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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. They can calm down?!?!






    This time change thing is killing me:glare:. My dc are about to be tied up somewhere. It doesn't help that dh works nights this week. School has been a nightmare. The house is a wreck. I think I have somehow given birth to rabid monkeys.


    Thankfully, ABC Family has been airing Harry Potter since Wednesday. That clams the wee heathens for about 7 minutes at a time. Of course, they consider the commercial breaks permission to revert to lower life forms.



    I have no advice. I am just there with you.

  2. Just wanted to add.....



    I am Cajun. My whole family is Cajun. Tabasco Sauce (not hot sauce, not "Louisiana" hot sauce) is required on everything, along with Tony Chachere's seasoning. It doesn't matter who cooked it, what was cooked, wheter you ordered it in a restaurant or not, you put at least one of those two things on it. Those don't bother me. Other stuff does, but I know it shouldn't.

  3. No, it's not a big deal. Yes, it would bother me.



    :iagree::lol: This exactly. Really, it isn't that big of a deal, but being all hormonal right now, I would have been, oh let's just say slightly upset;).



    Maybe he was just craving salsa. Maybe he was being intentionally evil. You just don't know.


    I am laughing and shaking my head. I get it. Really. I've BTDT. Sometimes I am able to step back and see reason. Sometimes reason can bite me.



    :grouphug: There's always Mike's!

  4. This I do not doubt. I never said that evolutionists and atheists are not appalled. What I said is that they have no moral basis for being appalled. If we are just animals, then there is no objective authoritative standard for right and wrong. I am saying there is a disconnect between the beliefs of evolutionists and atheists and their judgmental attitudes towards those who are simply (according to the logic of evolutionism) acting on their instincts. Why are you appalled? That is the question.


    ETA: Perhaps a better way to put it is to just say that evolutionists and atheists who are appalled betray that they do indeed have a moral standard. Why they do is the question. I think it is because on a deeper level they know man is not merely an animal, that there is a higher law above man's - God's law. They simply do not want to admit it.


    Hmmm. I am a Christian who believes in evolution. My moral basis comes from.....wait for it.......


    God and the Bible and Jesus and stuff like that.



    I hardly think a thread about the horrors of covering up the rape of children (and the loons protecting a man who aided in such a coverup) is the proper place to debate YE/EV. There is another thread for that.

  5. Nebraska should walk off the field in protest. What a worm.


    A 28 year old man is old enough to at least TRY to protect a child. Heck, I'm a 5'2" girl and I'd still run in, punch the jerk as hard as I could, start screaming, grab the kid and go to the cops.


    That won't happen. Because then Nebraska would take a loss, as a forfeit.


    (I hate the word forfeit. what happened to 'i before e except after c'?)


    :iagree: What should Nebraska's response be? I can't imagine Nebraska fans reacting well.


    I live in Nebraska, though I am NOT a Husker fan. Do you know what the lead story was on the Omaha news tonight? "Husker fans are worried about their safety." They barely mentioned the fact that children were raped and those actions were covered up by the Penn State admin. They went on and on about how Husker fans were supposed to keep a low profile while at the game. Nebraska would never forfeit that game. Back in the '90s NE football players were accused of raping young women and no one did anything about it. The accused players were allowed to play and were never investigated until after they left. Nebraska has no room to judge.



    I am a huge fan of college footbal, but I admit there is a nasty underside to it. People seem to forget that young adults go to college to learn, not just play football. At least that SHOULD be the point. This whole situation just makes me want to vomit.

  6. wow...I am not alone....do you guys spray everything in site with Lysol too? That is my BIG thing...don't know if it really does any good...but it makes me feel better.


    Yep. I keep telling dh that he needs to invent a Lysol bomb. Seriously, I lysol every surface of the house after and outbreak of the evil stomach bug. That bug is nasty, evil, and should just go extinct like roaches.

  7. I disagree.


    I think the major horror is that adults could stand by and let a predator continue to have full access to vulnerable children for *years*.


    Without that complicity, there would not have been so many tragedies.


