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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle




    Oh, and I got in my Merrell Vapor Gloves, LOVE them!!!!! My only complaint is that I wish I would have ordered a different color. If I can come up with the funds I'm considering ordering another pair. 



    Love my Vapor Gloves!   I also have two pair in different colors.  <<insert cheeky grin>>


    I think most of us on this thread are weird endorphin addicted people. 


    :D   Seriously, right?   




    I have been working out though....and yesterday ran my furthest distance ever....18 miles..3:28   Meant to run 15, but miscalculated my route.  Ended up at the bottom of a VERY steep hill which runs 3 miles straight up! (I live in a very hilly/ mountainous area).  The last 3 miles were VERY ugly, but I finished them....mostly walking, hobbling, cursing, etc. 



    18 miles.  Holy crap!   That's some serious running!   WOOT!

  2. Still wonky schedule until the end of the month, but I  did not miss any workout yet, despite how inconvenient it was today.    I had to do hinge rows between two men doing pushups in a park.   I felt......visible.....while grunting those last reps.  LOL


    Miss you gals.   Can't wait to catch up with everyone's progress.

  3. Let me tell you that if you move back, you will pine for a while for all those things that you loathe right now.   However, you *will* settle back into life here.    And think of it this way, moving from one part of the US to another can sometimes be a culture shock too as Harriet Vane has pointed out.  So not returning to your previous hometown will afford you a whole new experience.   


  4. I have one of those.   In addition to repetitive stories, I also hear entire life stories of people I don't even know.


    I try to be very patient and kind about it.  Usually though, my mind wanders...

  5. Gosh, Negin, I'm glad to hear you are ok.  Well, except for the flu.   We were worried about you.


    Soror, there have been many events that I haven't gone to just because of the price.  All those fun obstacle course runs,  le sigh...they look like so much fun.   A bit of frivolous spending considering how much I've already spent on WO stuff.


    Today begins my Monday WO.   I've had to adjust my schedule because the next month I'm going to be super busy and have a wonky schedule.    I'll check in as best I can over Aug, but I won't be back regularly until September.  


    I want ya'll to stay safe and healthy, okay?  But most of all, have fun!

  6. Snickerdoodle, I'm sorry but your avatar has to go. I can NOT look at it and keep myself from buying those damn delicious little devils. And I have to get the gf version so double whammy, one on my butt and one on my budget.

    Potato chips are my poison.  ;)  LOL   I just think cookies are pretty..


    An acrobatics class sounds scary, but better than ballet.  I've never had the grace for ballet. 

    This is why we should have a WTM Mom's group class for the circus arts.   We can all let our inner spastics out.  I mean,   *I* can let me crazy spastic self let loose...  :D


     I was pretty inactive except for that 35 min stint. I had to do a lot of sit-down work yesterday. Need to figure out a way around that. (I'm trying to get up and move every so often.)

    This is the thing, right?   Trying to build in 5 or so minutes of movement for every so much of sit down work. 


    I took a bike ride to do the cross training thing. I went about 10 miles.

    Fun!  Did you take the kids with you?


    I just have to go slower than I want to go at times. It will sure be nice when I don't have to worry about crashes anymore and all days are good days. Maybe in another 3 months. So, I'm going to try and pull it back a bit. I need to think as to what would be good to do. 

    It's always best to listen to the body.  I think for us the most important thing, more important than diet and exercise, is sleep.    I remember way back when I used to wake up early to exercise.  How dumb is that for a life-long insomniac?   LOL


    Today is last day of hell week and then next week is active recovery.  WOOT!

  7. The answer to "when did you say you were going to mow the lawn?" is "Right now Mom!"



    The correct answer to "Did you pull the white shirt out before starting the dryer?"   is not  "I didn't see it!"


    The correct answer is,  "Let me go back down and recheck"


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