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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. Good going on the detox!   That's pretty crazy to do all that at once but the benefits are showing now, so that makes it worth it.


    I'm still struggling with juggling the school schedule and WOs.  Everything is getting done, but it doesn't feel as smooth sailing as it did last [school] year.


    Today skill work, stretch and roll.  



  2. This is why I've started getting up at 5.



    That's a kind of crazy I just can't handle.  But if I did, it would solve a lot of my problems.  :tongue_smilie:


    I'm having a hard time now that we are back into the swing of things.    What I need to do is get WO done first...but it's so hard... I just want a cup of coffee...then I get hungry....I can't WO with a full belly so I wait till later...by later my mental state is deteriorated.....LOL




    I *did* do my WO today.   At 4pm.   It was rough, but I did it.   :001_unsure:


  3. I don't think turning off the phone was the wrong thing to do.  If she was stressed out then having that thing ringing while trying to figure out what to do next or while driving probably would have rattled her brain more.     I think turning off the phone and the subsequent actions she took were sensible.   She just needs to learn to do it without freaking out.  


    DH's response?  Way over the top.

  4. I'm trying to stay upbeat, but it's hard.  I know you guys understand, which is why I'm whining here.


    :grouphug: :grouphug:


    Looking at the schedule something is going to have to give...exercise, cooking, cleaning.



    I vote cleaning.  Give up some of the cleaning.   An hour/90 min of cleaning missed here and there isn't going to be the thing that prevents you from being featured on Better Homes and Gardens.



    WO, stretch, roll. 

  5. I have heat rash from the heat and humidity.    


    My hamstring is definitely injured and I've been babying it.


    I'm still nursing a hamstring pull from a little more than a year ago. :grouphug:    For me, I constantly have to stretch and roll my calf muscles which I believe is the source of my troubles....


    is calorie consumption important if one is a healthy weight?

    I do at times feel drowsy in the late afternoon (especially when I have to drive) so what are some suggestions? Drowsiness is a sign of hunger, right? So if I need to eat more what are some ideas that would make me feel overly stuffed and uncomfortable? 




    I am eating around 2000 calories a day.  Honestly, at 1200 a day, I think I'd faint or barely be able to get out of bed.   I don't have a weight issue and ya'll know I'm working pretty intense.    From your posts you also seem to be working intensely.    I think what you need to do right now to up your calories is to eat frequent smaller meals throughout the day and to include a protein at each of these "meals" (such as a hardboiled egg or PB).


    Ran this morning. It was so humid I had to take my glasses off because they fogged up and water condensed on my hair..

    Humidity sucks!



    Welcome to all the newbies!


    Today is skillwork, MA, stretch and roll.    In other words, ya'll know how I roll!    LOL

  7. Reading this thread makes me feel like I've been asleep for a really long time. Had no idea any of this was happening.


    Not only did I not know it was happening, I didn't even know there *were* private social groups.  LOL   


    For all I know, ya'll are a bunch of soulless auto posting bots from a parallel universe here to mess with my mind. :blink:   In other words: the ultimate gas-lighting experiment.

  8. I'm back.  I missed my WO yesterday bc of several things out of my control, but I am able to tack it on to the end of today's skillwork so as to keep my "No Missed WOs"  title.    


    It's 92 deg, humid and I didn't get enough sleep.    :crying:    It's gonna be a rough day.  In the end, no one cares about my personal discomfort, so I might as well just push through it.    :wacko:

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