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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I agree! Do you think she imagined that her book would influence people in at least 29 different countries?
  2. :lol: I know what you mean. We can buy it here but we have to go in this room way in the back where no one can see us. It's pretty funny.
  3. You got that right and we NEVER will. ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL TIDE!!!!!!!! :D
  4. Are you teaching there? I would love to know about other international educators on this board. I have a bit of wanderlust and the Middle East fascinates me. We are looking at Qatar, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai as possibilities.
  5. Thanks for the reassurance ladies. It's nice to know it can be done. I think we are going to give it a shot!
  6. UPDATED So far we had WTMers report in from... United States Canada Malaysia New Zealand Australia Kyrgyzstan England Qatar Turkey Netherlands Italy Ireland Indonesia India Scotland Singapore Ecuador Guatemala Belgium Mexico Grenada UAE Serbia Japan Philippines Switzerland Germany Senegal Montenegro Any others I missed? 29 countries... very cool
  7. I hate to be the odd man out but none of the choices applied to me. I never asked. Just at some point I realized on my own that he wasn't real (I think it was when I could recognize my mother's handwriting). I did NOT feel betrayed AT ALL. I have wonderful memories of waking up and running downstairs to see if "Santa" had come. Even now, it is a running family joke that if you don't "believe" then Santa won't bring you a present. :tongue_smilie: Sometimes I will mention to my mom some item I am interested in and she will say "Maybe Santa Claus will get it for you!" :lol: My oldest ds now knows he isn't real and has suffered no betrayal or trauma and my middle ds is figuring it out. It is a sweet family tradition for us. Not a "lie".
  8. Ok, now I am totally interested in reading the book on Abe Lincoln. :D
  9. Thank you! If it goes as planned he would be taking precalc at the same time as physics. Hmmmm.... I wonder if that will work.
  10. This fascinates me. How do you like Qatar? I have considered that area as a place we would like to live.
  11. How fun! I am in Penang but have been to KL several times. I am going to Bandung, Indonesia in March and I am excited!
  12. It's that time of the year again...time to name the WORST book you read this year. Pick just ONE. Mine is The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen. It was awful. Your turn!
  13. It's that time of year again! Time to name your FAVORITE book that you read this year. You have to pick just ONE... Your absolute favorite this year (it didn't have to be published this year, just read this year. It was really hard to choose but mine is Snowflower and the Secret Fan. Your turn!
  14. I can't say my memories are mostly unpleasant...they were just mostly ... Blah. School bored me. I would have been a perfect homeschool candidate.
  15. Ours lasts about a day or two before the army of ants gets to it. Such is life in the tropics.
  16. I don't mind them most of the time but there is one person who seems like they are trying too hard to be a "prophet" and it gets on my nerves. I can't stand "post this if you agree" type things.
  17. Post your country here! :D I am really just curious to know how many different countries are represented in this board. Some of you I know but I know there are others. I'll go first. I am an American living in Malaysia. Anyone else?
  18. If my ds did General science, can we skip physical science and do biology for 9th, chemistry, for 10th, and physics for 11th, then an AP science for 12th? He is in 8th grade and doing algebra right now. Thanks!
  19. How many of you are homeschooling some of your kids while others are in public or private school? Short background: Oldest ds was homeschooled all the way through 5th grade. Then we moved here. For 6th grade he went to school full time and hated it. For 7th grade he went half and half. It was better. This year he is going about 75% school and 25% homeschool. He hates it. He wants to homeschool full time for high school doing primarily online courses. Younger ds only homeschooled for preschool. He has been here for kindy, first and second grade. He loves it! They are total opposites. Older ds is an introvert, doesn't like to be around groups for very long, not athletic, not that social, etc. Younger ds is very social, hates to be alone for any length of time, very athletic, etc. If we left here to go back to the U.S. and homeschool, older ds would be thrilled and younger ds would be crushed. Stay here and older ds is miserable but younger ds is happy. So we thought about staying here and just letting older ds take online classes full time (we have a nanny for our baby girl so there is an adult in the house at all times and he is a responsible kid). What do you think? Have you split your kids up like this before for education? Did it work out ok?
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