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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. I love this forum.  We'll argue about anything.  :D


    I personally would hand the kid the scissors and say, "have at it".  But other people wouldn't.  It seems the OP would rather not do that, but is feeling uncomfortable about just saying no.  


    OP, if you don't want to let him do it, then say no and be done with it.   It's really truly ok for kids to be disappointed about not having their way all the time.



  2. Jennifer- re food- Here are some thoughts:

    Are you eating enough?


    I've been seriously thinking about this the last week or so bc I've been having some lower rate of recovery lately.   DOMS is ok but feeling wiped out all the time is not.     Do any of you take liquid calories as part of your workout plan  (pre or post shake or anything like that?).


    Call me crazy but I think my upper body is getting bigger. I've noticed my shirts feeling tighter in my shoulders.


    Call me crazy too, bc my thighs feet tight in my favorite cords.   All I need now is to turn green and furious.

  3. I didn't hurt it doing pushups. I hurt it doing a mud run a few weeks ago. At this point the only time it hurts is when I do pushups whether regular or tricep.


    Ok, sorry, my mistake.  You know your body best.   I hope you and everyone else having trouble spots   feels better soon.


    People can have what they want at home. This is a social event, where the social interaction is more important than what kind of beverage is served.


    This reminds me of something someone said before.  She said, "We get together to be with each other and if there is food, great!   Americans get together and the food is the central point."  


    ETA:  This was when we were planning potluck and everyone was stressing on what to bring.



  5. I would be so happy to drink decaf.  I would thank my lucky stars that someone thought to have it.  I love a little coffee at night sometimes, but I value my sleep so much more.  


    People who can sleep AND drink caffeine after noon?     GO. AWAY.  and don't tell me about it. 



  6. I don't live and have never lived in such an arrangement.   I would not contribute to a sign but would contribute to removing and replacing old trees that could be safety issues.


    (I live in a very urban environment so the idea of a glitzy sign or any sign for that matter seems like a trivial item.)

  7. I am so sore today for some reason.  I think I'm going to take hill sprints off the menu for today and do just my regular workout, skill work and MA today with perhaps a little stretching in the evening.


    It's hard for me to find that fine line of pushing and doing too much. 

  8. Do you all eat before workouts? What do you eat or drink? I've read it's not necessary to eat/drink carbs before working out and I've read that one should.


    Again, I think it depends on what training effect you want.   If weight loss is your primary goal then I  wouldn't carb load before a workout.     If weight loss is not a concern, you are more athletic and have athletic specific goals, then you probably need to fuel your workouts with a bit of carb.


    Either way, for me, I do better with a bit of food before a workout.

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