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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. Ted Dekker is always popular with the guys. Also, you might give Stephen Lawhead a try. He's not specifically a Christian author, but his themes definitely reflect a Christian ethos.



    :iagree: with the bolded. I've really enjoyed the Stephen Lawhead novels I have read, and I don't normally seek out Christian Fiction.

  2. White Lightening liquor. For you. Because taking off wallpaper must be the seventh circle of hell.


    You have my condolences.



    :iagree: A strong drink (ok, many strong drinks) is necessary while removing wallpaper. And make sure there are no little people around, because dirty words will probably come out of your mouth.


    I never used a steamer. I just used a scoring tool and a wallpaper remover purchased at the hardware store. I do not recommend the product "Dif". It is a think blue solution which will leave tons of residue all over the walls.

  3. We do severed elk heads up here.


    The horns are just so much more dangerous than a horse head.



    *snort* :lol:


    I feel your pain. Really. I remember thinking I was going to shoot the next person who asked me when I was going to have the baby. People stopped asking me because I had a permanent scowl on my face, and at 5000lbs, I could have easily sat on them.

  4. Kidney, or sibling?


    I would hope I could do it, and I'd want to do it. I'm extremely close with and appreciative of my siblings, and I feel pretty certain they'd do it for me.




    I hate that this was my first thought. Of course I would do anything for my sisters. Unfortunately one sister seems he!!-bent on ruining her life. I just don't know if I could risk the health of my children's mother for someone who just does not care. I know it sounds terrible and incredibly selfish, but there it is.

  5. I'll say what I said on the other forum that posted this.


    It can't possibly be that all common sense has left people and the blame game is on. No one is responsible for their own actions any more. Yep...blame the Pearls.



    Do you not think the Pearls should claim responsibility for advocating child abuse? Should they not answer for their disgusting, vile, and perverted advice about wives accepting their child-molesting husbands back into the home? How many children have to die or suffer horrific abuse before the Pearls are made to answer for their idiocy?

  6. I have an orange male cat. He is quite the chatty little bugger. We got him and his brother, who is gray, when they were about 8 weeks old. Orange kitty has always been the more vocal of the two. Heaven forbid his food bowl ever being empty. That cat could wake the dead with his demands.:lol: And don't move the food bowl either.


    I have accepted my place as a vassal to Lord Kitty.

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