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Julie of KY

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Everything posted by Julie of KY

  1. My VSLs like art of Problem Solving and Zaccarro's books. My non VSL is having a tougher time with AoPS. Many of the math problems I let them struggle to find their own method of solving. Once they figure it out, they've got it, but you can't just give them an algorithm. Showing the work is a different problem. I approach math as two pieces - first I let them just solve the problems without showing work. On a few problems, I make them struggle to figure out how to show the steps of the problem. This is much more difficult for both my VSLs. I don't want to make them hate math, by making them show all their work, but I also want them to learn how to show their work.
  2. Getting started with Latin then move on to something of your choice. We are doing Cambridge Latin at my home.
  3. For a good geometry program, you need to already know algebra 1 skills. If you want to add in geometry while working on algebra 2 , that should work fine. We've done multiple math subjects at my home without a problem.
  4. On the arbor scientific website, there are a bunch of free labs written by Hewitt. I think they are listed as supplemental labs. I can't manage to link them at the moment. Many of them require minimal materials. Many require careful data collecting with algebraic analysis.
  5. If he completed AoPS, PreAlgebra, he should be ready to move on to AoPS Algebra. We've never done the online classes that have books so I can't speak to the class. Looking at the schedule, the online algebra class moves at a faster pace than the online prealgebra class. If he understands AoPS algebra, then I can't imagine him doing poorly on an algebra placement test. I like the algebra book better than the prealgebra book.
  6. Elegant Essay is essay instruction. Windows to the World is literature analysis instruction. Neither curriculum has to be done before EIL, though essay and lit analysis skills are assumed. EIL can be done with poor essay or lit analysis skills as well - just modify it to what works best for you. I love the literature and the learning/discussion related to EIL. Just skip any units that you've already read.
  7. I agree with Kathy - look at old tests to see what kind of problems are on the tests. They are listed in the AoPS wiki as well as other places. The AMC 8 was a big hassle for me to arrange - must find a proctor, etc. You might be able to take it at a local school. We did it because it was good practice heading into state/national mathcounts exams. Some benefits to taking the AMC 8 if READY mathematically are: -test taking practice -able to see where you rank among other top middle school math students -practice for mathcounts -commendations to high scoring students -for some students, it will inspire them to learn more math Some cons to taking the AMC 8 are: -time, cost, and hassle factor -even with a perfect score, there is no "reward" other than a certificate The AMC 10 can be taken starting any year up to 10th grade. It is more widely given by schools so potentially easier to schedule (much easier for me). Students that do well on the AMC 10 are then invited to the AIME as the AMC exams are the first in a series of exams. Take a look at some old exams and then make a decision.
  8. I tend to list things by subject (rather than grade) so I would lump all of latin 2 into one class. In your case, I would probably list the first year of latin 2 as Latin 2a and give 0.5 credit. Put it in the course transcript as 1 semester of Lukeion plus the national latin exam. List your second year as Latin 2b. If you outsource to a latin 2 class, much of it may be repeat so you might only be able to give another 1/2 credit. If you manage to do a second year of latin 2 that you feel is a year's worth of work, then list as latin 2b and describe in a course description as the second half of latin 2 plus special emphasis in x or whatever gave it more credit than just being the second half of latin 2.
  9. I wouldn't worry too much about a diploma from home - it is more work and sometimes it takes explaining that it is "real". I would pursue whatever education meets your student's needs the best. If that comes with an accredited diploma that's a bonus.
  10. The classified section tab (at the top) is where to list things for sale. At least in the past, you had to be an active member of the forums before you are allowed to sell.
  11. I'd be concerned if I couldn't export it as a file. I would look further into the issue if I were you.
  12. I'm not sure that I'd skip the basics however. I'd probably start with Zacarro. Then, I'd pick whatever curriculum I'm following and make sure my student can do each topic. I might skip to only the hard problems on the page or skip the chapter and just do the review at the end. I would spot check all the topics as too many students have trouble later because they don't know their facts or don't understand division of fractions, etc.
  13. If you order Singapore (or any) give the placement test. Especially with Singapore, it is not unusual to place lower than expected since they cover things a little differently.
  14. Wow. I've always gotten the bulk of my order shipped within about a month, except this last time. When I called, they had my order ready, but had a problem with my credit card and hadn't informed me. My credit card company changed my number a few weeks after I ordered and I hadn't thought to tell ES. I order from them once or twice a year and I about fell over the one time that my order was actually shipped the next week. As I've said before, their website is annoying and I think they make some poor business decisions, but I can't beat their prices for home orders of chemicals, so I plan ahead and expect slowness.
  15. I won't be calling it Honors because this implies that my other classes that I might not call honors aren't as rigorous. I'm not sure it really matters either way.
  16. There is big difference between tweaking a schedule that has been approved as an AP course and doing something completely different. Listing a course on the transcript as AP implies you actually did an AP approved course. I wouldn't have a problem with covering material faster, slower or rearranging the order. You can add more without a problem. The problem is if you don't cover the expected material and then still want to call it AP approved.
  17. By the way, the kits that are sold by the Home Scientist go with his small scale labs that are based on the book Illustrated Guide, but are very different. Illustrated Guide uses chemicals in much greater quantities and the BOOK is not compatible with the kits. ... love the book Illustrated Guide, teach it to groups. It's very expensive to do for one child. Feel free to pm me if you have questions about the book.
  18. Here's a link to the supplemental conceptual physics labs by Hewitt. There is a downloadable student sheet and teacher sheet for each lab. Many are doable with minimal supplies. http://www.arborsci.com/conceptual-physics-supplementary-labs
  19. I'm giving a credit for Algebra 3 for the Int. Algebra text, but it will be the only algebra credit on the high school transcript unless we do linear algebra. I'd give 1/2 credit for each of the intro to number theory books and intro to counting and prob. My son will have a full number theory credit - 0.5 for the intro text, and 0.5 for the int. online course, plus a number or extra number theory things. I will give a short course description based on the online description of the AoPS classes.
  20. I like the Physics in Your Life - haven't seen the others.
  21. I agree that only basic trig is used in algebra/trig based physics. You should be fine with learning the basic trig identities - sometimes taught right in the physics book.
  22. What exactly would constitute two years of high school physics? I know some people use Apologia Physics and Adv. Physics. That won't work here. I plan on using Knight's College Physics this year. I assumed it would count for a "physics" credit. If we did more physics, I assumed we'd move on to something calculus based for a second year. Now I'm wondering if two physics credits would be Physics 1 - mechanics, and Physics 2 - Electricity and Magnetism, to closer match the AP testing. Any thoughts? In reality, I'll teach whatever physics I think should be taught and then I need to figure out what to call it on a transcript.
  23. By the way, the AoPS Intro to Algebra book covers most of Algebra 1 and 2.
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