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Everything posted by Pip

  1. I was on abebooks.com and I saw the Texas teachers edition. What exactly is this? Is there a general teacher's edition? Does it really matter? I am assuming the TX edition is tied in with state testing and it really doesn't matter. If you like this text, what do you use to round out your high school requirements? Our state does not require econ, but we do require government and American History. Also, is this a good stand alone program or is it used as spine for a study using other books? I saw someone uses it with Omnibus. Thanks, and hopefully this is it for the time being. Ann
  2. I had never heard of these books until I joined this forum. It appears there are 3. In what order are they used and in what grade? What do you use for American history if you use these? What do you use for gov't and econ? I assume they are secular but are they Christian friendly (I don't need evangelizing but I am not interested that all of man's problems were caused by white Christian men.) My oldest is suddenly very interested in history and doesn't mind hitting it hard..
  3. We have just started HO, Level 2, Early Modern and dd is liking it. However, after reading the posts about Level 3 and am thinking a back up plan is in order. We are doing history with 2 other families so I feel I need to take their concerns into account. My 2 younger dds will be doind MOH in a coop and I am having oldest dd just sit in on the classes and do the memory cards. Really nothing else. With that, she would be ready to move into MOH 2. Has anyone done that for high school? I am on the MOH high schoo yahoo group. I also know that WP uses it as their spine in high school Anyone here have any experience? TIA, Ann
  4. I have a one speed which I bought because it was on sale. My grain lady told me she doesn't notice a difference and if and when hers ever goes out she'll go with a one speed. Thanks for the confirmation I did the right thing. I've have done popcorn in mine with no problem except for the noise.
  5. We like this one because it makes a fairly soft crust and tastes good. http://linhart.blogspot.com/2009/03/whole-wheat-bread-machine-recipe.html
  6. I'll be using Higdon's training schedule also. Ann
  7. How awful! We have a friend trying to adopt from The Ukraine and they have been hitting roadblock after roadblock. Praying for all of you.
  8. I found a belt at the local Fleet Feet Store. It came with 2 8oz water bottles but you can buy 2 more. The bottles also come in 10 oz size. The belt also has a zip pocket to hold my keys and phone. I tried on a few and this one did not rub or ride up when I ran. It ran about $35.
  9. I was going to take a training class. Hwwever, we are also doing Dave Ramsey right now and I can't justify it. I have gotten Hal Higdon's training schedule. How did you do with getting the long runs in? I just want to know how it all went with homeschooling. I'm hoping to do a full next spring.
  10. Never heard that one but it seems like good advice. I'm trying to think of any other OTC medication that is processed through the kidneys. Tylenol would definitely be better for muscle aches. Unfortunately we never keep it in the house. I should probably just avoid it in the summer. I am terrible about getting enough water.
  11. Drink today whether he is thirsty or not. Unless he is used to them, avoid sports drinks, especially during the race or after as the sugar can make you nauseous. Do not drink caffeine (diuretic) Fruits and fruit juices are good Again, DRINK TODAY WHETHER YOU ARE THIRSTY OR NOT!!!! Once you are thirsty, dehydration has set in. Tomorrow, Stop drinking 2 hourss before the run. It takes that long for the fluid to go through the system so you don't have to make potty breaks Drink something during the 1/2 hour before the race starts. Anything you dring during that time will be used by the body and probably won't make it through. STOP RUNNING when you get to the water stations so you can actually drink. If anyone has sprinklers running for the racers, run through them. You want to do anything to lower your body temperature. The rule of thumb is that you need 1 liter of fluids every hour to keep your body temperature at optimal level for both safety and performance. Don't forget the carbo loading. The body needs carbs to replace glycogen in the muscles. Chinese food is a good alternative to pasta. REMEMBER, the body needs more water to digests carbs, so adjust accordingly. YOu have to strike a balance here. I would stick to complex carbs until just before the race and then you can do simple ones. Have fun tomorrow. I love doing races! Ann
  12. Love my Sansa. I have a 4gb. I got mine after they were top rated in Consumer Reports. I download from Rhapsody but you should be able to download from any site that supports MP3 format. If you have the music on your computer it is a matter of doing a drop and drag. Pretty simple. My oldest has a Zune, 32 gig and likes it, but since it is MP4 we cannot download from Rhapsody.
