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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. Negin thanks for linking that.  I haven't seen that before. 


    Soror, you're so funny.  Do you get a lot of looks at the park?   I once brought some weights with me and sat on the blanket at the park doing a little shoulder prehab routine.   LOL  I felt a little visible, but at the same time, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


    Today WO, stretch, roll.    

  2. I slept for 8 hours last night!  WOOT!    I know that one good night is not enough but it's a start.


    For 2 years straight I never averaged more than 4 hours sleep a night.


    BTDT.   It was SO awful.    :grouphug:


    Today:  Skillwork, MA, stretch and roll.  

  3. I saw a couple of things that made me think,  "I need to learn to do that!"    It's true, I bit off a rather large chunk, but it's all about the journey right?


    Exercise doesn't have to be Jillian Michaels or  PX90.    Just getting yourself moving in some way can be very beneficial.         


    Did you see the video someone posted in the exercise thread?   I think it's very well done.    You should join us over there.    

  4. Yes, it was an super tough workout on a day when I woke up at 3:30 am.   I'm so glad I decided to do it as soon as I could manage after waking up.  I started at 6am.   It's done now and I don't even care if I get to all the extra stuff.


    Monday a.m.- Walked 1/4 mile without my boot and without the slightest bit of pain!!


    You are soooooo close.  It must have felt like an eternity.  Just don't go too hard at MA today.


    I will avoid fair food


    Yes you will because you will eat a very large super healthy meal before going and then you'll be thinking of us during the whole time that you're at the fair, knowing that you'll have to report back.....lol   :gnorsi:

  5. My update for the day.    I did only the barest minimum.  No stretch, no roll.     I ate a freakish amount of junk food.    :hurray:     I also am tired from being up so early and I have a headache.   


    I'm just going to pencil in my notebook:   rest & refeed.   ;)



  6. I think it's good to stress that there are different styles of homeschooling.  Maybe have a mom from each type give a little general blurb about "a day in the life of a classical/unschooler/Charlotte Mason/etc.  homeschooler.



  7. Great story Parias, welcome!  Congrats on your weight loss!


    It's 4:30 am on Saturday.   :sneaky2:    Hello!  I should be sleeping!  


    Thank goodness it's my rest day.     I will do shoulder prehab and maybe some stretch, roll.     :bored:

  8. I can't remember for sure but isn't your WO notebook the style where you write what you've done and notes about how it went?  Or do you do a structured one in advance that you use to tell you what to do?


    All my WOs are preplanned in advance.  I need to complete a certain proficiency before moving on to the next level.      


    I'm almost done!  I feel like a rubber band.


    Mom Ninja, yep!  All those little things add up.   

  9. WO, stretch, roll.   


    My WO notebook is looking at me.   It is so demanding of my time and efforts.  Sometimes I want to rip the pages out and throw them in the trash.   However, I know it only has my best interests in mind.    Gah!   Today it feels like it's mocking me.   I better finish my coffee first.  :sneaky2:

  10. Any ideas on some cheap minimalist shoes I can buy to train in and use for the race?


    I like my Merrell vapor glove.   Some of the colors are cheaper than others at amazon.   Go to a shop and try them on first and see what you think.


    I noticed you still haven't invited me to your house for a fun summer vacation.  :D

  11. I woke up at 5 a.m. to doggie diarrhea all over my bedroom carpet. Everywhere.


    My workout today turned into moving all the furniture out of the bedroom and ripping out the carpet. I also swept the room as my shop vac died.







    Tonight I do my second round of PT for the day and stationary biking.


      I knew my technique was off on my side kick, but couldn't quite mentally get the difference.  Suddenly last week during class I "got" it.  I've been secretly practicing;




    In other news we might be doing a Warrior Dash next month...... tree climbing, ziplines and other assorted fun this evening.

    With that and the kayaking, I want to come spend my summers with you.



    I did not go to MA last night.  I was just feeling run down and let's face it, lazy.



    Today:   WO, stretch, roll.   I couldn't even post this until I at least got started.    I am almost done, woot!

  13. 3 different titles in the thread for three different kind of individuals.   I never said the nutjob was the NPD or the BPD.    In fact, I was very careful not to put details of the people or the situation in the thread.      


    I'm very sorry about any kind of abuse that anyone has suffered.  Really.  I truly am. 


    However, the cycle of abuse needs to end.   

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