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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. You have to be very careful if you go ahead and do extra anaerobic training, as this is where injuries can occur for us older folk. ;)  Teens and young'uns in their 20s (and Martial Arts instructors that are under 40) don't think about this. My instructor finally understood when he turned 40 and realized how much more fragile his body was.  :laugh:


    Wintermom, thank you for saying this!  LOL     I keep telling the kids, "You'll get it when you're my age."   


    On my way to the gym with the best workout partner. My son! We are sneaking out before everyone else wakes up. ðŸ˜


    I  LOVE this.  

  2. Wendy in HI--50 degrees?  Oh my.  I bet there was sunshine too?  Running outside in sunshine?   I bet it was beautiful!

    Mom Ninja--that avocado breakfast sounds good!  I love avocados!

    Rieshy--beginner tourney (first!!!)  PM me the chicken recipe.  I've never done it that way.

    Slache--get better!  My goodness the flu just sucks the life out of you, doesn't it?   The Pros are for wearing under uniform.  I need serious anti-up the butt factor for MA.    Rieshy?



    Today:  skillwork, stretch, roll, MA.     If I have time to soak, I will.  Does that count as part of my WO?  :p


  3. Rieshy- Your class sounded like it was an amazing good time!  Love it!

    Slache-- Your mom should not be asking you about your BMI.  Tell her you don't discuss it.   Religion, politics and BMI are not good dinner conversations.  ;)

    myblessings4--feel better soon!

    joyofsix--OMG you did a lot yesterday.    How do you feel today?

    lollie010--You *are* a superstar!   :D



    Today WO, stretch, roll, MA.   My goal today is to make sure I'm really eating a lot today.  Yesterday, I felt a little (maybe more than a little) wiped out towards the end of MA.   I seriously can't afford that this week.

  4. RedSq- hope you got some rest

    wintermom-tennis in the snow?   LOL ya'll are crazy

    Rieshy- double class of MA sounds brutal

    lollie010-keep up the good work!

    Slache--BMI   Laura Corin posted a BMI thing a while back ago. 

    Laura--your walks must have amazing scenery.  So good for refreshing the soul.



    Today skillwork, stretch roll.   I'm just sore as heck from last week with kind of a wiped out, run down feeling.  This week is active recovery for me, but MA is on double, triple time.    I don't always list it for some reason but MA is every day this week.

  5. I've been so sick I haven't had a really good workout in a week. My muscles are shrinking.  :crying:​ 


    Mommy, you are a superhero. You're muscles are not shrinking after one week. 


    Sending lots of chicken soup with turmeric and black pepper, you know, for the anti-inflammatory effects.

    Get well soon.

  6. I forgot to give my PSA. 


    My little massage ball thingie (like this but different brand) I bought had instructions that said it could be placed in the freezer or the microwave. I put it in the microwave for 40 seconds (it said 30-40 on the box) and on the last second to go it exploded. Yeah. Gooey plastic gel stuff all over the inside of my microwave which seems to be impervious to water I might add. 


    So, if you buy one do NOT put it in the microwave. Warm it up the other way by putting it in a bowl of hot water. 



    sorry about that.   Did it ruin your microwave? 

  7. Today I am officially giving myself a pass on basically everything in life including working out, as DH was diagnosed with MS last night. My mind is reeling and I need a day or two to process things before I pull myself up and tackle this head on.


    I probably should go to the gym, though, as I am currently in the anger phase and it would feel good to really pound my body hard. Maybe tomorrow!


    :grouphug:  I'm sorry.




  8. WO stretch roll.


    Do you remember when I said earlier that by the end of this month I wanted to master some progressions in Jan?   I did!    I got 4 out of 8.  YAY for me!  The only thing is, I didn't master the *one* item I really wanted.    :(    So my goal is to get that one by the end of next month.   Little by little, right?



  9.  I'm trying to grasp how little some of you eat.  :( I unfortunately have the appetite of a 14 yo boy. I'm always hungry but can eat 1500 and still lose.

    Me too.   I think 1500 cal would be starvation diet for me.   :(

    I hope responding didn't cause anyone any grief.

    I find this topic fascinating.

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