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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. :grouphug: Though my parents would never physically harm my kids, they can be quite emotionally abusive. I have had to put on my big girl panties (after much crying) and tell them to get a room if they want to come visit. My Mom is an undiagnosed, unmedicated Bipolar. My Dad is a recovering alcoholic. He has been sober for many years. But, dh's Dad has only been sober for the last 4 years. For a while we had to stay away. The whole trying-to-give-my-7mo-son-a-sip-of-his-whisky incident didn't sit to well with me.


    Hon, you have every right to say no to this man. You have every right to follow DulcimerAmy's advice and make up a story about why he cannot come over. You are a mom to 4 kids and are pregnant with your fifth. You do not have to parent your parent. Let me say that again, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PARENT YOUR PARENT.


    I'm pretty sure from your past posts that you are a Christian. So am I. I know the Bible tells us to honor our parents. I get that. However, the Bible says nothing about letting our parents abuse the crud out of us or our kids. The Bible says nothing about parenting our crazy parents. You would be honoring your Dad by not allowing him to harm others.


    Again, it is perfectly ok to say no to this man. :grouphug:

  2. DH rides a bicycle to and from work. When he gets home he is very sweaty and goes into the bedroom to shower and change. I have the place straightened up and dinner on stand-by, and I go into our bedroom (which is off-limits to the kids) after I threaten everyone into good behavior and I wait for him to get out of the shower. We generally spend fifteen to thirty minutes in there exchanging stories of how our days went and whatever else we get around to talking about (get your mind out of the gutter! I MEAN talking). By the time we come out we are pretty much on the same page.


    :lol:;) Well, that is one way to reduce tension.:lol:


    (Like I could get MY mind out of the gutter!)

  3. My DH works nights too, so we have the insanity twice a day - when he gets home in the morning, and again when he wakes up. Makes me crazy. I swear there is something about that 4:30-5:30 timeframe that makes my boys awful. It happens on DH's days off too. But trying to have him step in at the worst time is difficult. I think I'll try the dryer trick. :)



    Big ole :grouphug:. My dh works rotating shiftwork. I hate the night shift. It seriously is insanity twice a day.:grouphug: Definitely try the dryer or dishwasher trick. And wine.

  4. I would not, but that's just me. I had an allergic reaction to PCN when I was a babe. All my medical paperwork had a big red PCN thingy. I never thought anything of it until I ate a piece of cheese that had spots on it. I itched for about a week. I broke out in a rash all over my belly. It was ridiculous! So, even though I could survive on cheese alone, I personally would not eat it.

  5. Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking when I joined FB. Unfortunately, it's the best way to keep in touch with several people, so I don't want to deactivate my account. However, I make good use of the block feature! :001_smile:


    I am a low-drama person. However, being a woman, I need to get my drama fix. Enter Facebook.

  6. Speaking of 50's housewives, here are a couple of tricks of the trade for the lazy housewife (to make you look efficient):


    --always have the table cleared and set with napkins/silverware, etc., when dh comes home, even if you are having take-out


    --throw a load of laundry in the dryer right before he comes home. The dryer makes your house sound like it's humming along and things are getting done.


    --have a casual discussion with the kids about the most interesting part of their homeschool day so it is fresh in their minds




    :lol: You and I would be great friends. I am so very guilty of the dryer trick. Dishwasher works as well.

  7. If it's wretched, he gets e-mailed or texted status reports.


    This is a GREAT question. Often times if dh is already crabby from his day, he is further upset by us before he gets in the house. We live on acreage, and he sees things amiss just driving down the lane - toys left out, holes dug, dirty dc, garden hoses making puddles, shed doors open, etc. Today I had the kids call him and ask permission to leave their game setup outside so dh would be prepared when he saw their mess outside. His re-entry went smoothly which normally wouldn't be the case with what they have set-up.


    I am pondering giving him a quick call before he leaves the office so he knows the lay of the land for re-entry. I hate when he walks in the door already upset with us, because then everyone spends the evening trying to avoid him and he spends the evening finding fault with everything. :glare:


    Dh often emails me during the day. If the threat level is flaming red here, I often give him a heads up. That way he knows it just isn't going to be a Bever Cleaver day.

  8. Do you have a cavity? When oldest dd was about 1, she fell and injured her teeth. Two years later, she woke up one morning with her top lip ridiculously swollen. The injury two years before had caused a cavity to develop, which allowed bacteria to get into that tooth, which freakishly caused her top lip to swell. She had an abcess develop on her gums. We had to drain it. Nasty stuff.

