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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. Usually I just wear foundation and mascara. I won't leave the house without them. Most of the time I apply Burt's Bees tinted lip gloss. Yesterday, since it was a holiday, I wore real lipstick. I rarely go all out, like foundation, blush, eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara. If I do, I stick to pretty neutral colors, which I hope work in most seasons. I also carry the same handbag for months, not caring if it is the right season for the color or whatever else determines whether or not handbags are in season.

  2. Ugh! Sorry you felt like you had to make yourself miserable because of nosy busy-bodies out there.


    I had someone actually time dd and I while we were washing our hands- at a funeral no less. We were rushing to get back to the chapel before the Rosary started, so we did a quick squirt and scrub. The other lady in the bathroom actually commented that we didn't wash for the complete 20 seconds and asked if we were concerned about germs. Since we were in a church and at a funeral, I just smiled and walked out. Some people have some serious nerve.

  3. You ladies are cracking me up! Thanks so much for the boost. She can be a real drain. I appreciate all the comments and support. And Susan in TN, I may just go for crazy. I honestly could not care less what this woman thinks of me. If she thinks I'm crazy, maybe she'll avoid me.


    WordGirl- I'm right there with the "Worry about your kids. I've got mine covered" comment. Seriously, the woman needs to hear that.


    Mrs. Mungo, while I don't LIKE to be mean, I have no problem dishing out my inner firecracker of people keep asking for it. She's asking for it, so I should oblige, right? That would be the nice thing to do;).

  4. Limit your interaction with her, but when she does trap you, a simple "Well, bless your heart" will leave her confused.


    She'll wonder what you really mean by it, or if you are so dumb (you're not) you don't even realize she's being witchy, or if you are being PA, or if you even heard her.


    What would be awesome is if she repeated it, and then you get to repeat, "Well, bless your heart *again*!"


    I also like, "Oh, that is so *interesting* of you to point out" or "How curious that you attend to such matters. Thank you so much for kindly pointing this out."


    Let the syrup run thick through your voice. It's fun.


    Funny you mentioned the "Bless your heart" comment. I'm Southern, know what that *really* means, and am seriously considering using that every time she talks to me. Maybe she'll think I'm nuts and just leave me alone. That would be worth it.

  5. I didn't read the rest of the replies.


    Is there a reason you wish to have her in your life? 'cause if no, just loosen ties with her and blissfully ignore her. Tie zero value to things she says and they won't irritate you, as they'll be irrelevant to you. After a while of cold shouldering, she'll probably either change her ways either disappear on her own.


    If you do wish her in your life (as in, if she is a generally good and valuable person to have in your life, just falling a victim to a great temptation to be so negative and draining at times - happens, there are such 'psychological constitutions' of people), then an honest friendly chat is in place and putting her back to her place every time she crosses the line, hoping she will learn to prevent those stuff with time. You can even agree upon some sort of a "warning sign", which should make her know she crossed or is about to cross the line of what you allow.


    I really have no desire to have her in my life. Unfortunately, we live in a tiny town and attend the same church. She is unavoidable. I can't change her or the frequency of my interactions with her. I obviously do need to change how I deal with her.

  6. We have someone similar in our group and it drives me batty. For a while she didn't target me (for whatever reason) but lately I have been noticing it. Today she pointed out that one of my sons had his shirt on backwards (it was hard to tell). Really like this affects your life how?? Anyway. I have been direct and had no result when you confront her she acts honestly surprised that she said something offensive.


    I am at the point where I distance myself when I can and spend the rest of the time thinking how sorry I am that she is so miserable. I don't own her comments and when she says something I just leave it in the floor. Not my problem.


    We get the"(ds8), did you know your shirt was backwards" comments all the time from her. Who freaking cares? I could be mean and tell her kids "Your hair is not brushed," but then I'd be just as bad.

  7. The biggest one was when kiddo was 3. There was a bathroom in a restaurant that had one of those taps you could turn on a little and it would go BANG BANG BANG. My son thought it was hilarious, but he thought the noise was coming out of the open drain.


    FYI, he called "the women's room" "the woman's".


