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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. My weekend didn't turn out as planned and I missed two very fun classes that were supposed to be a treat for me.  First a women's free parkour meetup and second a handbalancing class.   Bummer.   But these things always cycle around again, so I'll just bide my time for now.    Despite that, I'm super sore all over from stretching which I did accomplish this weekend.


    Today, WO stretch roll. 

  2. If they sell that in your neck of the woods you could buy frozen or refrigerated already made cookie dough.  Not bad.  A fairly big step up from store cookies. 


    Or the cookie in the box mix (similar to cake in a box mix).    That's my go-to.

  3. Good morning ladies.    Having a cuppa then will start my day.   I did my thing yesterday, and today WO, stretch roll.  You know, same old, same old boring, mentally draining, but gets the job done WO.

    This stomach thing has me down for the count, so no workout today.  On the plus side, I'm not really eating much.......


    Are you starting to feel better? 



    And if anyone is wondering what hurts so much, google 'tyler twist'. I do that 15 times (4 seconds each twist) for 3 times a day, plus a couple other things. And I use a massage stick on my forearm, and any other part of me while I am at it, lol. I like the stick better than rolling because I can do it while doing other things. I can stand and do a math lesson while rolling out my quad muscle, lol.


    Forget the cat, the kids must think I am insane as well



    You must assimilate the kids..LOL   Have them stretch while you teach the lesson...


    Wednesday: 3 mile brisk walk with dh during brief sunshine.

    Last week my Physical Therapist did the whole fat ratio/weight and measurement thingy. Ick- I did not like it. He wants me to work on adding muscle and aim for gaining weight. About 5 more pounds. I don't normally concentrate on weight or scales- now I've actually lost motivation because I can't run and gain weight and suddenly I feel like a slug.

    So I ate a bag of M&Ms instead:(

    Are M&Ms your poison?

  4. People use these all the time at the beach here. Shrug.


    So, it wouldn't bother you to have it hovering 6-10 feet above and around you sunbathing and circling around and filming you from every angle?


    I understand flying the thing around the park and filming at the park in general, but filming so intimately, it wouldn't bother you?

  5. You are at the park with your kids and a small group having a picnic.   


    Another kid (around 10ish) arrives at the park with a very expensive drone quadcopter with a go pro attached.

    He hovers the thing right above you and your group for a period of time.


    Shortly thereafter he approaches with his parent and wants to describe his new toy.  

    He offers to email you the film of you he just took.



    The 1500 dollar model of (he told us):


    It was this one. 

  6. No workout today.  I think I'm getting sick again!  Some sort of stomach thing.  I feel a bit dizzy and decided lifting heavy weights over my head while dizzy is probably a bad idea. :)  But I need to shout out that I did a 16kg TGU on Saturday. That was my first time doing a full Get-up with 35#.  I did a total of 2 with that weight on each side. :)  Now for the day when I can snatch the 16kg.


    Amazing work on the TGU!!     I also want to learn some O lifting.  


    Don't get sick!  NOOOOOOoooooooo! 

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