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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. Kim, glad to hear you are back running again.  Leg feeling better?


    Rieshy, your Sensei sounds like a real softie..NOT


    Negin, did you at least sleep?


    shukriyya, congrats on the 70 miles!  Does it give you a new statistic for each new goal achieved?


    Slache,  Oreos?   Were they double stuff?


    JoyofSix, holding out on us, not only can she do many pullups, she's the pushup master!



    Today WO, stretch roll.  

    I'm back to feeling like I've been hit by a bus.

    You know you're getting old when you have to do a warm up and stretch to get ready for your warm up and stretch.






  2.  I have never heard of this! What kind of impurities might there be?



    Usually you just blanche it to make sure you get any residual blood out, plus any loose little bits will congeal out.    It's not a big deal if you didn't do it, but sometimes those extraneous bits can give a little off flavor especially blood (to me).   If I do white broth like this I will bring to a boil for a few minutes and then drain, rinse the bones well, scrub out the pan and add fresh water. 

  3. SD, have you always worked out every day? Don't you feel like you need a rest? I'm against the idea for myself because I burn out easily and I believe in the biblical Sabbath. I'm not saying that everyone should follow my religion, it's just what makes sense to me. 


    Periodization is built into my plan.   However even a rest day means I must articulate every joint across it's fullest ROM, preferably under load.  Plus it's hard to maintain a high degree of flexibility without a bunch of stretching and limbering.

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