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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. OMG.  Bra shopping.   The whole reason I'm wearing exercise tanks all the time is because I don't think I have the wherewithal to stomach a round of bra shopping.   So basically I'm walking around with undefined uniboob.


    At least you ended up with bras.  Consider yourself lucky.



  2. It's good to hear it wasn't anything too serious.   It makes sense that when your muscles are resting while you are in bed sleeping, you would be more likely to receive clearly every pain signal your body is sending out (in other words your daily body movement is like when you shake your hand after smashing your thumb to help lessen the pain signal).


    Where did you get new WO pants.  I want new WO pants...


    I have some DVDs that you are on your back and one leg is crossed over the other and you have a ball and hold the ball and your arm is over your head and you turn your head and grip your thighs with the arm not holding a ball.



    Which dvd is this?




    I did my WO, but no energy to do skill work or stretching or anything else prehab related.    I need sleep!



  3. Rieshy!   10K?  Check!


    Oh my goodness, I just noticed that most of ya'll have your own little soccer team.   I don't know how you do it.  That takes a lot of dedication and coordination of schedules to getting your WOs in. 


    Hope everyone is feeling better.   My acute pain is gone and I'm just dealing with general bruising.   


    I changed up my WO schedule after the last active recovery and I have one less hard WO a week.  So far this week I can already tell that this is exactly what I needed.   I can start adding back in more skill work days.  Yippee!


  4. Soror,  without adequate sleep, everything seems so daunting.   Hopefully your little one will let you rest.  I would tell you to nap during the day if you can but I see you have 4 under 10yo so that's not going to happen.   Sorry.    I will send over the sleep fairy asap for quelling night time chaos.


    I did my WO and no way am I adding barre.   I don't know what I was thinking.   I did add FB hamstring.   Wow.   ouch.


    MA later!  The fun stuff!

  5. Ouch. How did you fall?


    I fell from a ledge....it was stupid and I didn't even try to break the fall in any kind of smart way.  Just landed on my side/back.


    I tell ya I'm so cripple right now.



    I know exactly how you feel.  And yet the thought of not doing anything...right?


    I can do...just modified..


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