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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. I let my 8yo son go through the men's locker room at the pool. However, I live in a town of about 3500 people. I almost always know most of the people at the pool. I am comfortable with him walking through unattended. He never takes a shower in there, never changes in there, and only uses the toilets. I know the male lifeguards (one was our homeschool PE teacher). So that is why I don't take him into the women's locker room.


    If we were in a bigger town/city with more unfamiliar people, I'd probably have a different attitude. Heck, earlier today we went to the city and I made my son come into the ladies room with me. Some lady gave me the stink eye when she saw him in there with me. Whatever. I'd rather have some rude woman give me a dirty look than possibly risk my son's safety.


    I take it you, OP, are not in a tiny town. I would understand a mom taking her son into the women's locker room. I'd be uncomfortable, and so would my 2 dds, but I would understand. But, rules are rules. Just take a shower at home and avoid the situation.

  2. Just yesterday morning I was looking at my big 4yo princess. I wanted to cry because she is just so big now. I started thinking about how awesome it would be to have a snuggly little baby again. Four dc is such a small amount, right? Then we went out in public:glare:. That sweet little 4yo didn't have a good nap. We were at the ball fields when sweet precious 4yo decided to LOUDLY proclaim "I.WANT.NACHOS!!!" despite the fact I told her no repeatedly. Then she proceded to squirm around, a sure sign of needing to potty. She tells me she can just hold it. Umm... We had 15 minutes of practice left and a 15min ride home. Probably not going to work. So I had to drag this sweet precious child kicking and screaming into the bathroom. Did I mention the tons of people around? People I see on a quite regular basis.:glare:


    I would still like a puppy.

  3. First choice would be Canada. Awesome healthcare and Mounties;).


    Second choice would be Scotland. Umm, kilts?!?!


    Third choice would be France. Wine. Need I say more?


    Ok, seriously. I would love to move to Canada. Canadians seem so relaxed. I would prefer to move to Nova Scotia, as my ancestors came from that area. It is different enough from the US to be neat, but not so different that we would have to totally revamp our way of life.


    Scotland- History. I would move for the history. Nebraska is a little lacking in that department. Great healthcare, great people, and kilts.


    France- Again, healthcare. Interesting people, history, close proximity to other historical sites, and awesome wine. Also, before my ancestors went to Nova Scotia, they lived on France. However, I would feel very bad about mangling the French language.

  4. I held mine constantly. They were cute and they smelled heavenly. How could I put them down? Now I did splurge and buy a Baby Bjorn with my last one. Funny how much more one can accomplish with two hands. That one lived in the Mei Tai. I have the back muscles to prove it. Did you know that you can bowl quite well with an 18-month-old in a Mei Tai?


    You held Levi for the first 9 months of his life. Why would you put him down now?

  5. My cultural heritage is Cajun.


    South Louisiana is such a culturally rich area. It is so much more than food. Family is extremely important. My dad and his siblings get together for morning coffe at least twice a week ( there are 8 surviving siblings). I know my aunts/uncles, great aunts/great uncles/, first cousins, second cousins, etc., etc.. Though I'm not a practicing Catholic, the Catholic culture still impacts my life, as it does many other Cajuns. We speak a mangled sort of Frenglish. The French language holds a special place in my heart. I talk to everyone I meet. If you pass by me, expect a hello. If you are my cashier, expect a conversation. I get down out of a car, because that is a literal translation of the French word for getting out of a car. I eat all kinds of things that would make most people gag.


    THAT is cultural heritage.

  6. I don't have twins, but I was always prepared for them. Frat twins run in my family. I always said if I had boy/girl twins, I would name them Gabriel and Evangeline. Weird, I know, but I grew up in south Louisiana. The town in which I was born had the Evangeline Oak, the fabled landing of Emmeline in Longfellow's Evangeline. Just throwing that out there.:D


    And can I say that I am just so happy your pregnancy has progressed in such a blessed manner? Enjoy those little bundles!

  7. You had me at umbrella drink.:lol:


    Last year all three dc went to grandma's house. Dh was working the night shift. One night I sat down, popped the cork on a lovely Pinot Noir, watched Pride and Prejudice, and sloooowly folded laundry. It was bliss.


    I say give yourself about an hour a day to do planning/cleaning/other unpleasent chores. Then, relax! Seriously, how often do we have alone time?

  8. Nope. It wasn't there. Idk why. But it wasn't. And the nurse holding him in was none too happy about it. She was telling nurses to look here, there, and everywhere. Maybe it was already used previously and they hadn't replaced it yet? Idk.


    I do know that nurse was very upset. She stayed with me through recovery and saw me settled in my room.


    I remember the dr saying he had to wait for sedation and the heart beat just kept dropping, 50, 40, 35, 30.... and at that point the nurse looked past him to me and said we couldn't wait or we would loose this baby. Dr looked at me and asked if I understood. I said to take care of Levi. Nurse on left put an oxygen mask over my face and said no matter what to not move or it could hurt my baby. Dr started cutting.


    Idk what drug they used in the end to sedate me, but the nurse was very surprised and very upset that I seemed to remember everything in recovery. She kept saying how she was so sorry it had to happen like that and if I needed someone to talk to, to have her paged or just ask any nurse.


