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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. It really depends on how comfortable you are after birth. I am usually out and about (within reason) within days of birth. I look lumpy, but I usually feel fine after delivery. How have you felt after delivery before? Does it take you a while to recover or do you feel fine within a few days? Personally, I would go. It is a theatre production, so it will be dark inside, which will make nursing easier. And, you're in Florida, so you won't have to deal with cold/flu bugs. If you think you will be up to it, by all means go.

  2. Whatever. I'm better than everyone here just because. I invented both Uncrustables AND all-natural organic peanut butter that does not cause allergic reactions. My breatmilk is 100% organic AND vegan. My kids are smarter, cuter, and better dressed than everyone else. They are learning Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Sanskrit, and Old English. They never wear their shoes inside a home because they refuse to bring contaminated soil into a home. They have raised their own milk cows (not genetically modified, of course). We don't use shopping carts because we grow all of our own food. Shopping carts are for sheeple consumers. We invented Halloween. And vaccinations.


    Drool away.

  3. My sister is dating a lying, cheating, drug-addicted loser. It is wrecking our relationship. I don't know what to do and I feel totally helpless.


    Sis began dating DB ( I won't expand upon what those initials mean to me) almost 3 years ago. At first everyone in the family kinda felt sorry for him. He was, and I quote, "homeschooled". Basically, his Mom and step-dad got into a fight while high. Step-dad pushed Mom, she fell, and was paralyzed. Their drug habit was not put aside. DB (Sis's boyfriend) was taken out of school and "homeschooled" so he could take care of his disabled Mom. And buy her drugs. And clean her house. And take care of her younger kids. His parents did nothing to educate him. So we were told.


    Eventually, everyone started catching him in lies. Lies about E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. Stupid things. Lies about his work and living situation. Lies about the color of the sky. Seriously, the guy is a compulsive liar.


    And a drug addict. He's overdosed on cough syrup, cocaine, alcohol, and God knows what else. He just got arrested for possession of Lortab (sp), but of course it was a friend's that he was holding.


    My sister has gone from a dedicated, motivated student and worker to nothing. She works two jobs to put herself through school. Problem is she never studies because she is always with him. She gives him her car to use (likely to cheat on her, as he has admitted to other people) and finds herself without a ride to work because he cannot be depended upon. He is never there for her. She always goes to him. He is banned from my house forever because last Thanksgiving, after riding over 900 miles in a car with my family to come see me, he broke up with her in my house. After he told my other sister's boyfriend he used Sis's phone to set up Booty Calls with his other woman. We caught him in so many lies over those four days. He tried to get high on ditch weed growing on my property! And he stole my rum.


    Now I find out she refuses to take her birth control pills. Because she "doesn't want to go to the doctor".


    I don't know what to say or do. My Sis is so much better than this. She deserves so much more. I feel so helpless. I feel like if I maintain a relationship with her I am condoning her relationship with DB. I just cannot sit back and watch her throw her life away for this %^&*#@!. He doesn't deserve someone so amazing.


    What should I do? What can I do? Can you all at least pray for her?


    Thanks. I just had to vent.

  4. I realize that. But I've also read that they have (like many NPPs in this country) 5x the amount of spent fuel in their pools than they were originally designed to hold. There is no extra shielding in the spent fuel pools. They were dinged on an inspection in May for not having a bulldozer ready to go and one of their generators was down at that time (and now 1 of the 4 aren't working in the current scenario).


    I don't think it will end in anything catastrophic, but I get frustrated w/ the lack of readiness for a big event. What if a few plants had to go to diesel backup, just before a hurricane was also scheduled to hit around the same time? It isn't inconceivable.


    I just feel our disaster preparedness is abysmal. We do. not. learn.


    US nuclear power plants are ridiculously well-prepared for disaters. I personally know because I give up my husband for countless hours of training.


    The plant is running all four diesel generators (I can find nothing about any diesel generators failing) because they temporarily lost off-site power. The diesels are continuing to run probably due to aftershocks and uncertainty surrounding the power supply.


    The diesel generators can run for weeks. WEEKS. There is also a battery back-up.


    If you want to read anything about North Anna's spent fuel pool, I would only refer you to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's website. Almost anything else you read online is written by idiots who know absolutely nothing about nuclear power.

  5. CNN also reporting pentagon has water pipe damage and "a considerable amount of water" is in two corridors.


    eta: 10 Nuclear Power Plants have declared an unusual event (I assume as a precaution). Lake Anna NPP running on generators, with three days of diesel fuel on site.