    So, we leave, and he has to share the joy, and runs ahead of me to a pack of teenaged boys, points back at me, and shouts "There is a funny noise coming out of that woman's hole". I kept right on going and ate some where else. All the boys just froze, and looked as I went by, snatching kiddo as I passed.


    I was going to comment, but I think this one may just take the cake!:lol:


    Oh, I'll comment just to make Denise feel better.


    There was the time ds (about 4 at the time) decided to pull down his pants and show all the kids at the pack ball field his new underwear.


    Or the time I was talking about how ds was advanced and we were going to hs him. As I pointed him out to the lady to whom I was talking, he was pulling down his pants and scratching his bum on the packed soccer field.


    Or the time dd10 asked LOUDLY "Mom, is that a man or woman?" I left the store in a hurry because I really couldn't tell either.


    Or the time dd3 saw someone at our local library and said LOUDLY "That guy is reall fat. Is he on Biggest Loser?"


    Or how any time we have company over, dd3 has to poop with the door wide open and yell "Can you please wipe my booty?"


    Or the time my little country boy, accustomed to peeing outside whenever the urge hits, pulled down his pants in town, on a busy street, and went right there on a tree.



    Kids keep me humble.

  8. I am in southwest Iowa ,may I come over the bridge to see if this is the same dame who ruins every ITBS day for all of us with her poison and negativity?? You poor dear she sounds awful. And in need of strong meds and an immobile tongue. I would suggest you walk away from her or tape your nose to your forehead the next time she starts to open her mouth. Who needs that? I swear it is one foul tempered woman who travels all the states to just rain on everyone else's parade.:lol:


    :lol: It may be the same woman. She was in Iowa before moving here. I blame you Elizabeth for inflicting THAT on me:tongue_smilie:.

  9. She sounds like the sort of person who would just love it if you sincerely pointed out that her comments bother you; she could deny that she expressed anything other than genuine concern or interest while secretly thinking, "Score! I got to Wendilouwho!


    She would totally play innocent. When I confronted her about shoving my dd, she had no idea what I was talking about! Of course, then she changed her story a few times after I wouldn't back down.


    Just a brief thought.. people don't do things unless there is some kind of pay-off for them. This lady is getting something out of her sniping comments - I have no idea what it would be - but you can be sure that she is, otherwise she wouldn't do it. She may not even be aware of it; it might be quite sub-conscious.


    Oh she gets a lot out of it. This is how she deflects attention away from her unruly children. She has even shouted at my kids for absolutely nothing while hers were beating up on one another. The curriculum comment was her way of detracting from the fact that her kids aren't doing very well in HER school, even though she's used the same curriculum the whole time. She builds herself up by tearing down other people.


    Well, unfortunately, sometimes you simply have to smack someone upside the head with a CLUE-by-4. I would tell her she's insulted you if she says something particular insulting. If she's just commenting on things like scratches or glasses, I'd look at her with a very puzzled expression and say 'Why on earth would that even occur to you to point out?'


    If you just need to deal with it, you could stick to answering with as few words as possible. For every comment she makes, just say 'Yes', 'No', 'Hmm..', and my favorite 'Whatever.' :tongue_smilie:


    Love it!


    She doesn't sound passive-aggressive to me. She sounds just plain mean.


    I don't deal well with that kind of thing. I'm sorry you have her in your face all the time. I think, from hearing what you're saying, I would probably have a mild confrontation with her the next time she picked on one of my children. I'd probably say, "I'm sure you don't mean to gossip about a young child, do you?" and let the chips fall where they may.


    I've confronted her about the shoving incident. I also told her she was no longer allowed to talk to my children without me present. The next week, while we were at PE, she told my son to stop doing something trivial. Then she yelled across the parking lot "Wendi, I told (ds8) to stop doing (whatever meaningless thing he was doing). Is that ok with you?" I'm proud to say I repressed every urge to smack her right then and there.


    It must be hard in a small community where you are going to bump in to her, to just avoid her altogether, at least in a one on one- but if you can, I would. Well, not to the point where it inconveniences me- that would be giving her way too much energy.

