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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. Yes, you are a whiner.  BUT  don't be afraid to know your limits too.   Sometimes in my class they practice things that I simply cannot do.   During that time, I go to the side and practice a modified version or something that I can do.    Is your class mostly young people and are the instructors young?     I think young people often forget that when you're a bit older strength and mobility issues can be a concern and that recovery times can be longer.  

  2. The proper thing to do is to say,  "Hello, this is xxx calling.  Is so-n-so there?" 


    Not,  "Hi"   and nothing else.   WORSE is when the caller calls you and says, "Who is this?"  which is rude beyond belief.


    Edited to say:  The caller should always identify himself.  He is intruding on your space and time. 


  3. 4 chin ups!   Woot!   I tried over the weekend at the park and couldn't do any.  :(   Little by little I guess.


    Convict conditioning.  There are guys who work out near here at the park.  You know those barstarzz type people.  It's amazing to watch them.


    Today, WO + MA.         Crummy weather.

  4. Did a WERQ class today. It was super fun!


    What is that?



    How are everyone's injuries healing up?   Sleep?


    I'm doing much better with the bruising of last week.   Yesterday, I was goofing around with my kiddo and I saw his leg shoot out and I instinctively jumped out of the way, averting another bruise to my leg.      Kids legs are just skin over hard, hard bone, don't you know.   They leave nasty bruises.      Maybe we should stick to playing cards for fun.  ;)


    Today, skillwork and MA.



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