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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. My body does not respond well to stretching.



    Put your big girl panties on and do it anyway.



    This.   At first, stretching is more like a workout but with time you will loosen up.   For the record, there is nothing relaxing about stretching.


    Regarding the plyo, I think it's more of a walk before you run situation.   What kind of plyo are you thinking of doing?     Body weight exercises can be pretty taxing on the cns and you are already doing a lot of cardio type exercise. 


    Again, YMMV.   I do not know the current state of your athleticism.   

    • Like 1
  2. I don't agree with Laurie's PT, as I believe we should be building strength across the full ROM of every joint, but who am I to say?


    If you are interested I think MoveSkill

    has posted the videos of their exercise library.   I think it might be worth joining  ;)  to get a comprehensive plan.  

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  3. Greta, I typed up a whole thing this morning and lost it.  Let me try again.   Your schedule sounds like it is for someone who is very highly motivated and can keep on track aka, you have a lot of stuff on there.   I would recommend keeping a journal to help with motivation.


    Since you said you are doing walking and rehab every day, these are the changes I would make to your schedule. 


    Remove plyo on Thursday and add stretching.    Remove Sunday's workout and make it another stretch day.


    Also, for your heavy lift days read this little article on deloading and think about how you might structure your long term lift schedule. 


    In terms of arm exercises, it's hard to recommend something when it's not really clear which exercises are in your plan.



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  4. It's just that change is hard, especially when it's something that you feel is part of your identity.    Instead of feeling like you've gone against your identity and principles, acknowledge that you are exploring and expanding on parts of it that you didn't consider before.   Sending him to school is a valid choice.      Start thinking now too, what you might like to be doing now that he will be in school.  Is there a hobby or work that you are interested in pursuing?



    I used to be so passionate and now I'm just going through the motions.I had dreams of excellence for all of our kids and dh and I are in a position to help them achieve that.

    Why do I feel like such a failure? I never thought I'd be bailing on something I used to feel so strongly about.




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  5. It isn't a weight loss diet. It is an elimination diet to help weed out allergies or sensitivities. Weight loss is often a result of doing it though but not always.





    For those who haven't lost tons of weight as they were expecting, and are exercising a lot, how do you balance the idea of a # on the scale vs. body composition?   Do you know how your body comp has changed over this period of time?


    I'm just curious.


  6. I drink smoothies but only use a very minimal amount of fruit, such as 1/4 green apple, or 1/4 cup frozen raspberries,  I use water as my liquid.      3TBS of hemp seeds work well for protein too.  Amazon has a good price on them. 


    I will say that most people think my smoothie recipes are disgusting because they are not sweet at all.   Hey, I like them that way.



    Here's my go to recipe:


    large chuck aloe vera

    1/2 cucumber peeled

    1/4 green apple

    handful of wheatgrass

    mineral drops

    1/2 lime squeezed

    3TBS hemp seed

    2 TBS coconut creme

    powder fiber




    LOL  :gnorsi:

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