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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. The body is not a bomb calorimeter.  In other words, the model that your body is a furnace and food is simply kindling/firewood is not very accurate.     Energy partitioning is mitigated by many factors such as stress, sleep, inflammation, state of the gut biome, hormones, and many other factors.

  2. ok, wait, what?  I must not understand what that is like. Because I am pretty damn sure if any of my bones were not where they are supposed to be I would be :scared: :scared: :willy_nilly:



    Yeah, it felt like but I don't know if it really was.  It hurt like heck, that's for sure.   It's still sore this morning but definitely not as bad as yesterday.   Rolling was awful.


    I saw my old trainer/physical therapist about my right calf. The muscles were like several layers of marbles under the skin- he got it all to release


    Calves are on my perpetual rolling list too.    Did it hurt when he massaged them?



    Today, skillwork, stretch roll MA.

  3. OK after some stretching and deadhangs I got some good snap, crackling and popping.    It seems the source of my troubles is a major (charlie horse?) trigger point in my upper traps.    My roll session has been very painful today and I'm just going to have to break it up into little segments.


    I'm halfway done with my WO.  I just have pushing and pulling elements left.  I'm just going to have to play it by ear on intensity today.

  4. But my kettle bell instructor and sensei and I all got to talking about handstands (which they can rock) the kettle bell guy sent me this link today.  I've not had time to explore it yet. Hand stands.


    Handstands are for superheros.  There's so much involved in a well done handstand:  wrists, elbows, shoulders, upper body, core, etc....

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