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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. ABSOLUTELY! We had an older dog that bit our baby shortly after we adopted him (no it wasn't the baby's fault...the dog was just getting old and mean for some reason). My dh took care of the situation which I know was hard for him since we both loved the dog and had him for about 10 years. I don't really know what happened and I don't ask. I am just glad I have a man who is willing to do those hard things.
  2. I am only in charge of dinner (thank goodness). Someone else is doing breakfast and another is doing lunch. I did not ask for their choices. They volunteered them. And I witnessed the situation last year. It seemed that no matter what we served last year one kid would only eat PB&J, one would only eat hot dogs, one would only eat potatoes, etc. So while I made, say, lasagna for the whole crew, their mom had to make mashed potatoes, hot dogs, pb&j, plus feed the baby and herself (she and her husband ate lasagna although by the time they ate it was cold since they were busy making other food for their kids). :confused:
  3. Thank you for saying this. Part of me thinks...hmmmm...since this is a mission trip, what if I came up with a "typical" menu for those who live in the slums of India, or Southeast Asia, or mountains of Appalachia (which is near the place we will be staying). What if we spent time in prayer and fasting for these people instead of hyper-focusing on our own likes and dislikes? Obviously without starving our children...is there a lesson to be learned here? Just wondering...
  4. Excellent info! I did have a rubella booster a few years ago when we were trying to get pregnant (bloodwork showed the vax from my childhood didn't "take"). And I never thought to contact my high school.....
  5. Thank you all for the great ideas on how to handle this. I do not want to let this overshadow our purpose for going in the first place! I think a balanced menu that is published ahead of time is a good way to start. Oh, and just so you don't think I am a monster :D....the gagging kid wasn't ACTUALLY gagging. He was pretending to gag to show his opinion of what I told him was for dinner (he hadn't even seen it yet). Picture this: he yells "Eewwww, disgusting!"....then puts his finger in his mouth and pretends to vomit." Yeah....I had to leave the room. :glare:
  6. Last year one of the kids made "gagging" noises like he was going to vomit when we put dinner on the table (I can't remember what it was but it was nothing unusual). I seriously had to leave the room because I was so angry.
  7. My mom does not have my vaccine schedule from my childhood. I was vaccinated but I have no idea which ones I got or how long they last. Does anyone know what the typical vaccination schedule was for the early 1970's?
  8. Quick question: Do they have to try it first before saying that they do not like it?
  9. Just out of curiosity (and in an attempt to be more sympathetic to these kids) how did you become such a picky eater? Was your mom a terrible cook? Were you born that way? Is picky eating a hereditary thing? We just never were given the option of being picky eaters as a kid so I am just trying to understand how these food choices evolve.
  10. Preface/disclaimer: this topic does NOT include those who have food allergies or disabilities of ANY kind that keeps them from eating certain foods. Having said that.... This June we will be doing a mission project in NC before we head off to Malaysia. There will be a group of about 30 of us staying and working together for a week. Each person is picking different things to be in charge of and I am in charge of dinners. I can cook for a large group...no problem and there is another woman helping me. BUT I am already receiving all these emails about how little Johnny won't eat anything except macaroni and cheese and little Joey will ONLY eat potatoes (not a joke). And little Susie won't eat anything green. And on and on..... Last year we went to this same week-long project and we were less organized so meals were sort of a free for all. I was amazed watching a few moms make 3 and 4 different meals to cater to their finicky kids. I just don't get it. I didn't grow up like that. My mom made one meal for dinner and you ate it. You weren't allowed to say you didn't like something unless you had tried it. You were generally expected to eat your meal without complaining. We weren't "forced" to eat things we truly hated but we also weren't allowed to "hate" everything on our plate. My kids have one or two things they really don't like (after having tried them). My one ds won't eat coconut. The other won't eat raisins. I don't like cherries. My dh doesn't like brussel sprouts. But that's about it. Other than that we will pretty much try/eat anything. I understand everyone has some food they really can't stand, but these kids that won't eat anything except hot dogs and their moms who are acting like short order cooks really befuddle me. Their moms say "they won't eat" if they don't make them their special meal. My mom use to tell us "if you get hungry enough you will eat it." I am a little annoyed with trying to come up with things that will please these food divas. Am I just becoming a cranky old lady? :tongue_smilie:
  11. I need some new game sites for kids. My ds is bored with noggin and pbs kids. Any good sites out there for the younger ones that are fun (and maybe even educational :D)?
  12. The recovery for my 3.5yo was A LOT worse than they told me it would be. And yes, liquid codeine was the pain reliever of choice. He was pretty miserable for about 3 days or so.
  13. Stand and Deliver Dangerous Minds To Sir With Love The Miracle Worker Renaissance Man
  14. I hate Saxon because it made my ds cry pretty much every day. He hated math so much. We have switched to MUS and the whole family is happier!
  15. Well that sucks. What do people outside of the U.S. use for music and TV downloads?
  16. YES YES YES My dh's best friend was hit and killed on his bicycle when he was 12yo. The doctors said he would have lived if he was wearing a helmet. End of story.
  17. My dh ran the gamut of acne treatments when he was a teen. He eventually used Accutane when he was about 19yo. It literally cured him. Not a spot of acne since. No scars. Nothing. It changed his life!
  18. We recently bought a 42 inch flat screen by Toshiba and it is AWESOME. The picture is amazing.
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