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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. Negin, the dvds are along the lines of the snacks.    They aren't workouts.  They are designed to help strengthen and or relax areas where you may be weak and using other muscles to compensate for that weakness.    I have had good success with some of the snacks for particular issues (injuries) that I have had.     I got the DVD called "When you can't breathe" because I've been having some exercise induced "asthma" for lack of a better term.    I haven't had the chance to try it as this week I'm completely crazy busy but from the little I was able to check out, it is very similar to the snacks.

  2. I woke up at 4am this morning, so I decided to roll the bottom of my feet.   Did ya'll hear my agony?    It did help release my calves a little too.   My legs are so tight lately.


    Today,  WO, skillwork, stretch, roll and MA.    But most importantly, I'm going to try to take an afternoon nap.  

  3. Yesterday, I fell walking downhill in wet weather while I was carrying a bunch of stuff.    The potential for injury was very high because one leg went behind me and twisted.   However, this morning I just have a nasty scratch and bruise on my knee and no pain in my leg or hip at all.    All of that intense stretching I do really paid off. 


    Redsquirrel has it right in the other thread about shrinkage.    Those older dancers are tall and graceful because they have strength and flexibility through the full range of motion of all their joints.    








  4. I love Katy Bowman.  I have her book "Move your DNA"  I have a few of the alignment snacks (scroll down and you'll see them. They are downloads)  and they aren't WOs per se, but I use them when I am having trouble in a certain area.  Negin, her stuff isn't a WO per se, it's more active and/or passive movements you do that strengthen a certain weak spot that affects your alignment.      The alignment snack called Stretching the Standing Muscles really targets my problem area with old hamstring issue I've had.


    You can purchase one download for $5 so you can see what they are like. 


      I didn't realize she had DVDs.   I just purchased one.  :hurray:  



    Last week I missed one WO.   I just had the WORST WEEK EVER, and on top of all the stress I missed a WO which perhaps I'm a little neurotic about it, LOL.  So, I have to just let that go, and start fresh this week.  Today I'm going to stretch and roll and soak in epsom salts.

  5. You should get a good quality recovery drink. I use GNC brand wheybolic something. I've been lifting for 6 months and I'm still starving if I don't drink it. It's going to cost $60-$80, but will save you a boatload in food. It also makes you feel *amazing*. I relate to afterglow.  ;)

    I wonder about whey drink and milk allergy.  I'm just afraid to try it because I know those recovery drinks probably help a lot.   Anyone try one that is not dairy or soy based and tastes ok? 



    Ok, so I had an exercise extravaganza on Sunday

    Exercise extravaganza, LOL.  Go Girl!





    Yesterday I had a bad day and missed my WO.   I can still save the week by either tacking it on to today's WO or shifting my schedule one day.    I haven't decided.

  6. I ran Sunday and this morning.  I went ziplining yesterday which was fun but now I have some sort of laryngitis thing going on. :glare:


    Were you screaming?  LOL  That sounds like fun!


    BTW:  hiding in the bathroom will not get anyone out of math today.  Just sayin'


    WO Stretch Roll

  7. Good morning beautiful ladies!  


    Stretch those hammies and quads!   Don't forget the calves and ankles!      Roll those trigger points!   Work on upper body mobility!


    The coffee is brewing and after warming up and stretching we're gonna have a great workout!  


    The sun is shining so slap a smile on your face!

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