    The power plants are required by law to issue those notifications in these types of events. The North Anna NPPs tripped off, as designed (and practiced for hours on end) to prevent any sort of possible damage. The diesel generators will run the pumps for cooling the reactors until every millimeter of that plant is inspected for damage. Then, the plants will be brought back online safely. There is nothing to fear from those plants shutting down except possibly higher energy prices in the coming weeks.

  6. My family has problems with drugs. It's just terrible. Last Monday two of my cousins were shot in a drug deal gone wrong. Here is where I first shared about it.


    Friday, my aunt's (Dad's brother's wife) sister died of a drug overdose. Again, a seedy motel was involved. Her dh was too high to give important information about the location of her body to their son. It was just really sad. Our family knew her quite well.


    Last night my sister's loser punk boyfriend got arrested for possession. This guy has overdosed on a ridiculous amount of drugs, from cough syrup to cocaine. Before I banned him from my house, he came over and tried to smoke wild ditch weed growing somewhere on our property. You can't get high on ditch weed, but the idiot tried. He also kept sneaking my rum. Why my beautiful, intelligent sister continues to put up with his crap is beyond my. Did I mention he supposedly used her car to acquire the drugs for which he was arrested? At least that is his story. He is a chronic liar who cannot be trusted at all.


    Drugs suck. Seriously.

  7. We've found a few good wines at a local winery (yes, there are wineries in Nebraska). I usually just go to the liquor store, read a bunch of labels, and purchase whatever I am in the mood for. I generally prefer red wine (especially Pinot Noir), so I try out a few different brands. I like silly labels. We have a wine in our local store called Angry Housewives. I had to try it. My favorite Pinot Noir is called Pinot Evil. Wine is so much fun. You can try so many different kinds with so many different food combos. Just enjoy searching for a neat brand.

  8. Love football . . . . . . but . . . . . I'm a Bengals Fan . . . . and it's a bit hard to get very excited about the new season :( I'm hoping they surprise me!


    I get it. I'm a life-long Saints fan. I have the paper bag in my closet. I just assume they will lose every game. I still love them. Always will.


    Wendi, I knew I liked you!!!! I grew up with the 49ers/Raiders. But married a Saints fan and now I lurrrrve them so much. My poor dh has been a fan his whole life. When they won the Super Bowl he shed actual tears.


    I :001_wub: Drew!


    Peyton Manning's 90 million dollar contract for 5 years makes me sick. He's a good guy though, so I hope he does something good with all that money. Hey, he could help with our national debt!!!:lol:



    Yay! A convert! I totally cried when they won the Super Bowl. I called my Dad in LA and we screamed and cried together. My dh was a bit embarrassed.

  9. Thank you all so very much. I am so wound up about this. My family, thrashy though it may be, is very close. (Grammar is low on my totem pole right now) We may treat each other like crap, but we do love each other. Colby and I were close once upon a time. Trey and I never really knew each other, but his Mom (my first cousin) and I adored one another. She is a raging drunk. Trey's Dad is a druggie. So many of my cousins, with whom I was raised, have fallen into similar lifestyles. It could have been me. There but for the Grace of God go I.

  10. Honestly? I feel guilty. I feel guilty that, though we have been there, we have come out ahead. I feel guilty that we can afford nice things when so many others are struggling. I got a new (to us) car in April. I didn't tell people because I didn't want to look like I was bragging. I grew up without money. My Dad was laid off more times than I can count. I get it. I also know how I felt when it seemed like everyone around me was prospering. I would hate, HATE, to make anyone feel like I have felt. So I don't share much.

  11. I just found out, via Facebook, that my first cousin and his Godchild, my second cousin or first cousin once removed, were shot this morning in what appears to be a drug deal gone wrong. My first cousin, Colby (only 3 years younger than I am) took his sister's son (Trey), age 14, to a seedy motel. Armed susppects broke into the room and shot Colby in the stomach with a shot gun. Trey hid in the bathroom and was shot in the jaw through the door with a pistol. Trey, the 14yo, is expected to be fine. Colby is is critical condition and may not make it. This is not the first time Colby has been shot. The last incident happened in front of his kids. You'd think he would have learned his lesson.


    I'm sad and angry. I'm sad that a 14yo boy got caught up in all this crap. I'm angry that this kind of thing happens all too often in my family. I'm sad and angry that I had to find out about this on Facebook. I grew up with Colby and his twin sister. My Dad is Colby's Godfather. I am disgusted that there are far more trashy things that have happened in my family. I'd share, but you guys just would not believe the level of trashy.


    Sorry. I just had to vent a bit. Please pray for physical and spiritual healing for Colby and Trey. Pray that Trey does not continue down this path. Pray that Colby wakes up and turns his life around. Pray that my family can heal. Thanks.

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