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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. Thanks so much for your replies! They are very helpful!
  2. I forgot to add that I am buying the Life Science.
  3. Should I buy the ebook or the printed version? I only have black ink, so I guess I am wondering if the printed book is in color? Also, is it necessary to buy the material kit? Thanks, Kristen
  4. Jayson, thanks so much for your reply! I actually just dropped it off at a friends house and her husband is going to take a look at it for me. I am completely computer illiterate, so he is going to help me out. Thanks again! Kristen
  5. I have an opportunity to buy a laptop fairly cheap. I have no idea how to check if it has viruses or not. Should I take it somewhere? Is there something I can run? I have no idea how much it would cost to have this checked out. Any advise?
  6. I forgot to tell you that you have to join first. It is free. There really is a wealth of information there. Good luck!
  7. If you go to the APOLOGIA yahoo group, they have plans that you can download.
  8. I tell my children they can date in 10th grade if dh and I think they are mature enough. :D
  9. That is funny! the original is absolutely hilarious! I laughed so hard that I cried all my makeup off! If you haven't seen it, you have to!
  10. :grouphug: I am glad that he is ok. Everything else can be replaced!
  11. Oh, you guys are making me feel much better!!!!:001_smile:
  12. Most of my friends cannot believe that I do not regularly and never have had any of these things done: Manicure/Pedicure Had my hair colored Got a massage Been to a Spa These things have never interested me. I guess that I am just a cheapskate (I have been saying that all of my life and I had to look that one up =) ). Please tell me that I am not alone in this.
  13. When my son was in the process of getting braces, they did an x-ray on his hand and this was supposed to show how tall he would get. They siad that he would only be 5'9". Well he is 5'11". They do not always know.
  14. :iagree: Nakia, I love love love everything that you wrote and totally agree!!!! Except that I am a Virgo (I think). I did not know that they changed things, but then again, I do not follow all that. Here is one wierd and strange thing about me (Nobody knows this about me except for my family and my brother)............ I love ketchup and butter sandwiches and toast. I know, gross right??? My kids tell me all the time. This is something my brother and I ate as kids and I guess it stuck. :D
  15. I love Jennifer Garner, but I am not sure what they are thinking!! Guess we will have to wait until it comes out.
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