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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. I will make another confession. Reading about perfect people makes me want to vomit. I have never met a perfect person in my life and I seriously doubt I ever will.


    One of the crappiest parts of being a parent is dealing with other parents who insist I am doing it all wrong or I should do it their way. I roll my eyes and laugh at them.

  2. It is currently 1:17 and I am still in my pajamas.


    I really hope it rains tomorrow so I don't have to bring my kids to soccer and deal with a certain snobby someone.


    I haven't done science in weeks. We are supposed to be covering biology now. My kids are playing outside. I'm counting it.


    Last Thursday, after being out of the house most of the day shuffling kids around to various activities, dd3 threw a huge tantrum (it was the 3rd or 4th one that day) as we were in the grocery store (getting summer sausage, cheese, and crackers for dinner), complete with screaming, throwing herself down on the floor, and utter defiance. I bought a bottle of wine and drank the whole darn thing.


    My kids had boxed Mac-n-Cheese for lunch. I justify it because it is Annie's.


    I think speed limits are recommended minimums.


    I am still thinking bad thoughts about those men in kilts.


    I am not the smartest woman in the world. I am not the best housekeeper. Sometimes I'm a really lousy parent. I'm sure I drive my dh absolutely insane 98% of the time. I am so far from perfect it's sad. Oh well.

  3. My ds (18)always comes home when he says he will. Tonight it was to be around 9P. Around 9:30 I texted him to see where he was he text back and said his battery ran down and he's waiting for a jump. I figured he was waiting on a friend and would be home within an hour. Well now it's 2 hours and have not heard a word. I think he phone was out of talk minutes but has unlimited texting .....am getting to be a nervous momma so a prayer or positive mom thoughts. For me not to overthink at the moment and for his safety Thanks a



  4. An update...


    The Dr.'s office called back and moved my appt up to last Friday. So rather then waiting a week between ultrasounds now, I only had three days difference. I really wish I could have waited that week or longer. I think if things have not changed or had shown that there was no longer a sac a week or two later then I would feel most assured that everything was ended.


    However, they did the ultrasound just three days later. The sac was still there, still the same size (the OB didn't measure the sac though- he just said it looked to be the same size). It looked nice and round and clear, with no blood in it, etc. There was a lot of blood and some clots in my uterus however.

    Also the ultrasound this time didn't pick up on anything in the sac at all where three days before it showed a clear yoke and fetal pole measuring under 6 weeks.

    I went to misdiagnosedmiscarriage.com, which I don't think I ever should have. Because so many women on that page have had early ultrasounds that only found a sac and nothing else and ended up to have healthy babies in later ultrasounds. The most usual reason is because of a tilted or retroverted (?) uterus that makes ultrasound detection hard when its so early. Even under 8 weeks is considered too early to diagnose a blighted ovum, or empty sac if you have a tilted uterus supposedly.

    I do know that a few pregnancies ago my OB told me that my uterus was tilted. I don't know if that's just something you're born with or if it changes with time and pregnancies.


    Anyway, I've had (TMI) lots of bleeding that alternates from heavy flow for a couple hours to moderate or even light flow the rest of the time. One day where I had lots of cramping for a couple hours. And (more TMI) a few blood clots, which the OB examined in the Dr. office and said I was indeed seeing just blood clots.


    I don't know what to think. Well I mean I know its 99% likely over. I just keep hanging on to these rare, uncommon stories of situations just like mine that somehow turned out fine to the Dr's surprise and disbelief.


    My pregnancy symptoms are the same. The "bOOks" (I assume that's Hive talk for "lady lumps" lol) are still sore and tingly throughout the day and I've had more nauseousness this weekend then I did before all of this happened.


    Anyway, that's my update. I'm just waiting to finish m/c so that we can TTC again soon, hopefully next month.




    Many, many hugs for you. This sounds like what happened to me with my first m/c. Now, I do believe in a powerful God who can (and does) perform miracles. This could still end positively. However, that was not the case for me. I say let your body take care of things. It knows what to do. It seems like your body is handling things. Take some time to yourself to get through this. Again, many, many hugs.