    My dh too is quite confrontative with such people. I just tend to avoid them or give them the cold shoulder once they have ticked me off. But the other thing I tend to do is check with the other people around us if anyone else is finding her the same, or see if they heard what she said to me- and get them to share how they feel about it too. Since you are almost certainly not the only one and if you are, others will have noticed how she talks to you. But once others have shared about it- usually someone will actually say something to her, or at least you will have the group effect.


    I can't avoid her. Only one hs group in town, we attend the same church, our kids take piano lessons with the same lady, on various boards together at church (where I have to talk constantly over her ridiculous comments).


    She does this to others too. Like the phenomenon Denise mentioned, we all thought we were the only ones she did this to. When I noticed an angry look on our piano teacher's face after dealing with crazy lady, I asked her about it. I found out most women in church have been her victim. Other women have had to talk to her about bullying their kids. She just doesn't get it. I may need to put on my big girl panties and dig out the aforementioned Clue-by-4 and smack her upside the head with it.

  10. If "Oh, shut up Eeyore" isn't your style try pretending what she just said means "I hate my life. I feel like someone has locked me in a cage and thrown away the key." If that's what she had said, what would you want to say?




    Ah, Rosie! You've done it again!


    The thing is I know this woman hates her live. Her kids are out of control. She has been confronted a number of times about her behavior. She doesn't have any close friends because she drives everyone away. Her relationship with her husband is painful to watch. Honestly, I pity her, which is part of the reason why I haven't gone off on her....yet.

  11. I have an aquaintance that just loves to drop annoying, passive-aggressive comments ALL.THE.TIME. I'm the opposite of passive-aggressive. I just don't get this woman. Seriously, if she hated/disliked me so much, wouldn't she just stop talking to me? I'll give you a few examples. While at PE, I mentioned that I was going to leave for a while to wash my car (and so I wouldn't have to talk to her). Her PA comment was "We, I know how you like everything to LOOK good." What the h-e-double-hockeysticks is that supposed to mean? Or, while she was attending the dress rehersal for our kids' piano recital (even though the teacher specifically asked parents to wait outside so they would be suprised), she noticed my son blinking a lot. The next day the comment was "I noticed your son blinking a lot. Do you think you should get his eyes checked?" Even after telling her (at least 3 times) he just has some allergy issues now, she just wouldn't let it go. Oh, and you guys will LOVE this one. When talking about a change we had made in our curriculum, she said "Oh you're just a curriculum hopper aren't you?" Homeschool fighting words there.


    She also notices everything wrong about my kids. Dd10 sang with the youth choir in front of church on day. She did a great job, considering she is the youngest and smallest one there. The first thing crazy lady said to me was "I noticed (dd10) didn't wear her glasses again today." And yes, for reference, this woman is the same lady who pushed my dd. When my son played his piano pieces for the recital (without a single mistake), she commented on the scrape on his face. She is just constantly making PA comments about everything I or my kids do.


    Here's how I've been dealing with her, though it is no longer working. You know you train a puppy about apprpriate behavior? When they get too rowdy or anytime their teeth come in contact with skin, you immediately stop playing. That's what I've been doing. Anytime she makes a stupid comment, I just walk away. If she cannot play nice, I just won't play with her. Unfortunately that isn't working very well, especially since we live in a tiny town, attend the same church, and homeschool.


    So how do you deal with PA people? My dh thinks I should just turn every comment around on her. I can see his point, but to me it would feel like repaying rudeness with rudeness. Now, I know I could absolutely slay this woman with my words, but I hate doing that. I don't like to be mean. I just want her to shut up.

  12. I'm having trouble finding the right size "shelf" for my b00ks. I tried measuring myself & input my measurements into the Bali Bra Size Calculator, and it said to me: "I'm sorry. Your measurements are out of range.":svengo:


    <heavy sigh> I feel ya. My cup runneth over. It just isn't cute. I'm only 30. I don't want to wear "granny" bras. I want to wear those cute bras you see at Victoria's Secret. Those are not meant to support the ladies, only temporarily wrap them up in a nice little package. It is next to impossible to find something that holds up the ladies and reigns in their errant ways.


    Not for me but my 14 year old. She is now a 32 G.

    Have you any idea how hard that is to find let alone afford?

    Wait, yes, you do.


    It is nothing short of torture to have to go and it is awful not having the money to necessarily go when she needs a new one, like now.