    I am heartbroken that this evil man hurt even one child, but the utterly, disbelieving horror, is that there were multiple pieces of evidence (including the man's admission to showering nude w/ two 11(?) yr old boys and 'fondling' them. *before* the witnessed rape (something the coach knew about.... and which make even the most mild report from the assistant highly actionable)) ... and there was no sense that protecting kids should be the highest priority.


    I think it is, in some ways, a greater evil than that done by the rapist himself - to turn away and not act when you see/know such things are happening.


    :iagree:As always, you are much more eloquent and rational than I could ever be.

  8. The germaphobe in me isn't crazy about sharing my razor with others in my house (my own children); I cannot imagine "sharing" my husband. :tongue_smilie:


    Well, to start off, there is THAT.:lol:


    Meh. To each his own and all that. I often tell dh that I need a wife to cook and clean for me, but I think what I really want is a maid;).


    They are like a train wreck. You just can't look away. I mean, it seems like things run as smoothly as could be expected. They are all adults and chose this lifestyle. Personally, I couldn't do it. I'm kinda possessive about my dh. Call me selfish.

  9. Nope. You are not alone. I swear if there is a stomach bug withing a 50mi radius my kids will pick it up and take it home like a lost puppy. My kids are generally healthy. We do not get the usual crud that goes around. But all heck breaks loose if a stomach bug is near. And we ALL get it:glare:. Nothing stinks more than holding a puking 4yo over the toilet while you need to puke/other things. Nothing makes me question God more than a stomach bug. I want to ask "Really God? The stomach bug? What were you thinking?"

  10. There is absolutely no excuse for not reporting the rape of a child/children to the cops. Period. Screw winning football games. Raping a child is vile, disgusting, and should NEVER be covered up. Joe Pa had 3 options. He should have a) called the cops immediately, b) taken the guy out behind the building and disposed of him, or c) gelded him as soon as he heard about the incident. Mostly option a. I don't care how classy he seemed to be for so many years. The whole flipping athletic department needs to be fired. And smacked.


    Don't let the door hit ya on the way out Joe Pa.

  11. All three of my kids played with them for months after we purchased them for Christmas '09. We did get a set of cards to go along with them. Now, My youngest will pull them out and play with them for quite a while. She really loves them.


    Last summer we had friends over from out of town. Their dd was about 2 and absolutely loved them. They purchased a set for her and have raved about them.


    I think kids under 6 will love them. Kids over 6 will play with them for a while as long as you have the cards to go along with them. I do not regret purchasing them at all.

  12. You have 2 perfect excuses to take at least a month off. Not only are you having a baby, but the Holidays are rapidly approaching. Baking, making cards, silly Christmas crafts, anything like that will keep kids occupied. And you know, you don't necessarily have to fill every moment of your kids' lives with "educational" activities. You are having a baby! It is perfectly ok to take a break. Babies are squishy but hard work. Yes, I understand that kids will rapidly fall into madness without some sort of activity. Buy a huge amount of craft supplies and set them loose. Download fun audiobooks. Most importantly, take care of yourself.


    Congrats on the impending delivery!

  13. I'm from La. too. Central La. So I'm more of a "red-neck" ... Red River levee living. :D


    I miss La. also. There is no other place with the culture, food, music, converstation, relationships, or diversity.


    I'm drinking Community this morning. :D




    Higgins: I was a forester in La.! "Real" trees there!


    Auntie: I can buy Andouille at Whole Foods.


    By the way....... this is "gumbo weather."



    You Yankee! Anyone born north of Alexandria is a Yankee;):lol:.


    Auntie, I can find Andouille at some local stores. No one here has heard of Tasso. I do order some things online. I like Poche's.

  14. I left South Louisiana 13 years ago. I miss it every stinking day. I would like to share a little bit of the Bayou with y'all.




    My Dad considers this the Cajun National Anthem. I can't quite translate all the words, though the name of the song is "Jolie Blonde", which is "Pretty Blonde". Every time I hear this song, my heart aches for home.


    I miss the Cajun people. I miss the food. I miss the tradition. I miss the music. I miss the culture.



    Just had to share.

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