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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. Could *you* engage your children when you were going through something like this? At the moment, this is her way of dealing w/ her FEELINGS. Don't make her feel badly about that.




    It's next to impossible to deal with something like this when you know you've got to be available for the little faces looking to you for everything. I'm glad you get to spend some time here, AB, collecting your thoughts and sorting them out, before you have to face the situation head on; it's much, much better than holding it in. :grouphug:


    :iagree: As I said before, I would be spitting mad if this happened to me. I would be tempted to explode, throw things, curse like a drunken Sailor, basically all the bad things my kids do NOT need to see. I would have to take a break from the situation and cool the heck off before confronting dh. I think it is quite apparent that the OP WILL confront her dh, but she wants to process everything for a bit. Most of the people here are supportive and understanding. It probably helps the OP to know that she has every right to be spitting mad right now. And I think she is wise to calm down a tiny bit before laying in to her dh.


    Again AngelBee, :grouphug:. I hope your dh sees his behavior was ridiculous and changes his attitude.

  2. I love him more every year. I need him more every year. We get better every year. BUT marriage is hard work. We are 2 imperfect beings, and we have had to walk through some d@mn hard stuff. Marriage is not for sissies.


    Amen sista! My cousin was with this man for about 6 years. They were living together most of that time. After a loooonnnngggg engagement, with the wedding date getting pushed back many times, they finally got married around Christmas. Not three months later she was considering divorce because "I'm just not completely in love with him." Really? Some mornings I wake up to a horrible smell coming from under the covers. When I look at my dh, "I love you" is not the first thought that comes to mind. But I resist the urge to kick him out or spike his food with Bean-o, not because I am in love with him, but because my true love for him has grown so much bigger that that. Sure, he still makes me weak in the knees, but that is based on our experiences together.

  3. While I believe the only perfect marriage is the one between chocolate and peanut butter, dh and I have a super marriage. We love each other amd try to show each other tons of grace. Of course there are times I can't stand him, and I'm sure he often thinks I'm crazy, but we work through it. I think we realize we are both big flaming dorks and no one else would want to put up with us.

  4. Your comment about Cajuns and beer made me chuckle. I remember seeing my uncles build a levee around my Grandma's house with a beer in their hand while operating a back-hoe (or however you spell it). My Dad said he saw a guy in Butte La Rose bbq-ing yesterday. And the boat on the roof just exemplifies the Cajun spirit. I'm just wondering where the cooler was. I love Cajuns. I love being Cajun. I hate watching this unfold from far away. I hate watching my Cajuns suffer. I'm so sorry you guys have to deal with this. I have been praying for the last week for everyone affected my this.

  5. Someone suggested Woe is I. I second that. It cracked me up, and I couldn't put it down. Words Fail Me by the same author is great, too.


    For Logic, I recommend Peter Kreeft's Socratic Logic. This is a college text, but it's a fun read. He cracks me up, too.



    I looked up Woe is I. Amazon said there was a chapter titled "Comma Sutra".:lol: It is now in my cart. That alone sold me on the book.

  6. Thank you guys so much for all the great recs! I have been researching these all afternoon. Those grammar recs look perfect for me. I especially appreciate the recommendations for science. I really had no idea where to go with that one.


    To all the ladies embarking on the self-ed journey- Good Luck! I hope more people respond to this thread so others can be inspired.

  7. I'm working through Dod by CAP for formal logic. I finally get it! Another interesting read is Aristotle for Everybody by Adler.


    Grammar - I'll 2nd the Deluxe Transitive Vampire (if you enjoy dark gothic humor in your grammar text), also Elements of Style would be a quick read.


    Science Matters would be a good overall science read. It's designed for adults to create scientific literacy. It has a chapter that makes quantum mechanics even make sense.


    I love love love dark humor! I've never heard of this book before. Sounds promising. And thanks for that Science Matters rec. That sounds perfect.

  8. Please help me create a plan for my own self-education over the summer. I used to think I was somewhat intelligent. Then I came here:tongue_smilie:. I want to stay on top of my children's education. I want to model good study habits for my kids. I want them to see that you are never too old to learn something. So, I've decided to really make an obvious effort this summer. I ordered Elementary Greek for my kids for next school year. I went ahead and ordered an extra workbook for myself in order to work ahead of them. I currently own SWB's History of the Medieval World. Since we are covering the Middle Ages next school year, this will be perfect for history.


    I really need a refresher course in grammar.


    I want to study some sort of logic.


    I know nothing about economics. I should probably fix that soon.


    Is there some sort of general intro to philosophy that will not bore me to tears?


    I need some science-type book. Anything would help.


