lessons.


    I hate to see you when you're really mad. :gnorsi:



    I am done with the worst part for the day!  Woot!       I just have a little skill work and MA tonight, in other words, the fun stuff.

  5. Mandy, sorry you're not feeling well.    This is the hard thing about going out to a gym to workout.   It sometimes is SO HARD just to get out the door.    Maybe you can do the 5 min Butt Burn video Mom-Ninja posted as a kind of punishment for yourself.   LOL


    I was rationalizing all morning about all the reasons why I didn't want to workout today.   After forcing myself to do it, I feel better.  2 more days of hell week and then active recovery !!!!  (But who's counting?)

  6. Swellmommy, community is very important. We all keep each other motivated, so keep posting.   Sometimes you just need someone to acknowledge your efforts.   I know I do.


    My WO is now done for the day. I will roll the hammies and traps later tonight.

  7. I don't know about you all, but I need to reschedule my schedule.  Working out during the weekends doesn't workout very well.   HAHAHA.     No really.   Waaaay too many errands and other things need doing and then I feel guilty for missing.     :001_huh:

  8. By 12/13 a kid should know what his/her allergies are and I think it's reasonable for her to discuss this with her dad.    If she is picky too, that's ok.    At some point they need to take personal responsibility for their nutritive needs.


    I always tell my son that it doesn't really serve him well to be picky while also having food allergies.




    It is very hard.

  9. I find the best practice in this regard is to not worry about what other people eat or feed their kids.      I've also had to stay firm and polite that other people need not be concerned with the way we eat either.  Some people take it so personal if you don't eat something but frankly it has nothing to do with them.   It's just an unfortunate reality to  live with food allergies or intolerances.


    Food is right up there with religion and politics.

  10. Soror, what does your badass workout say about rest days?   Do you think that you should combine your badass WO and your kettlebell days and really truly take a rest on rest day?  


    I don't think we should be going 110% all the time and that rest and recovery is sorely underrated.


    I'm just thinking out loud here.  Some of you gals sound a lot like me where we are doing a lot and want to do more but could probably benefit from a little more rest and recovery.



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