    We can't "wing it" and order on line because she always has to try them on. And to make things even more fun, she has pressure urticaria (hives caused by pressure on her skin) and dermotographia (I don't know how to explain this, if you gently scratched a line on her skin, in seconds it is a raised and angry looking welt) so after the 3rd bra or so that she tries on, she looks like she has been scourged and is miserable.

    Her dermatologist says off-handedly one time, "wear loose clothes", and then, looked at her and said, "oh honey, you're screwed with that aren't you?"

    So, just empathizing, thanks for letting me complain too. :)


    Your poor dd! I was a 34DD at 14. And I had a tiny waist. Finding any top to fit was impossible. They either fit at the waist and smothered the ladies or fit at the ladies and flowed arounf the waist. Seriously, clothesmakers should realize that women have boobs (and hips, but that's another thread). This isn't a new development or anything.

  13. What more could I possibly want?


    You really want to know?


    OK, but don't laugh...


    I want Target to open a store here. :D


    I won't laugh at you. My nearest Target is over an hour away.


    Things I would love that would make me even happier:


    A local bookstore with a little cafe area that hosted authors and children's programs.


    A self-cleaning house. I would say a maid, but I'd feel like I had to clean before the maid came over.


    My dh in a kilt installing new bookcases;):lol:.


    A local indoor swimming pool so we could swim year round.


    An RV so we could travel around more often.


    Access to a really extensive library with every book I could ever want.


    A super fast metabolism so all those cookies my ds baked and I ate would not go straight to my thighs.


    The ability to garden and not kill everything.

  14. From a Christian perspective-


    As long as I didn't have to interact with the corpses or otherwise think about it, I'm cool with it "Dust you are and to dust you shall return." I suppose that could be interpreted as compost. I mean, it could be considered good stewardship of God's resources. Just don't tell me my compost came from some dead body and I'm good.


    As far as proper disposal of bodies for a later resurrection. Well, we're talking about God here. He can find all the pieces of a body and create a new, resurrection body. I mean, he's God! He can do anything, right? Can I just pretend I never read about this?

  15. So Dh just told me this joke:


    Three southern belles where having a tea one afternoon, discussing wonderful things there husbands had done for them as wedding gifts.


    SB #1: My husband just bought me these diamond earrings?

    SB #3: Isn't that nice!

    Sb #2: My husband sent me to a spa for a week.

    SB #3: Isn't that nice!

    SB #1 to SB #3: What did your husband do for you, dear?

    SB #3: He sent me to finishing school.

    SB #2: Why whatever for?

    SB #3: So I could learn to say "Isn't that nice! Instead of {expletive} you!"







    :lol: My Mom told me that joke! Well, the reply was "How nice!" in my Mom's version. Words of wisdom.

  16. I had hospital births for all three.


    1st- Active duty Sailor birthing in a Navy hospital. Scared to death. Just did what the officers/doctors told me me to do. Ended up with Pitocin and an epidural. Baby was perfect, so I count that as a success.


    2nd-I was a civilian birthing in another Navy hospital with Midwives. A bit more relaxed, except for the fact that most of the regular hospital staff had just deployed to Iraq (5 days after Iraq War started). Stupid "nurse" busted every vein in both hands trying to put in an IV (Group B Strep positive). No drugs. 5,000 people watching. Still had a fat, healthy baby. Still counts as a success.


    3rd- Too far away from a military hospital to birth there. Had wonderful, chill midwife care. Go to hospital where my super awesome midwife stood up for me and didn't let the nurse put in an IV. Chilled in the tub until time to push. Begged the midwife for drugs, only to have her respond "Oh that's great! Just keep going. You're fine." I told her before to ignore me when I asked for drugs. So very relaxed and chill. Tried to give birth on the toilet, but Midwife sweetly and oh-so-very-non-chalantly talked me out of it. Only people there were me, dh, Midwife, and nurse. So very awesome. Could not have had a better experience.


    I am one of those people who seriously thinks women should be mostly (in "normal" cases) be left to their own devices when giving birth. I don't believe 90% of the crud OBs tell women to scare them into unnecessary interventions. However, I just couldn't do a home birth, mostly because I'd be too freaked out about how clean my house was to relax.

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