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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. My oldest has a Winnie the Pooh blanket that was given to her by fil. She still sleeps with it. Youngest dd has Lambert. Here is a pic I posted of her with him. He goes EVERYWHERE with her. I don't want to imagine the day when he stays home:crying:.


    So, my kids will always love their blankies/Lamberts, right?

  2. I think it would also be outrageous if you choose not to roll up your sleeves, get out, and raise your income along with cutting spending. This whole cut-taxes-or-raise-spending argument is ridiculous to me. The hole the USA is in took decades and decades to dig and isn't something that can be addressed by just one or the other measure. It's like saying that massive credit card debt can be addressed by either cutting the gym membership and cable bill or by going out and finding a part time job. Sometimes it's so bad you just have to buckle down and do both.


    :iagree: Thank you so much for saying this, especially as an "outsider" (by that I mean not someone who is smacked upside the face by American political excrement). There really is a gray (or is it "grey" for you Canadians?) area. We should aim for gray.

  3. Oh, and here's teA. Be forewarned...not for the faint of heart.


    Everyone should read the teA thread. Be prepared to lose at least an hour of your life. Also, don't drink anything while reading it.


    I love the bunny in a kilt! Awesomeness,


    And Dawn, I too live in the country. And I have a Lab who inadvertantly kills bunnies. My girl is chocolate though. Dead bunnies don't bother me.

  4. I think it is a cop out.


    Does it affect people? Sure.


    But come on. This is total BS.


    At some point people who are grown adults need to get a grip and accept that they are responsible for their own life and the choices they make and quit blaming mommy for their screw ups and being a turd.


    Not to mention, I find it insulting to presume that everyone born of low income or of less than stellar parenting is automatically incapable of rational thought and decent living choices.


    :iagree:, especially with the bolded. This is exactly the environment into which I was born. My parents were physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive. Yes, it sucked, but I moved on. My parents are not responsible if I go out and kill my kid. They are not responsible if I make a CHOICE to do the same things they did. Also, my craptastic upbringing does not mean I will grow up to be some trashtastic loser. I am in an extremely healthy relationship with a wonderful man. I completed college. I am a darn good parent most days.


    Casey Anthony is not a victim of her upbringing.

  5. I'm so relieved to not be dating any longer. Can I just first start with that? Because it's true. I really am relieved.


    He had decided not to officially "end" it over the phone, for he felt that was callous, even for her. So he braved the call, and said that they should talk, etc. She became hysterical, crying and weeping, begging for forgiveness. For a moment, I thought he would cave. He remained stoic, and just said he wanted to talk in person. She demanded to know if they were going to remain together, and when he gave vague, non-committal answers, she became angry. So, when he asked to meet the final time, she said "maybe this weekend" but she "can't promise anything" because she's really busy. He said that he needed some of his things, and some more clothes, and asked if he could just pick those up later and she responded with calling the cops if he came over when she wasn't there (it is technically her place....ugh) or if he came over unannounced. :glare: :glare: :glare:


    So, he has decided to never go there without the presence of one of their friends who is a cop. He wants someone there just in case she tries to pull some B.S. like he took something that wasn't his, that he broke something, etc. Better safe than sorry is currently his motto.


    Also, a side note, her parents called Drew last night to talk, and to genuinely apologize for, and I quote, "a spoiled little girl" who has an "inflated sense of self entitlement". OUCH :lol:



    Oh my! If anything ever happens to dh I am just going to join a convent. The whole dating thing is just too much effort. And drama.

  6. I've been told it's a sign of respect when they bring you dead things :glare: :tongue_smilie:


    :lol: If they respected me so much they should have killed the snakes in my house:glare:. Thankfully I also have cats. They are my fearless snake fighters. The 80lb Lab is scared of snakes.

  7. :lol: I'm not laughing at you. I'm really laughing with you. We had our big, huge 80lb Lab for 5 years before we added in our tiny little Lhasa Apso. In those 5 years I was never gifted with any "special" treats. Zoe, the Lab, is a big overgrown baby who is scared of small animals.:tongue_smilie: Rusty, the Lhasa (weighing a whopping12lbs), has brought me birds, mice, moles, ducks, deer legs, and rabbits. I can't see what he has in his mouth before he comes in due to his mustache. Poor guy looks so dejected when I make him bring his presents back outside.

  8. In this case I would seriously have to sit back and laugh about how ridiculous the situation is. Is your mil typically drunk? Perhaps your dh was embarrassed about it and just didn't know how to handle the situation. I think I would probably talk rationally (:lol: I'm not a rational person) to dh about it so he would know what to do the next time it happened. But yep, I would be a little ticked.

  9. Let me know when the app comes out!


    This is totally apropos to nothing, but the title of this thread keeps making me think of "Angry Birds," except with a bunch of sullen, scowling little kids being sling-shot instead.




    They would be knocking down a stack of old-school Calvert, Bob Jones, or Abeka books.

  10. I too about crapped my pants when I read the "another $50k" comment. I think I spent a grand total of about $400 on my wedding. We have been happily married for 11+ years now;).


    This is a tough one. I would normally stay out of it, but since "it" is sleeping on your couch, I personally would have a hard time keeping my trap shut. I would proceed very cautiously. Someone who wants to spend THAT much money on a wedding is likely not in their right mind. Let the friend's parents do the dirty work. Just be there to support your dh's friend.


    Can I just add that the hair cutting thing just sounds completely ridiculous to me? Your dh's hair sounds like a big part of him. It is almost like asking someone to get a nose job to be in the wedding. Watch your tires. This one sounds crazy enough to slash them.

  11. Our babysitter was homeschooled the whole way and loved it. Her brother feels very differently. His wife would like to homeschool her kids, but he feels very strongly about it. I gather the mom was something of an unschooler, and while that style worked with her dd, it did NOT work with her ds. I keep this story in mind when I consider our hsing direction. What may work for one kid may be terrible for another. The beauty of hsing is finding a good fit for each individual child. That good fit just may be ps.


    Right now my kids are happy homeschoolers. Oldest is only 10, so the emotional teen years have yet to affect hsing. I just re-evaluate every year. However, I'd rather my kids hate me for homeschooling them than have them hate me for throwing them into ps and subjecting them to the crud that happens there.

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