  5. Audrey, please don't try for a permanent banning! I would miss your sassiness.


    I think those who have been permanently banned have shown a pattern of annoying/inflamatory/obnoxious behavior. We all know there are certain posters who have no problem sharing their true feelings. I think most people are ok with them because they knoow what to expect. Howeverr, thee are those who seem tto enjoy causing problems/drama. Those get permanently banned (aside from the trolls and scammers).

  6. I know exactly what I want, but it doesn't appear to exist (yet). In case I'm missing a product that does do what I want, I'm asking experienced e-reader shoppers for help.


    What I would like, in order of importance to me:


    1. Able to download library e-books (main reason I want an e-reader). Not a Kindle. Most others support this


    2. Easy-to-read screen / less eye strain (Headaches are a problem for me when I read a lot) IMO, you cannot beat a Kindle as far as readability. I love the display. L.O.V.E.


    3. Would LIKE to read in outdoor setting (nature studies, "fun" school outside) Again, Kindle. No-glare screen. Some sort of fancy ink display thingy. I cannot explain it, but I do know it works super well in direct sunlight.


    4. Would ALSO LIKE to read at night in dark room without having an attached book light. Wellll.... The Kindle is not lighted, but you can get a 3G Kindle + a lighted book cover (here) for under $300. I have the green one and I love it.


    5. My budget needs to stay under $300. Answered above.


    Does anything like this exist out there? I'm learning towards the regular Nook, but I wish it had some lighting for night-time reading.


    Any and all opinions are greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!!


    We seriously considered a Nook just for the Library books. Dh got me a Kindle for Christmas. I absolutely loved it until he stole it from me:glare:;). We saw the need (well, desire) for a second e-reader. Dh decided on another Kindle just because we loved it so much. I never thought I would love an e-reader. The Kindle has converted me.

  7. Every time I think of awesome family pictures, I am reminded of the fabulous pic Jennifer in MI posted of her dd crying to get out of the pic. Nothing could top that pic, right? Imagine how lucky I felt when I came across the following pic of my youngest. (Background: Dh set up a photo shoot with random people advertising in a grocery store. Photos were actually taken inside the grocery store. Older dc were scheduled to be with g-ma that day and I had volunteered for some community event. This may explain why dd18mos was crying.) Oh, the lovey is named Lambert. He still goes everywhere with her.



  8. Forgiveness?! You don't need to be forgiven. Actually, we all should be thanking you! Because of you, we now have many lovely images of men in kilts. I now have an intense desire to watch Dr. Who. Also, I found another reason to love rum. So thank you for all the wonderful memories.




    PS- I have been know to post some, oh let's say "interesting" things after a rough day and a few glasses of wine.;)

  9. Squeeeee!!!!




    I disagree. "Shooting water through the nose" was stated, and "snot" thoroughly implied...what else does one have up ones' nose?


    It's a matter of a little snot or a lot...either way, dh is eating off of those dishes.


    Now, one MUST concede that some noses are in fact clean. (We wouldn't want to assume/imply that someone would have an unclean nose.) You wouldn't want to be a whatever-THOSE-people-consider-uncool-people ones, woulod you?

  10. Watch the trailer from another movie she's been in and you'll like her even better as the pick for Katniss.


    Winter's Bone


    DD was much happier about the pick after seeing that.


    The characters don't look like I expected, but they rarely do. As long as they don't ruin the story itself, I can live with characters looking different.


    Now I want to see Winter's Bone too! I think she'll be perfect for Katniss. And I love everyone's suggestions for Haymitch! I think I am the only one that pictured an overweight, blading sleazeball. I think I had Billy Bob Thorton in my head.

  11. After I have purchased it and left my grocery cart in the middle of the parking lot (while wearing skimpy clothing), I take my ham home to my house where I do not allow shoes to be worn indoors. Then, I put my hormone-filled, nitrate-laced ham inside my lead-lined crockpot and slather it with HFCS Coke.


    (Does that cover most of the inflamatory topics?;))


    Seriously, we are having leftover ham tonight. Ham in potatoes au gratin.

  12. My just-turned-8-yo ds LOVES Greek Alphabet Code Cracker. I decided to go with Elementary Greek. We will start it next school year. It looks awesome. I even purchased an extra workbook just for me!

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