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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. I never thought about freezing grapes until I visited dh's dad and step-mom. They always have frozen green grapes in their freezer. When they offered them to my kids, those grapes dissappeared within minutes. They are like a frozen treat. Now I occasionally throw my green grapes into the freezer. My kids love them. I haven't tried it with red/purple grapes, but I imagine it would be similar. Try it.

  2. As an older sister who is watching her younger sister take advantage of her parents, I say GOOD JOB MOM!!!! I get that it sucks, but your are truly a rock star in my book. You are getting the job done without being overly harsh. You are not physically/emotionally/verbally abusing your son. You are just showing him the consequences of his inaction. You have struck parenting gold right there. Stay strong Momma! He will thank you one day.



  3. "Oh, I'm very sorry to hear that MIL. The boys were so looking forward to it. Here, let me put you on speakerphone so you can explain it to them. They are going to be so disappointed."


    I'm not nice sometimes. ;)



    This. Oh I get the mil drama. My mil is Queen of Passive-Aggressive Land. I invited her to my kids' piano recital in April. Now, dh was working non-stop and our house was in the midst of a bathroom renovation, but I invited her. She told me she was coming. I told my kids she was coming. She called me TWO(!!!!) days before the recital and told me she decided not to come because, and I quote, "You didn't seem excited enough to invite me, so I decided not to come. Can you tell the kids for me?' :glare: And while we did not have a first communion debacle, she was so darn cranky and passive-aggressive during the kids' baptisms ("I'm not going up for communion. I won't play that game") than I almost shot her. I get the mil drama. I am right there with you. You have nothing to feel guilty about. This just seems like a really stinky situation. I would follow the advice quoted and make her tell your kids that their vacation is ruined because she cannot stand the thought of sharing her grandkids with their other grandparents. Yep. That is what seems like the root of the problem.



  4. All three of mine were born in hospitals. The first two were less than exceptional, mostly because I gave birth in Navy hospitals. The last one was awesome. It was my most laid back, calm experience. I did have a midwife who really stood up for me, No IV, no confinement to the bed, nothing I didn't want. I think if the OB would have been on call that night, he would have done the same thing. Hospital births don't scare me one bit (well, except for Navy hospital births). Doctors don't intimidate me, so I have no problem standing up for myself and making my wishes/demands known. Honestly, in a doctor/patient relationship, the patient is the employer and the doctor is the employee. You seem assertive enough to not be bullied into anything you don't want to do. It will be fine. And it will be over soon enough.;):)

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