    I'm rather glad I remember everything. I might have been loud, but I knew what was going on and stayed in control. Only once did I move. When he started to pack everything back in, I reflexively jerked my right arm up. A nurse just said, No! And told me to grip the table, which I did thereafter.


    Yep. WOMAN OF THE CENTURY award goes to you. :grouphug:


    My heart is racing just reading that. Pardon my French, but you have balls of steel.

  9. In situations like that, we let the person to whom it matters more have their way. For example, I don't think my dd17 should be riding around with her friends due to the statistics on teen drivers and accidents (dd17 also does not have her license). My husband disagrees with this. It matters more to me, so I got my way.





    :iagree: If it matters more to one of us to do ____ than it does to the other to NOT do _____, one of us usually concedes. For example, my dh really wanted to make homemade beer. In our bedroom:glare:. I really did not enjoy this idea. Finally I realized it mattered much more to him to make it there (something about temperature) than it matter to me, so I gave in. I didn't think of it a submitting. I thought of it as being humble. He's done the same for me.

  10. EX brought dd home for a bit to do a few chores, so the dog got a long romp in the yard and the kitty box was dealt with.


    I guess it's not a big deal; my dignity was injured more than my person. But, I was going out to my car and noticed one of my trashcans had blown over and the contents had spilled out. I was picking it all up and when I'd finished, I turned to go back to the car and did a face plant into the asphalt. I have no idea what happened. One minute I was putting a pizza box in the can, the next I was face down in the street with blood pooling by my face. I was sure I'd broken my glasses into my eye, but surprisingly, they were only scratched. However, I have a swollen scrape over my left eye, scratches on my face and nose and my nose bled all over. I twisted my left ankle and really banged up my right knee, which is now swollen and purple, green and red. My neighbor across the alley saw me go down and came over to help me. She got me a towel for my bloody face and helped me up. I hobbled into the house, surveyed the damage, cleaned up and went to church. By the time I got home, I was really in pain! So, I went to express care this morning and nothing is broken, but they did tell me to stay home from work tonight and keep it all elevated and iced.


    Makeup will cover the scratches on my face, and thankfully, it was the bottom part of my nose that got hit (and not where the cartilage meets the bone) so I have no shiners. And, VERY thankfully, I didn't break a tooth. It was horribly embarrassing, not to mention painful!


    Are we long lost sisters?


    Last Thanksgiving dh pre-heated the oven to make cinnamon rolls. After the oven was pre-heated, he realized there was a plate inside. He placed the plate atop the stove. This girl grabs the plate, holds it for a few seconds, realizes "Gee, this is kinda hot," drops plate on foot, and almost passes out.


    The other day I cut myself on a cup of yogurt.


    Once I was cleaning on my knnes. While scooting on my knees, I fell into a door knob. That was pretty.


    I'm sorry your are hurting. That really sounds painful. Just know you are not the only klutz in the world.

  11. Going to the pool tomorrow.


    My dd's softball tournament next weekend.


    Possible road/camping trip to western Nebraska/Colorado mext month.


    Studying the Middle Ages with my kids this coming school year.


    The fifth book in George RR Martin's Song of Fire and Ice series coming out in July.




    Dh's bonus in 21 months, which will wipe out our student loans.


    Going back to school when my kids are off on their own.


    Retiring with my dh.




    Growing old with dh.



    I am a midwestern homeschooling housewife living (grudgingly) on a farm. I have to look forward to SOMETHING, even if it seems small and insignificant.

  12. I'm on the fence about housekeepers/maids/cleaning services. On the one hand, I absolutely hate cleaning. It is soooo boring. Laundry makes me want to vomit. While I am cleaning in one area of the house, the kids are making a mess in another area. When I clean up the messy area, they are destroying the clean area. I hate cleaning! BUT, I would die if anyone, even someone hired for the sole purpose of cleaning my house, walked into my messy house. I would have to do the thing I hate to do to get someone else to do the thing I hate to do.


    I still want a housekeeper.

  13. I've never seen this catalog. Please, tell me more about it:)


    Mine is STILL not here!




    It is the phone book of homeschooling.


    Ummm, nope--it's more like the holy grail of homeschooling.


    Hmmm, that also doesn't quite explain the essence of it. Anyone got anything better?


    Let's explain it to this woofully deprived homeschooler who has never heard of RR!


    It's almost like homeschool p*rn.

  14. :svengo: What a GORGEOUS dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I have a 75 lb greyhound and a 13 lb dachsund. The dachsund is the alpha male. :confused: The greyhound loves to cuddle with my 11 lb rat terrier. They really are quite amusing!!!:lol:



    ***LOVE*** your dog! He's a keeper!!! What's his name?


    :lol: Same here. We have an 80lb Lab and a 15lb Lhasa Apso. The Lab is scared of the Lhasa.


    OP, that dog is just beautiful! I want to kiss him.

  15. :lol: Our dogs do the same thing. Heaven forbide a bird lands in our yard. My Lab takes serious offense to that. My Lhasa cannot stand it if the farmers just north of our house are on the tractor. Seriously Lhasa? You're going to take on that tractor? Let me know how that turns out for you.:glare:


    When we lived in town, our Lab would bark at anyone walking on our side of the street. I would just hold her and tel her it was ok. After a while ( a loooong while) she would only bark once or twice. Much more tolerable.


    Sigh. Sorry you have to deal with stupid people.

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