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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. 4 mile run this morning.  I've been going through some tough things with my dd17, as well as with homeschooling in general, and it made this morning's run a bit harder.  I felt like stopping and crying for a while. 


    :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

    • Like 2
  2. Mobilization, stretch, roll, MA (couched), sprints



    I've been going to PT.   It's not what I thought it was going to be.  I thought it was going to be more isolation exercises but maybe that comes later?   Whatever he's doing, I feel pretty beat up for a day or two after.

    • Like 8
  3. OK, I have great news! I've had a hard time working out for 3 years because my husband gets up so early for work but his schedule is changing in a month. I'm so exited. He's getting up an hour later. I can do C25K (as long as I'm home by 5:45AM), I can do P90X and be done before the kids get up. I'm so exited. I don't know what I'm going to do!


    Oh dear.  Running at that freakish hour? 



    Dh and I played singles tennis this afternoon. It was a great match, and he was supposed to let me win as it's my birthday. I just kept hitting crazy-bad balls, though, and ended up losing in a tie-breaker. What a weirdo I am! ;)


    Happy Birthday!


    My brother runs those Spartan race...things... and says when we move closer to him this summer, I will be training with him for the next one.  He's crazy.  I'll be his camera woman but that's about it.  I've seen his videos of those things and I'm not interested in outright torture. LOL


    LOL  yeah, electrocution and the ice dunk thingy....no thanks.




    Today WO stretch roll.

    • Like 3
  4. Soror--Jump through!   Wow, I want to eventually be able to do that too.  I don't know if I could suffer 500 chatarangas.  Did you do with extra push up too?   Bleh!

    C&M-  Way to go!   Congratulations!   Love the socks.

    MomNinja---laughing at the MIL.    If she only knew about your beat downs.



    Today WO (arm modifications) stretch roll.

    • Like 5
  5. I'm having problems posting.


    Yesterday I went to PT and my shoulder hurt a lot afterwards.    This morning I feel much better.   I'm not allowed to do any arm exercises and none of my upside down skillwork for the time being.    :(

    So, I have to reorganize my workouts.  


    Today:  wo, stretch roll sprints.


    • Like 4
  6. gave me a NASTY tea to drink and I was better in less than 48 hours. I went from shaking with chills and fever, a nasty cough etc, all set to be in bed for a week, to feeling totally fine late the next afternoon. I say the nasty tea chased the virus right out of me!


    I want to know what that tea was!



    Evidently I tweaked my shoulders a bit, I'm really feeling them this am. .


    Number 2,  I've found a place that is only 1.5 hrs away so I sent for more info. Lots to think about, we'll see if my thoughts about this continue to be positive and hopefully the correct decision becomes abundantly clear.


    Be careful that shoulder and I hope the yoga training works out for you. It's always nice to move in the direction that inspires you.


    My trainer says I'm ready to squat with a bar :D




    I'm having another 2 cu yards of mixed soil delivered tomorrow afternoon :D

    That sounds crazy!


    Just how mad are we? My 8 tonnes of compost is not much diminished. In theory we are paying a guy to do some work, but he's busy with mowing....


    Just think how strong we will be, you and I.


    8 tons.   Um....  :svengo:

    • Like 2
  7. Good Morning Ladies!



    Laura, you are getting a great WO with the mulching.   My goodness.  You must be exhausted.


    joyofsix---How is your son doing?    How did he break his arm?      Great going on the yoga!!   I bet after your weekend you felt like gumby.

    Uff- Biopsy?  That doesn't sound fun.  I hope everything is ok.



    I did Monday's WO on Sunday and on Monday I rested bc I went to see the orthopedist and other errands which ate up my whole day.    Today is skillwork which I still cannot do but I can do all the prehab exercises, stretching and rolling.     MA with restrictions.      



    • Like 6
  8. I WO yesterday but nursed around the injured arm.   I also did sprints.    Still going to MA continuously, but couching around the arm.       I've done no skillwork relating to my goals in almost 3 weeks and I'm trying not to be sad about it.    Really.   A few weeks or even a couple of months is nothing in the grand scheme of things.  Right?

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