  9. We have done the debrief...it does help a ton. It can also hurt. By the time he is home I am ready for the "perfect happy" family (okay not really, but if it's been a bad day I really do not want it to be worse). If I am really honest with some of the more stressful parts of the day, dh "can" act very frustrated with them. He is rather protective of me.


    I feel a bit like I am caught between them.


    Also, this isn't an every day thing, it just came to a bit of a head today.


    Hmmm. It doesn't always work for us either. Some days are just destined to be craptastic. Another thing I do is about 15 minutes before dh gets home the kids and I do a 10-15 minute clean up. I separate them if it has been one of THOSE days. (You know, "Brother is giving me mean eyes" or "Sister won't stop copying me") It gives us a little bit of time to focus on pretending we are normal.

  10. When dh comes home, he tells the kids hello, gives them hugs and kisses, and walks outside with me. Then we talk alone for about 5 minutes or so. He updates me on his day and I tell him who stole whose toy, whose friend was mean at whatever practice, who needs a nap but didn't get one, etc.. I was a Navy wife for about 8 years. My dh went away for 6 months at a time. We seriously had to work on that transition time or we just would not have made it. I suggest a brief 5-minute status update meeting. That may work.

  11. Didn't you know that the added weight of upgraded girls places an undue strain on the back, causing one to arch her back unnaturally and poke her butt out? Sometimes the strain is so uncomfortable that she even purses her lips together awkwardly (what some refer to as "duck face"). There seems to be some correlation between flash photography and this uncomfortable condition.




  12. Dear Facebook,


    I know you are going through a divorce. You have posted every stinking detail about it. You even took pictures of the divorce papers you were served. Do you seriously have posted to take boob shots and post them all over FB? And we don't all need to know who you are sleeping with right now. Thanks.

  13. We went throught something similar with my mil, except she had been married three times before.Her dd, who lives in the same town as her, had just married at the age of 37. We were living about 4 hours away. Mil got lonely and started dating a guy. We had no problems with her dating, or even the guy, just the way she went about it. My two older kids went to spend a few days at her house. Dh and I knew she was dating someone, but she made it seem very casual. When I went to pick up my kids, she brought him with her. Apparently (without our knowledge or permission) he was over at her house every day my kids were there. Mil and her bf basically went out on dates and took the kids along. I was livid! While I was happy she found someone, I just couldn't believe she would be so selfish as to bring a man she'd only know for two months around MY kids without MY permission. She did some other questionable things that finally resulted in a confrontation. Again, we were happy for her. We want her to find a nice guy, and he really is a nice guy. It was just the way she went about it (acting covert, having him show up without telling anyone he was coming, trying to take my kids to his house without telling us first) that ticked us off. When we confronted her about it, she got defensive and went on passive-aggressive overdrive. We're still dealing with this 1 1/2 years later.



    I get where your coming from. I do think you really want your mil to be happy. Maybe in time you will find out this guy is awesome and come to care for him. But I think you are just frustrated with the way in which she is handling this relationship, especially around your kids. That's ok. When we confronted mil, we only talked about the inappropriate activity with our kids. We stressed repeatedly that we liked her bf and wanted her to be happy. If you do confront your mil, I suggest you NOT tell her to cool it with her bf, but instead focus on specific concerns, like "I really need to know that my dc will be your #1 priority while they are in your care."

  14. Do you live in my town? Seriously, would it pain people to just smile? I'm not asking for you to pour out your heart to me. Just a simple hello would suffice.


    Sometimes I feel like I'm living in middle school he!!. If there is no one else around, people will talk to me. Heaven forbid someone sees these women talking to me! You know, I am the weird homeschool mom that is always with her kids and doesn't even have the audacity to work. Nevermind the fact that I talk to everyone, am friendly, somewhat intelligent, and kinda funny-ish.


    OP, I too have left places on the brink of tears. I just don't understand why. I don't smell bad, I brush my teeth and hair, my kids mostly at human in public, my dh is cute, yet people still won't talk to me. I think a lot of it has to do with the dynamic in our town. We have a major employer in town. The best-paying jobs are usually given to former Navy guys due to years of experience. The natives seem a bit hostile about this. Meh. I'm getting to the point that I just don't care anymore. I'm not losing out on some great friendship with someone who can't even be bothered to acknowledge the presence of another human being. Their loss, not mine.

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