    Help! I need recommendations, suggestions, general encouragement. Thanks!

  9. I think the 4800 figure is actually the amount of people living in the spillway. The higher estimate refers to those expected to be affected by backwater flooding. All the rivers/bayous that normally drain into the basin will no longer be able to do so due to high water. Those will back up and flood.


    Honestly, I think the official number are extremely low. People are reporting cracks and leaks in the levees right now, before Morganza has even opened. God save those people if those levees are breeched.

  10. I'm out of the loop here... why in the world are they opening this and deliberately flooding people?


    To prevent the water from going to more populated areas.


    Basically, to prevent flooding in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. If the Mississippi River gets too high in those areas, river traffic will have to stop. New Orleans is a hugh port, so the economy stands to lose millions of dollars if New Orleans floods. Here is the expected flood area. I saw an inundation map if the Morganza Spillway remained closed. Basically, the flooding would be much more widespread and in much more highly populated areas. Not much comfort for those in the current flood zone.

  11. :grouphug: My heart is breaking. I'm scared for Morgan City. I cannot even fathom the thought that Butte La Rose is going to be completely under water. I have so many good memories of that place. I am praying that the levees hold. I'm angry that MY people are seen as collateral damage. I'm sad that the good people of the basin have to suffer for Baton Rouge and New Orleans.


    I hope Morgan City is ok. I hope your family can get out quickly if it isn't.

  12. I'm shocked at how many people have NOT been asked this! I've been asked a number of times. I was even asked by the local school principal:glare:. (I was so close to asking her how she could run a school without a brain, but I bit my tongue instead.) My family doesn't ask this question because I am considered the "smart" one, which basically means I'm the only one who has never been arrested. My mil, bless her heart, is a 2nd grade teacher. She has hinted that I am not qualified. I've had strangers in town ask me how can I teach if I'm not a "real" teacher. I graduated with honors from our school's gifted program. I have a college degree. That never stops people from asking about being certified.

  13. If 12 years of school didn't teach me enough to provide an elementary education to my children, then it's a darn good thing I'm going with choice B for MY kids. ;)


    I usually go with this answer.


    Seriously, I've been asked this before at least 100 times. I just smile very nicely and say "Why do you ask? Do you not think my 13 years of public education adequately prepared me?"

  14. :grouphug: OP. My oldest is only 10, but I have 18 and 20yo sisters.


    You are in a really difficult situation. You were there for your dd throughout her pregnancy. You are the one supporting her and her ds. You are providing a roof over their head, food on the table, and likely clothing for both. IMO, that gives you a whole heck of a lot of say in the situation. HOWEVER, she is 18 and legally an adult, not to mention a mother.


    You have very valid concerns. Perhaps your dd's boyfriend does have a sleep issue. That can be a problem when driving. You have expressed your concerns and he has refused to get help. I know how much it stinks to be right and have no one listen, but unfortunately you cannot control him. Maybe you could cultivate a realtionship with his parents and bring your concerns to them. That may be a possible solution. The key is NOT to pit your dd against the father of her child. That will never end well. Those two have to figure this whole parent thing out on their own. They are stuck with each other for the rest of their child's life. You are stuck with him and his family too. You have to tread carefully. Again, as long as you are supporting your dd, your have a right to voice your opinions and even set certain guidelines. Just make sure those guidelines are not meant to remove this guy from your dd's life (unless he is an abusive, drug-dealing sack of cow manure).

  15. I'm so sorry your family is in Butte Larose. My heart goes out to them. I'm in Morgan City...we are in a little bit better of a position, but not much. We are starting to pack our most prized possessions and be ready to leave at a moment's notice. The lake across the street from me is supposed to take 6 feet of water if they open the Morganza. They are re-enforcing our levee's to hold 5 of the 6. They can't get it any higher. All I can do is hope for a little reprieve on that number.


    :grouphug: For what I can gather (which is little), Morgan City is definitely in the line of fire. Prayers for you and your family.

  16. I wanted to add that you may want to re-think coming down Thursday. We are looking at WEEKS of high water. It's going to be a very slow decline. Better to keep yourself safe.


    My sister is graduating high school next Saturday, May 21. I can't miss that. My Mom, Dad, and sisters are in the Lafayette area. They will likely not be affected.

  17. You should have asked her if she charged extra for her opinion. Then toss a penny at her on the way out and tell her you didn't feel her opinion was worth the whole 2-cents.




    Aubrey, I am constantly amazed that random people feel the need to control the decisions of others. I mean, I have many opinions, but I keep my mouth shut most of the time. Seriously, this, ahem, hairdresser, needs to put a cork in it.


    And seriously! You shouldn't bf? What planet does this person come from?

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