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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Today our school hosted a group of children from a refugee center not too far from here. Malaysia has tens of thousands of refugees from Myanmar. They cannot get work permits and most are forced to beg in order to survive. A group of people started an educational center to help educate the children of these refugees. Some of our teachers have built relationships with these centers and so we had their students here today to visit with ours. We played games, had lunch together, shared letters, etc. It was a wonderful day. What was really amazing was the look on the children's faces when they saw the ocean (our school is located literally right on the beach). They had never seen it before and they just stood there mesmerized. We sent them home with care packages our children packed themselves. After we gathered for a group photo the refugee children all came over to me to say goodbye. Because I am the principal I hold a position of high authority in their eyes and each of them, one by one, came up to me, kissed my hand and touched it to their forehead. I couldn't help it. I burst into tears. And I'm not a crier. They were so grateful for everything we had done. One little girl started crying because she didn't want to leave. We are so blessed.
  2. That talks more about people leaving muzzles on dogs for extended periods of time which I agree would be cruel. But to put it on the dog for a few minutes while it goes outside to do its business seems reasonable. Of course, I am dealing with a barking dog next door too so I may be biased. Yet another reason why I love cats. :D
  3. International schools will want you to have at least a bachelor's degree in the area you will be teaching, a teaching certificate and typically two years or more of experience (although some will waive this for the right candidate). A master's degree will get you more money. Most international schools are secular...mine is not so the additional requirement at my school is that you be a professing, practicing christian.
  4. Many of you have emailed me in the past about teaching overseas so this is just a friendly announcement that if this interests you the time to apply is NOW (not just at my school....at ANY international school....they are all posting openings now). Happy job-hunting!
  5. I almost there! I have a 7th grader, a 1st grader and a baby. By the time the baby is school age I will have one in all 3 stages.
  6. interesting that you have people divided into "bible literalists" or "normal people"....
  7. that is a really good question. We do choose to rent and could buy if we wanted to. If we HAD to rent because we could NOT buy...I wonder how I would feel???
  8. We owned for 10 years. Then we sold and started our nomadic life and we rent wherever we are. It is AWESOME. I love knowing that at any time I can pick up and leave and go off on a new adventure. :D
  9. since I seem to be on a roll lately with my threads getting locked....:D Saw this article this morning: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/06/us/06ark.html?_r=2&src=ISMR_HP_LO_MST_FB Well, what says the hive?
  10. :svengo: no christmas specials? What is the world coming to? That was one thing I planned ahead for before moving here and I bought them on DVD to bring with us...perhaps I should have thought of that for hair spray too. :tongue_smilie:
  11. Yes! During the feats of strength...I could beat the dog owners senseless with it. See? I am cheering up already!
  12. This whole discussion is making me very uncomfortable. There are millions of children who do not have parents that are able to take care of them for whatever reason...a family takes that child in, adopts the child, and raises it as their own and that is a BAD thing? Sure, it would be great if everyone was capable of raising the children they give birth to but that is not reality. My daughter's birthmom is 15 years old, lives in abject poverty and is already a social outcast in her culture for getting pregnant. She can't even take care of herself much less her child. She wanted a better life for her child than she could give the baby so she put her up for adoption. I think it was the most heart-wrenching and self-LESS act a mother could do. It takes more than biology to be a parent. Adoption is a WONDERFUL thing and the bible speaks of it many times over including OUR OWN adoption into the family of God. He is the ultimate adoptive father. :001_smile:
  13. OMG.... I almost choked on my coffee! That was HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! hope you feel better soon. :grouphug:
  14. Ignore them. Ds #2 was the same way and because I listened to everyone else I dragged him to all kinds of speech therapy he didn't need. He started talking late...about age 3 or so. He is now nearly 7 yo and won't shut up so trust me, unless you see something really unusual going on, everything is going to be fine. These are the same people who told me the reason my ds was taking so long to potty-train was because he is a SINNER. Seriously. :glare: It will all work out. ignore them
  15. OK, I am PMSing in a BIG way and I am a little (a lot) crabby and I need to vent...no one needs to feel obligated to fix my problems I really just want to complain about random things. :tongue_smilie: 1. My neighbor's dog barks incessantly. I hate that stupid dog and his owner. It's barking wakes my baby from her nap repeatedly. Yes, I have gone to the neighbor. Yes, I have gone to the management of the subdivision, No, I have not called the police. This is Malaysia...they would not understand why I am calling over something like this. No one seems to care or even understand why I am upset. Things are gonna get ugly. 2. I have had a nasty headache all day and I am OVER IT. 3. My oldest ds has a piano recital tomorrow. He needs dress pants. The pants I bought him last year for recital no longer fit because he has grown like 5 inches since then. He wore them ONE time because it is so hot here we NEVER wear pants except on occasions like this. So I am spending a boat load of money on pants that he will probably wear one time...again. 4. I have an issue with christians who always talk about how we need to be "transparent" with one another because I am pretty sure that is just "christianese" for them wanting to get in my business. And I hate prayer requests that sound like gossip...."God, we pray for so-and-so because we hear she is cheating on her husband..." What is up with THAT? Can you tell I am having issues at church right now? 5. If my boys don't stop fighting I am going to freak out. 6. still got the headache 7. oh there's more but now my own complaining is making me crabbier. My wonderful dh is on my good side though. :D Not only did he buy me an external hard drive for my new digi-scrapping hobby BUT the local drug store FINALLY (after over a year) got some decent american hairspray and he happened to be there today when they stocked it and he bought ALL OF IT even though it cost a fortune because the hairspray here is so bad it makes want to cry when I have to get ready for work every day. Don't laugh. YOU try living in 90 degrees with 100% humidity for 365 days a year WHILE having to get dressed up and do your hair and make-up for work every day WHILE using the crappy malaysian brand hair spray. I love him!!! whew...glad THAT rant is over. Now I will be glad when this week is over. I think I need a drink. :glare:
  16. I LOVE DESIGNER PURSES and I don't feel one bit guilty about it (and my dh thinks it is sexy) !!! I have owned many Coach purses over the years and they are FABULOUS and they hold their value! When I get bored with it I sell it on ebay and buy a new one. Right now I am in a Cole Haan phase. :D
  17. Have your dc completed any materials? What are your favorite subjects to teach? bible, latin How about the kid's favorite subjects? latin, science What changes really paid off this year? using apologia general science, changing to cambridge latin from henle Do you predict changing materials next year? i plan to use LLFLOTR for our literature/writing next fall and we are excited about that In what area has your dc grown the most this year? latin, bible, math What areas are you still trying to find that match for? history for 8th grade What is your biggest homeschooling challenge this year? homeschooling and working and going to grad school! What projects or activities stand out so far? he is LOVING the labs with his science
  18. these are great suggestions!!! thank you. so far I can't stop playing scrabble. :tongue_smilie:
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