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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. I'm very concerned. I'm concerned about milk sources coming from the West coast, too. And I'm equally concerned with the two nuclear power plants in the middle of our country that are in crisis right now....


    There really is no crisis at the two nuclear plants in the middle of the country. My dh works at one of those plants. I would not send him to work if there was a problem. There is no crisis. Media reporters are woefully uneducated about nuclear power. They can't even get their stories straight. I cannot tell you how many times they have mixed up the plants. Seriously, there is no crisis at all.

  2. Oooh, the American press didn't pick up on the rudeness of this bit, "an ideal candidate for the Ladette to Lady television series." I'm sure most Americans don't know what a Ladette is.


    And, OH! She is diabetic! That makes a world of difference as to what you can/cannot eat and that you *must* eat enough. It's not a matter of discomfort, it can be a matter of life and death.


    I don't. It sounds derogatory though. Can you explain?


    Ah. So mil is dissing dil for being diabetic. Klassy:glare:. So dil was open about what foods she could and could not eat. The nerve of her:001_rolleyes:. Mil is a snob.

  4. I've seen it here and heard it on various news stations. I think much of it has to do with the debt thing. Kids are graduating from public colleges with $20,000+ in loans. Then they have a hard time finding a job and paying back that money. Also, there is the lowered standards at colleges. I wish I could remember the article I just read about one state university reducing the requirements for a degree. Many parents are not going to want to send their kid off to college to rack up thousands of dollars of debt, only to receive a less-than-stellar education. I think the tide is turning against intellectuals. For so long college was part of the American dream. Go to college and you will never have to worry about making ends meet. That just isn't reality. Plus, if everyone has a degree, it does kinda cheapen that piece of paper.


    Now, I will say that as of right now I fully expect my children to go to college. However, if they get to that age and decide to pursue a different path (such as a trade) I will support them. I like to think I have developed an atmosphere of learning. I want them to always want to learn new things. I want them to constantly challenge their minds. I have nothing against intellectuals. I do have a grasp of reality though. I am aware that a plumber can make a wonderful living and come home to Shakespeare.

  5. Sorry, but I don't really think of Ohio as the Midwest at all and never really understood how they named that conference. I think of the Midwest being Ill, IA, NE, MN, WI, MO.


    The Chicago or Minneapolis area would have been great areas for Susan to visit or even the Kansas City area. The Omaha, NE area is quite central too for this area with a major airport.


    Ohio is not remotely close to these areas so it certainly would not have been a duplication KWIM?


    Omaha is extremely central. Kansas City would work as well. Hey, I'd even be up for Denver. We middlers need love too!

  6. Exactly. While they are getting a manicure, we were asked to take care of the fruit boats. And PAY for the fruit to go with it - not including the $800 my mom, my sister and I have already sent to help with the wedding.


    Ugh! I am just disgusted for you. This is exactly why I planned my wedding in one day. Well, that and the fact I was knocked up;), but still. I'll say it again. Weddings are about family and friends celebrating the new life of a couple, not about some snooty bride going all divalicious. A lot of people put a lot of time, effort, and $ to pull a wedding together. I had a semi-close family friend create all the flower arrangements for my wedding IN A DAY. You darn well know she was invited to everything. I could not even imagine not inviting special, behind-the-scenes people to fellowship with me before my wedding. Screw "custom" and "tradition".

  7. You may have a good point there.


    More background...


    My niece is 25 years old and has been a grown up living on her own for quite some time. The bridesmaids range in age from 12-30.


    The only way for my sister to see her is for me to drive her the 7.5 hours to there. She can only drive for short amounts of time in town.


    All of our female family members are in the wedding except for me, my sister and my mom. In other words, all of the female family that is traveling from out of state will be at the manicure.


    Ok. So you, your Mom, and your sis will be working behind the scenes to make your neice's day special, yet none of you are invited to the manicure party? Way tacky.

  8. This is a tough one. I get the whole "wedding party only" thing. I would understand if someone close to the bride/groom was paying for the manicures. However, it seems as though this is a "Let's all get our nails done at the same time and pay for it ourselves" kind of thing. In that case your sis should totally be allowed to show up and get her nails done at the salon. It's a public place, right?


    Weddings are intended to be a celebration of a couple's life together. Many people, especially close family members, support the couple. It sounds as though your sis has supported your neice through life. I'm sure she will support your neice through her married life. She should be allowed to go.


    FTR, I think rules are made to be broken. If there is a rule about only allowing bridal party members, it definitely should be broker for your sis.

  9. I voted a victim of adult abuse (although I suffered sexual abuse as a child, I was answering this thread from the standpoint of DV).


    It's striking to me (and it communicates something significant) that if my xh hit me, I could post all the details here.


    But the abuse I suffered (emotional and verbal and financial) wouldn't pass the censor.


    :grouphug: My parents beat the ever-loving bejesus out of me. Their words and emotional manipulation still haunt me to this day, more than the beatings.

  10. Physically, verbally and emotionally abused as a child. My Dad was a recovering alcoholic who turned to pot and my Mom was a pothead. I remember passing the roach clip for my parents. When I was 5 I woke up from a nap to an empty house. I knew to walk to my uncle's house because that where Mom and Dad bought their pot.


    I was 6 when they found Jesus. They took the "Spare the rod, spoil the child" to heart. My Mom weighs around 230lbs. She would sit on top of me and beat the snot out of me with whatever was available: clothes hangers, brushes, belts, vaccuum cleaner attachments, etc.. My Dad, the former bar-room brawler, would do some serious damage. Once, at the age of 14, I was beaten because I didn't make their tea the right way. CPS came to my house after I showed up to school with a busted lip, black eye, and bruised ribs. My Dad threatened to shoot the worker and she never came back. After that, they would wake me up in bed and hit me whenever they were angry. I was called stupid, fat, ugly, a b!tch, everything. I was told that if I ever reported the abuse I would be responsible for ruining the family. I was used as a messenger b/t my parents when they were fighting. I once kept track of the abuse and realized they hit me every single day for something stupid up until the time I left home. I left 3 days after graduating and joined the Navy.


    I think my Mom is seriously mentally ill. We have good months and we have seriously terrible months. Sometimes she is great and sometimes she curses me out lower than a dog. She's like a box of chocolates. You just never know what you are going to get. Things have been getting better as I have drawn some serious lines. They've crossed them and suffered the consequences. It really stinks having to parent my parents.



    Thankfully, I have married the most incredible man alive. He could not be more opposite of my Dad. I thank God every day for him.


    I don't consider myself a victim. My parents are whacked out. They are not completely sane. Everything I experienced was their problem, not mine. I thank them for showing me how NOT to live my life and parent my kids.

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