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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. :lol: I'm laughing at you going to the mall. I went grocery shopping when I was in labor with ds. I had to stop every few minutes and hang on to the shopping cart. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, came near me. Dd1 was about 2 1/2 and completely oblivious. When I finally made it to the cashier, she took one look at me and rang up my groceries at record speed. No one wants to be around a pregnant lady when she is about ready to explode.


    I hope this is the real thing. I pray that your birthing and recovery will be smooth, boring, and completely uneventful. I pray that your RSD takes a huge chill pill while you cuddle up with your newest snuggie bug.

  2. We've been looking at the Honda Pilot.


    Have you looked at the Acura MDX or the Buick Enclave?



    I hate to admit it, but I really wanted a minivan. However, on a good day, we live about 2 miles off of pavement. Most days we have to travel at least 3 miles over cruddy gravel roads just to get to pavement. Many times those gravel roads are either muddy or covered with snow. A minivan just was not going to cut it for us.


    I owned an Acura MDX. It was a 2006 (right before they introduced the new body style). It was AWD, but you could lock in the 4WD at under 18mph. It was a beautiful car, but we ran off the gravel roads twice during the winter. Not nearly enough power. We sold the MDX and purchased an old Jeep Cherokee. That car was a beast during the winter. However, my kids were quite squished. Dh got a raise, and I got a Honda Pilot;).


    When we were shopping for the Pilot, I did look longingly at the Odyssey. Some models (I think) have AWD. But, there was zero groud clearance, or at least there just wasn't enough for our needs. I had a Ford Freestyle (now called Taurus X) when we first moved out here. I ran over a small stick that happened to sever my brake line. I learned quickly that brakes are indeed necessary for cars. Anyway, the Pilot met my requirements for both ground clearance and easy access to the back seat. My sister's boyfriend, a former football player, easily fit back there. My Pilot has just plowed through mud like nothing. We haven't driven it through snow yet, so I really cannot comment about that. Ask me tomorrow. It is supposed to be slick out.


    Basically if I had to choose between the Pilot and the MDX, the Pilot would win hands down.

  3. Spiders are a completely different story. They have too many legs. They are not cute.


    But a cute little lizard? Just think how he feels. He probably does not want to be in your car, but doesn't know how to get out. He doesn't know that you're trying to catch him to take him outside though, so he has to go hide. When the commotion settles down, he comes back out to look for a way out. Poor little thing.


    Just think...if only he would climb onto your shoe or pants leg, you could open the door and gently move him outside. Wouldn't that be fun? ;)



    Yes, lizards are cute. However, they surrender their cuteness when they decide to enter your car. It is totally their fault.

  4. I think it is safe to say we all have our "yellow school bus" days. Ya know, the days where we pray to God that a bright, shining yellow school bus will magically show up, whisk our kids away, and all of our problems will miraculously be solved. I am totally speaking from experience, because I have a hormonal 11yo girl, a flighty 8yo boy, and a divalicious 4yo girl.


    Look, you just cannot be a perfect parent. Perfect parents don't exist. Homeschooling is hard. Sometimes it is downright maddening. You had a bad day and reacted. Welcome to the Human Club. We have alcohol and chocolate in here;).


    Search your heart. Ask yourself why you are homeschooling. Have an honest discussion with yourself and your dh about what this particular child needs. Maybe she does need to be in public school. Maybe you just need to gut it out and weather this storm. Whatever you decide, it will be ok. You know your kid. You sound like a fabulous mom, one who is connected with her kids. You are not the first mom who has freaked out, and you certainly will NOT be the last. Parenting is not for sissies. Neither is homeschooling.


    Take a break. It's ok.

  5. But, seriously, what does your pastor think about this? With his strong opinions on other aspects of your life I can't help but think that he would be a veritable fount of wisdom on such a big decision. Perhaps you could just forward him the link to this thread? Will he be a guest poster on your blog?


    If you are still interested in the taxi service perhaps you and pastor could work together on that? Maybe as a ministry/business? :auto:



    The real question here is would he look good in a kilt?



    I know I'm going to hell for that one.

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