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Everything posted by Alexandra

  1. They were born in Feb - so are 4(ish) months old. She says that there is not enough for the moms to eat and nursing will be bad for them. There is not alot of grazing. We are in the middle of a pretty bad drought (Central Texas). I googled weaning and is seems that on average calves nurse for 7-8 months. Gosh - they seem so young to me! It is my mil's ranch but she has mild dementia so oftentimes it is hard to know when to step in and voice an opinion. This is made even more difficult by the fact that my dh and I are not cattleranchers. We live next door to her and are the go-to family members for her as well as my fil. So she does take into consideration our thoughts. Any WT Ranchers out there who might like to comment? Thanks!
  2. up until about 5 weeks along. I also had bleeding with my first pregnancy. It happened at about 16 weeks and was due to placenta previa. In my case the PV corrected itself in about 8 weeks time. In other cases placenta previa is very serious. If you find our you are expecting you for sure want to tell your MD or midwife about the spotting/bleeding. Congratulations if you are expecting!!
  3. It does a great job and the dogs seem to really enjoy it. Get a Furminator and make one of the kids take that as a household responsibility. I love Corgis. Just a fyi...I have heard that they can not swim. A friend has one and says that her dog has to wear a little life jacket when they go to the river. (How cute is that! A Corgi in a lifejacket!) Alexandra
  4. I have a df who will have all four wisdom teeth out tomorrow. I want to bring a few things over for her to eat. How soft should I make this food? Should it be like baby food or can it have a little texture? I was thinking some soups and wondered if all needed to go through the blender (for a long time) before I take it over... Thanks! I don't remember anthing about when I went through this years ago!
  5. Has anyone had any experience donating to a veteran's group? How does one make sure the group is worthwhile/legitimate? Thanks for any thoughts on this. Alexandra
  6. I will be doing this curriculum with my 14 yos this summer. I will be starting with Level 1. How long should I plan to work on this each day? His spelling is pretty bad and he is very motivated to improve this summer. Thanks!
  7. the exact location of a jet when it goes down? Don't planes need to file a flight path? I feel so sorry for the families of the passengers and crew!
  8. He really responded to the challenge of athletics. The sports wore him out so completely that he was able to settle down and learn. Finally. He has dyslexia and maybe also ADD. The athletics helped him focus. Yes some of the kids are ugly and from crummy backgrounds. I struggled with letting him go. On the other hand, I just love being Mom and not really teaching at all. His academic performance was very good. If he has homework questions my dh helps him. I still have one son at home but he might go to private school next year. In retrospect I have to say that what I liked best about hsing was having my kids nearby. I detested the academic part! :tongue_smilie: I am simply not that disciplined to get it all done in the older grades. Now that they are in school, I get to do the fun stuff like projects and field trips and someone else takes care of the meat and potatoes of academics. Good luck! Alexandra
  9. her poor social skills. What shall I pour for you...Merlot or Malbec? ;)
  10. Wow! Spider mites work fast! My tomatoes look awful! Does anyone have a non-pesticide answer to spider mites? I read that I could use predatory mites but my tomatoes might not last long enough to order such an animal. Thanks for any thoughts on this!! Alexandra
  11. If you had a negative pg test at almost a week late what would you do? At what point do women, (in the interest of preserving sanity) go and get a blood test? Just hypothetically of course...
  12. The plants are pretty yellow. Do I wait until they are totally wilted and brown before I start digging? In the past, I always just dug new potatoes - so not sure how to handle mature plants! Thanks!
  13. I am considering a juicer but wondered if a really great blender might not work as well. With a blender it seems that you would get the fiber as well. I just started thinking about this and wondered if anyone here would care to tell me why they chose a juicer - and which brand they chose would be helpful as well. Thanks!
  14. Do you all think that MBAs really make a big difference in one's marketability? It seems for a while everyone was trying to get an MBA. Nowadays I don't hear about it so much. My dh is considering this. He has a good job that he enjoys - he just like the idea of getting an edge. In addition, he really enjoys school. OTOH he would not want to spend the money or time away from family if it didn't carry some weight. Thanks for any thoughts on this. Alexandra
  15. It is coming to a town near us and I would love to take my kids. Is this a kid-friendly production? Thanks!
  16. My 14 yos needs some light-hearted summer reading. I would love some titles that would really draw in a 14 yo boy who is not crazy about summer reading. :tongue_smilie: Thankyou!
  17. I recalled meeting a lady who did her own wildlife rescue. I found her number and met her this afternoon. She said the little (girl!) raccoon is about 2-3 weeks old. She will release it in a few months. I will never forget how this lady looked. She had deep scratches on her arms and one on her face. She said that her ear was torn and that she had a gash in her head. She was attacked by an adult raccoon that she had rescued from an elderly lady. That raccoon had to be destroyed. Her injuries looked so bad - poor thing. She said that it had happened several weeks ago! Yikes! Thanks again for the advice.
  18. My mil, next door has a newborn racoon that appears to be an orphan. Have any of you fostered a coon? Should I just let it be? If my kids see this guy they will beg to keep it. I worry a little about being disease etc. (racoon flu :)) Thanks Alexandra
  19. The plants look good but there is not one single bloom! Thanks
  20. I wonder if some others here might know more about scar prevention. I have heard that it is good to keep scars sheilded from the sun. I have also heard good things about Vit. E oil. Praise God that his eyes are ok. Bless his heart! Just awful.
  21. I had to laugh at my librarian today. He said that he would like to be buried with this book! High praise indeed! I hoped to give it to my dh as the next readaloud. My youngest is 11. Thanks
  22. also have you considered allowing him to have a pallet in your room? If he has so much anxiety and what sounds like night terrors would it help if he knew mom and dad were nearby? Lastly, would a bath before bedtime help? I remember people on this board saying that the magnesium in Epsom Salts helped their children with bad dreams and nightmares. Bless his heart - an yours too Mom! It sounds like no one is getting the sleep they need!
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