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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. I am starting to see progress in that my strength and conditioning routine is having transference to my sport of choice.    At my age, it is very slow going, but I am so determined.    I feel like I am sooo close to passing over that hump where all the stars align and everything flows....


    LOL, true that.

  2. I have not missed any WO but have not been doing any of the outside stuff like MA.     Seasonal allergies and a sinus infection have me sooo exhausted.    I feel a bit better this morning though.  Today, right?  Today I will go to MA.   I think.

  3. Weekend I did hard stretch and worked trigger points.  Holy cow, my knots have knots.

    Today WO and limbering.     With sinus infection, need to take it somewhat easy.


    Our weather changed so suddenly.   We never get anything in between.  Either freakish cold or freakish heat/humidity.    :sneaky2:

  4. As for planning I cheat and use the FB schedules because it's already planned for me.


    Totally not cheating!     I think it's wise to get guidance and feedback on your WO regimen.     Otherwise, it's easy to spin your wheels merrily along and at the end of a year you're left wondering why you didn't get the results you were expecting.

  5. Horrible migraine last night. I'm much better, but not fully well yet.



    I have been up most of the night with three stomach flu sufferers.


    Hope you gals feel better and get some rest.  




    I will keep it light. I will keep it light. I will keep it light.


    Mom-Ninja, How are you doing?  My mantra for a long time was:  More is not always better, more is not always better, more is not always better....


    I am feeling much better but not 100%   I got my hard stretch in twice and felt great after.  I might try to do an extended limbering session today.   Otherwise skillwork and MA.



    Does anyone else plan out their exercise for the week?


    Yes.  I have a series of short term progressions within a framework of long term goals.

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