  13. My oldest 12 is meeting with 2 of her friends to discuss History Odyssey every Friday. We meet in a room at a local bookstore. The room is free. The idea is that the moms would take turns reviewing the lessons with them. One of the girls is gifted. The mom has her in classes at a local university. She is very hands off on the kids' education. We have met 4 times. Last week the gifted girl's mom wanted to either not meet or meet later in the day because they were picking strawberries. It was this mom's turn to teach and she did the teaching at her house. This morning I got an email from her saying they had company in town and decided to go on a field trip instead of meeting. (The meetings are only an hour.) When I told my dd that this family would not be meeting she said "Why bother meeting? You can't have a good discussion with just 2 people." I agreed. We all went to the zoo instead with 2 other families. We aren't quite sure what to do about this situation. The other family and I are not very inspired by the lack of consistency here. This woman is also wanting to do 2 lessons a week so they can just "get it finished with." That is not why we are studying this. Plus, her dd told me she didn't want to do 2 lessons a week and she doesn't always have her assignments completed. Mom is Chinese and I wonder if there is a cultural disconnect. I also feel that her not getting involved in the nuts and bolts of schooling is making it difficult for her to understand we can't just skip class on a whim. I also wonder if she is just stretched too thin. She has not shown herself to be too sensitive to others. She once said that she didn't understand why people go depressed - if things were bothering them they just shouldn't think about them. Any advice?
  14. AFter years of not being able to wear contacts I finally got some that work. DH is now wearing contacts for the first time. But, I hardly ever wear them. By the time I get around to running, schooling, cleaning, erranding and showering (yes, often in that order) it isn't worth it to put in my contacts. Plus, the wind here blows around so much that there are many days I can't wear them. AND I have to constantly whip out the reading glasses. The dr has warned me against getting rimless glasses, but at this point I don't care. I found some with delicate frames and they just disappear on my face. I can get lineless bifocals with them. So, at 44, do glasses, at least the right style, make you look older?
  15. I suppose I would ask "What makes you think I can't?"
  16. The books have a great abstinence message, and what is unusual is that it is him putting the brakes on things. However, after the 2d book, there is a lot of sexual tension. That can be even more arousing than actually reading the mechanics. We are pretty liberal about what we let the girls read and watch. The movie was tame and I took my 11 and 12 yo dd's to see it. My oldest started reading the books and I told her she had to stop after the 2d one. At her age, with hormones awakening, I just didn't want her reading something that could cause her to feel things she didn't understand yet, and she is pretty mature. The other thing is, Edward is pretty controlling and I found that disturbing in many respects. I will probably let her read them in a couple of years. I just want her to get some perpective under her belt. And for the record, I allow all me kids to listed to and watch Harry Potter and we are conservative Christians.
  17. I say yes, but the education classes I took did NOTHING to prepare me for homeschooling, where I actually teach instead of herding large groups of students. I have no need for classroom management skills in my family room. If time permits I then point out that my certification classes included how to teach children to read using a book written by a man who admitted that he did not enjoy teaching children and that was why he taught and wrote college level material. I also took difficult classes like how to arrange your classroom and use media equipment. But I sweated it out and got my teaching credential.
  18. Can anyone compare these 2? I am trying to get organized and am wondering which book/system would work better. Are then even comparable? I have MOTH and MOTS and like the spirit of most of the Maxwell's stuff, but they are a lot more structured than me. I don't have as many kids and don't need to be. Thanks!
  19. Watching that show is like driving past a horrific accident - you don't want to look but can't avert your eyes. No marriage is safe from infidelity but, as Christians, they need to get out of the limelight and work on the marriage. They are terrible witnesses and I am surprised Zondervan hasn't talked to them (maybe they have). A good Christian counselling is out of the question because I don't see them agreeing, but if Zondervan cuts the money train, that might speak to them on some level. I mean, my non-Christian friends say their biggest gripe with Christianity is the hypocrisy they see. So they still have Christian music on their website under their favorites? apparently Kate wants to be a talk show host. I think she has killed that idea. I shudder to think what those poor kids are going to be like in a few years.
  20. I don't know where you are, but I know of what you speak. We were there during the housing crash in the '90's. We were in Rosamond at the time. Unincorporated Kern County was the pits. Grafitti everywhere, cars on blocks. Now I hear people want to go there because Palmdale/Lancaster/Quartz Hill are getting so bad. Our neighborhood in QH is going downhill fast. DH loved it there. I tolerated it until I had kids and drove around with thme during the day and wondered, is this what I want for them? Our Country Supervisor said between the prison and the parole board sending people our way so they could be in LA County and still be far away from their victims, there was really no hope (downside of the 3 strikes law). I feel. feel. feel for you. Our salvation from the situation was dh getting transferred with a great relocation package. We'd still be there otherwise. My nephew works for Google and lives in the Bay Area. Loves it. Amazing how making enough money can make you not see what the average joe see.s and lives with.
  21. I would do some foundation plants, maybe some bushes on the corner to anchor things and some annuals in between. I like green (soft) for colors. But I don't know what is popular where you live. Can you ask the listing agent?
  22. I guess I misspoke. We donate a lot of things. However, I do sell my school stuff when I can because I know it is an almost guaranteed sale. What I don't sell I donate.
  23. We donate a lot. We figure it is better to give to someone who needs it and can't afford it. There are several organizations here that help cash strapped homeschoolers. Another place that didn't occur to me until recently was a domestic violence shelter. I have a friend who is a counselor at one and she says they do get homeschoolers who have to leave home without their materials. Not a lot, but enough to need some materials for them to fill the gap.
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